fredag 30 oktober 2015

Svenska statens TV levererar rent judehat till barnen.

Varför Sverige är EUs mest antisemitiska nation är lätt att förstå.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Swedish state TV airs children’s program glorifying ISIS

ByPAMELA GELLER on October 27, 2015

Here we see the islamization of Swedish culture and the norming of savagery and barbarism for the sake of Allah.
Sweden PBS paying homage to this century’s Nazi salute.
Watch this video: One Finger to Allah Swedish state TV airs children’s program glorifying notorious ISIS gesture, Liveleak (thanks to Frederick) Videon syns där just nu.
Here is just a small sampling of Islamic State jihadists making the jihad gesture:
afton nolanAmerican Muslim Jakeem Nolen, who beheaded co-worker Colleen Hufford in Oklahoma, making the Islamic State finger gesture
headsISISisis finger 4finger-copy
issi finger saluteISIS hand signal
isis finger

jihad john fingerislamic state finger 2isis kids

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