lördag 28 februari 2015

IAEA säger att en Iransk kärnvapenraket snart kan landa på Statshuset - de har ingen aning.

Eller för att specificera lite, IAEA, det internationella rådet för att kontrollera kärnvapenproduktion, har inte på länge fått undersöka de relevanta ställena i Iran och Syrien. Obama är så belåten ändå även om han är nervös för att Netanyahu ska avslöja hans sätt att lura hela världen. Men han vägrar också diskutera det utan kör på som den diktator här, utan kunskaper i ämnet. Kerry
pekar på sin förvirrade hjärna och spelar papegoja till Obongon och tackar för den miljon han får om året för totalt svammel. Vem är mest intelligent?

Här en artikel av den kända Dore Gold.

Världens rör sig mot en dålig affär

Bara förra veckan utfärdade Internationella atomenergiorganet, som övervakar Irans deklarerade kärnanläggningar, sin senaste rapport. Liksom i tidigare rapporter fortsätter Irans lager av låganrikat uran från alla sina kärntekniska anläggningar tillsammans att växa - de förstås nu vara på 14.174 kg (£ 31.248).

Rapporten säger inte detta, men en snabb beräkning leder till följande störande slutsats: De cirka 8.000 kg (£ 17.637) av denna mängd som redan är i gasform och kan injiceras i centrifuger för ytterligare anrikning är tillräcklig för åtminstone sju atombomber. Hastigheten med vilken iranierna kunde göra detta beror till stor del på antalet centrifuger alla framtida avtal gör det möjligt för dem att hålla.

Men den mest oroande delen av den nya rapporten har att göra med den pågående oron för IAEA med vad man kallar "de möjliga militära dimensionerna" av det iranska kärnprogrammet. Den hänvisar till "hemlig kärnrelaterad verksamhet", som innebär militärrelaterade organisationer. Enligt rapporten omfattar denna verksamhet  "utvecklingen av en kärnkraftsnyttolast för en missil." Med andra ord, iranskt arbete med en nukleär stridsspets.

IAEA hänvisar till en detaljerad studie presenterad för några år sedan under 2011 om detta ämne. På den tiden avslöjas IAEA att iranierna arbetade på "avlägsnande av den konventionella höga explosiva lasten från stridsspets för Shahab 3 missil och ersätta den med en sfärisk nukleär nyttolast." Shahab 3-missilen, som togs i drift i den iranska krigsmakten 2003, har en räckvidd på 1.300 kilometer (808 miles) och kan nå Israel även när den lanseras från iranskt territorium.

Shahab 3 har också regelbundet visats i iranska militärparader. På missilbärare, på vilken den transporteras, är ett vanligt tecken som bifogas med skyltar som säger att "Israel måste utplånas från kartan" (vilket var fallet 2004) eller att "Israel måste förstöras" (som 2013).

Genom att presentera de uppgifter som de hade på de möjliga militära dimensioner i Irans kärnenergiprogram, motsäger IAEA helt Irans påstående om att det bara anrikar uran för civila ändamål, liksom produktionen av el från kärnreaktorer. Under 2011 kontrollerade IAEA noggrant de känsliga uppgifter som de fått om "en kärnladdning" och drog slutsatsen att det var "trovärdigt". Nu i sin senaste 2015 rapport, tillade IAEA att de hade sedan dess fått mer information som "bekräftar ytterligare analys" från 2011.

Men enligt den senaste IAEA-rapporten från förra veckan, gömmer Iran fortfarande sitt militära program. De vägrade att ge några detaljer om de farhågorna i tidigare IAEA-rapporter. Det vägrade också att ge IAEA tillträde till sin Parchin vapenanläggning, som väst upprepade hade begärt.

Istället manipuleras Teheran platsen som gör kontrollen av alla arbeten på kärnvapen svårare för inspektörerna i framtiden: Iranierna hällde asfalt på stora områden inne i Parchinkomplexet, vilket gör jordprover för att kontrollera förekomsten av radioaktivitet svåra att få. Utan någon baslinje på hur långt iranierna har kommit i sitt vapenarbete finns det inget sätt det nya avtalet kan täcka hela frågan om beväpning, och lämnar ett stort hål i något avtal.

Iran uppger föraktfullt  att alla dessa frågor som rör dess militära program var "bara påståenden och inte kan ifrågasättas."

Tyvärr kräver inte P5 + 1  klargörande från Iran om dess tidigare militära verksamhet som ett krav i sitt interimsavtal med Iran 2013. Ursprungligen då interims överenskommelsen nåddes, sände Vita Hust ett "faktablad" som angav att USA förstod att Iran skulle behöva ta itu med de militära dimensionerna av sitt kärnenergiprogram, däribland Parchin frågan.

Men det hände inte och ändå gick P5 + 1 med Iran, främst med fokus på urananrikning, och här bara delvis. En högt uppsatt amerikansk tjänsteman, som föredrog att vara anonym, betonade i en februari 2014 presskonferens i Wien, att denna viktiga fråga om Irans tidigare militära verksamhet var mellan IAEA och Iran, men var inte en del av överenskommelserna mellan P5 + 1 och Iran . Parchin illustrerade den iranska tendensen att gömma anläggningar från väst som senare upptäcks. Det visade varför det var så svårt att lita på iranierna att hålla sina skriftliga avtal.

Faktum Parchin var inte det enda problemet. Denna tisdag, den 24 februari, MEK - den iranska oppositionsgruppen som i det förflutna avslöjade många av Irans hemliga anläggningar, som Natantz och Arak - gjorde ännu en uppenbarelse om Irans kärntekniska program under en presskonferens i Washington. Det avslöjade en underjordisk anläggning nära Teheran kallad Lavizan-3, där Iran i hemlighet utvecklar en ny generation av centrifuger som kan anrika uran vid mycket högre hastigheter. [Ointressant för svenska media.]

USA har i flera år känt till om snabbare iranska centrifuger, men frågan som uppstår ur denna senaste uppenbarelse varför Iran var fast besluten att hålla produktionen av dessa snabba centrifuger en hemlighet. Kanske var anläggningen en del av ett parallellt kärnenergiprogram som skulle tillåta Iran att bryta sig ur eventuella begränsningar som inletts av det internationella samfundet i framtiden.

Det nya avtalet mellan Iran och P5 + 1 i sitt nuvarande tillstånd kommer att lämna Irans massiva kärnvapen-infrastruktur i stort sett intakt. Men om Parchin lär väst någon lektion, är det att Iran inte har lagt sina beväpningsansträngningar på förhandlingsbordet, inte heller kommer det. Inte heller har det gått med på att låta sina enorma ballistiska robotar att bli föremål för diskussion. Därför har israeliska talesmän sagt att Iran kommer att vara på tröskeln till att ha kärnvapen, och kan beskrivas som en tröskel-kärnkraft.

Otvivelaktigt finns det de i väst som är övertygade om att om Iran bryter sitt avtal och passerar tröskeln att montera ett kärnvapen skulle det omedelbart stå inför en stark reaktion som kan omfatta användning av våld. [FN:s Kapitel VII.]

Det finns ett enormt problem för alla som tror att det här sista steget att montera ett kärnvapen tillförlitligt kan upptäckas. Tidigare gjorde amerikanska försvarsministern Robert Gates detta den 11 april 2010, då han dök upp på det amerikanska nyhetsprogrammets "Meet the Press". Han förklarade: "Om deras politik är att gå till tröskeln men inte montera ett kärnvapen, hur ska du visa att de inte har monterat det,  jag vet inte hur man skulle kontrollera det?". Gates förstod hur underrättelseinsamling fungerade sedan han var chef för CIA under 1990-talet.

Den tidigare chefen för CIA, Michael Hayden, nådde en liknande slutsats i vittnesmål som han gav inför representanthusets utrikesfrågor Nov 20, 2014. Han berättade för kongressledamöter rakt på sak: "Frånvarande en invasiv inspektion, med frihet att besöka alla platser med kort varsel, kan amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten inte ge tillräcklig varning för iranska kärntekniska utvecklingen. " [Medan Obongon spelar golf.]

Kort sagt, skulle Iran skaffa kärnvapen utan att upptäckas om inte ett framtida avtal gav väst rätt att röra sig över hela Iran med kort notis. Med tanke på kampen om Parchin och andra webbplatser, finns det inget som tyder på att väst kommer att ha en inspektionsregim av detta slag.

The world moves toward a bad deal

Just last week, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitors Iran's declared nuclear facilities, issued its latest report. As in previous reports, Iran's stock of low-enriched uranium from all its nuclear facilities together continues to grow -- it is now understood to be at 14,174 kilograms (31,248 pounds).

The report does not say this, but a quick calculation leads to the following disturbing conclusion: The roughly 8,000 kilograms (17,637 pounds) of that amount that are already in a gaseous form and can be injected into centrifuges for further enrichment are sufficient for at least seven atomic bombs. The speed with which the Iranians could do this largely depends on the number of centrifuges any future agreement will allow them to keep.

But the most disturbing part of the new report has to do with the ongoing concern of the IAEA with what it calls "the possible military dimensions" of the Iranian nuclear program. It refers to "undisclosed nuclear related activities," which involve military-related organizations. According to the report, these activities include "the development of a nuclear payload for a missile." In other words, Iranian work on a nuclear warhead.

The IAEA refers to a detailed study it presented a few years ago in 2011 on this subject. At that time the IAEA disclosed that the Iranians were working on "the removal of the conventional high explosive payload from the warhead of the Shahab 3 missile and replacing it with a spherical nuclear payload." The Shahab 3 missile, which became operational in the Iranian armed forces in 2003, has a range of 1,300 kilometers (808 miles) and can reach Israel even when launched from Iranian territory.

The Shahab 3 has also been regularly displayed in Iranian military parades. On the missile carrier, on which it is transported, there is usually a sign attached stating that "Israel must be wiped off the map" (as was the case in 2004) or that "Israel must be destroyed " (as in 2013).

By presenting the data it possessed on the possible military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear program, the IAEA completely contradicted Iran's claim that it is only enriching uranium for civilian purposes, like the production of electricity from nuclear reactors. In 2011, the IAEA carefully checked the sensitive information it acquired about "a nuclear explosive device" and concluded it was "credible." Now in its latest 2015 report, the IAEA added that it had since that time received more information that "further corroborated the analysis" from 2011.

Yet according to the latest IAEA report from last week, Iran was still hiding its military program. It refused to provide any details about the concerns raised in past IAEA reports. It also refused to give the IAEA access to its Parchin weapons facility, which the West had repeatedly requested.

Instead, Tehran tampered with the site making verification of any work on nuclear weapons more difficult for inspectors in the future: The Iranians poured asphalt on large areas inside of the Parchin complex, making soil samples for checking the presence of radioactivity hard to obtain. With no baseline on how far the Iranians have progressed in their weapons work, there is no way the new agreement can cover the whole issue of weaponization, leaving a huge hole in any agreement.

Iran dismissively stated that all these issues related to its military program were "mere allegations and do not merit consideration."

Unfortunately, the P5+1 did not put the clarification by Iran of its past military activities as a requirement in its interim agreement with Iran in 2013. Originally, when the interim agreement was reached, the White House put out a "fact sheet" stating that the U.S. understood that Iran would have to address the military dimensions of its nuclear program, including the Parchin issue.

But that did not happen and nonetheless the P5+1 progressed with Iran nonetheless, focusing mainly on uranium enrichment, and here only partly. A senior U.S. official, who preferred to remain anonymous, stressed in a February 2014 press conference in Vienna, that this important issue of Iran's past military activities was between the IAEA and Iran but was not part of the understandings between the P5+1 and Iran. Parchin illustrated the Iranian tendency to hide facilities from the West that were later discovered. It showed why it was so difficult to trust the Iranians to keep their written agreements.

Indeed, Parchin was not the only problem. This Tuesday, on Feb. 24, the MEK -- the Iranian opposition group that disclosed in the past many of Iran's secret facilities, like Natantz and Arak -- made yet another revelation about the Iranian nuclear program during a press conference in Washington. It uncovered an underground facility near Tehran called Lavizan-3, where Iran was secretly developing a new generations of centrifuges that could enrich uranium at much greater speeds.

The U.S. has known for years about faster Iranian centrifuges, but the question that arises from this latest revelation is why Iran was determined to keep the production of these fast centrifuges a secret. Perhaps, the facility was part of a parallel nuclear program which would allow Iran to break out of any limitations that were instituted by the international community in the future.

The new agreement between Iran and the P5+1 that is presently being completed will leave Iran's massive nuclear infrastructure largely intact. But if Parchin teaches the West any lesson, it is that Iran has not put its weaponization efforts on the negotiating table, nor will it. Neither has it agreed to allow its huge ballistic missile forces to become a subject of discussion. For that reason, Israeli spokespeople have been saying that Iran will be at the threshold of having nuclear weapons, and can be described as a threshold nuclear power. Undoubtedly, there are those in the West who are convinced that if Iran violates its agreement and crosses the threshold to assemble a nuclear weapon it would immediately face a strong reaction which could include the use of force.

There is an enormous problem for anyone who thinks that this last stage of assembling a nuclear weapon can be reliably detected. Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates made this point on April 11, 2010, when he appeared on the American news show "Meet the Press." He stated: "If their policy is to go to the threshold but not assemble a nuclear weapon, how do you tell they have not assembled? I don't know how you would verify that." Gates understood how intelligence collection worked since he was head of the CIA in the 1990s.

The former head of the CIA, Michael Hayden, reached a similar conclusion in testimony he gave before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Nov. 20, 2014. He told the Congressmen bluntly: "Absent an invasive inspection regime, with freedom to visit all sites on short notice, American intelligence cannot provide adequate warning of Iranian nuclear developments."

In short, Iran could acquire nuclear weapons without being detected unless a future agreement gave the West the right to move all over Iran with little notification. Given the struggle over Parchin and other sites, there is no indication that the West will have an inspection regime of this sort.

Caroline Glick: Netanyahu har slutat ödmjuka sej för Obama.

Caroline Glick

Det är svårt att få armarna runt den envisa beslutsamheten hos premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu i dag. För de flesta av de nio år han verkat som Israels ledare, först 1996-1999 och nu sedan 2009, har Netanyahu ryggat inför konfrontationer eller gett vika under tryck. Han undertecknade avtal med palestinierna han visste palestinierna  aldrig skulle uppfylla i hopp om att vinna stöd från fientliga amerikanska administrationer och skaka upp patologiskt hatiska israeliska vänstermedia.

fredag 27 februari 2015

Varför talar bara Obama om hur fixa nästa Förintelse, inte Kina, Ryssland, Frankrike, England och Tyskland?

Nu när Netanyahu väckt upp USA om faran börjar Kongressen reagera. Här en artikel om eländet.

Rep King: Det kan finnas sätt att omöjliggöra Iranerbjudandet

Kongressledamoten Peter King berättar om Vita husets inställning till det kommande talet som "politik som värst."

. Rep King: Det kan finnas sätt att omöjliggöra Iranerbjudandet.

Av Uzi Baruch
Första Publikation: 2015/02/27, 13:00

‘The Prophet ordered us to get rid of statues and relics"

DN säger "Det handlar om terror – inte religion", direkt plockat från Heliga Obamas mun.  Vem tror du mest på? Vad de muslimska terroristerna själva säger eller hur DN:s Erik Ohlsson tolkar deras munrörelser?

När de Egyptiska salafisterna, några av de värsta islamisterna där Som Sisi inte får röja upp för Västmakterna, ville spränga pyramiderna i luften eftersom de inte var muslimska, hade det inte med islam att göra? link1 link2 link3  DN ser igen som helst förbindelse med islam, tala om att förvrida svenskars sinne.

I allmänhet ser vi en strid ström av förvridna lögner från DN till de muslimska terroristernas försvar, i Obamastil. När EU-stater försöker försvara sig mot terror hånar DN dem, länk1 länk2. De kommenterar inte att Sverige inte gör ett skvatt utan tillsätter utredningar. Hur stoppar Sverige ISIS och deras anhängare? Det är bara att vandra rakt in. Hur länge ska vi vänta tills det smäller i Malmö, Göteborg eller Stockholm? Innehållet i ett museum i Stockholm är i småbitar och ingen har en aning om vem som gjort det och kam inte gissa?

Som i Bibeln kan tolkningar ha vandrat långt ifrån orden. Se t.ex. vad islamkännaren Spencer skriver på länk. Men snart är väl inte heller Koranen islam för DN.

torsdag 26 februari 2015

Varna EU:s museer nu när de släpper in ISIS. ISIS älskar att förstöra dom. Video.

Har Sverige än satt upp totalstopp för alla ISIS-gubbar som nu kommer att ta tåget upp från Italien? Har de full koll över alla i ISISmedlemmar som tränat hos ISIS och nu sitter i terapi på statens bekostnad?

De visar ISLAM, inte nån "avart".

Hm, ser nu efter skrivandet att DN också hittat denna show av vad ISLAM är. Några EU-länder gör tafatta försök att dra in pass för några stycken, Sverige ska utreda problemet nåt år. Tips till ISIS - ta tåget till Stockholm i morgon.

[videolänk]  YouTube hara flera upplagor om du söker efter  get rid of statues and relics.

 Här artikeln där jag såg videon.

BAGHDAD . Islamic militants in northern Iraq have destroyed a collection of statues and sculptures dating back thousands of years, according to a video published online in the name of the radical Islamist group.

The video showed the statues, some identified as antiquities from Iraq's 7th century BC Assyrian era, being toppled, smashed and broken up by sledgehammer. A man shown in the video said they were being destroyed because they promoted idolatry.

"The Prophet ordered us to get rid of statues and relics, [det är alltså ren Islam vad än Obongon säger] and his companions did the same when they conquered countries after him," the unidentified man said.

The articles destroyed appeared to come from an antiquities museum in the northern city of Mosul, which was overrun by Islamic State last June, a former employee at the museum told Reuters. 

Hamas sätter upp "Befrielsearme" och tackar EU för all hjälp.


Jag minns inte hur snabbt nazisterna tog över en stor del av europeernas tankeförmåga men nu gör EU exakt samma sak och lika snabbt. Jag tänker fortfarande på fiction-böckerna jag har läst om Svart Magi under Hitlertiden, ett ont svårförklarat inflytande på hela flocken i Europa. Samma antisemitiska dyngtäcke ligger över Europa av idag och massor av politiker verkar totalt absurda.

De hatar judarna, de hatar Israel och genomför väldigt transparenta åtagärder för att mörda judar. De hjälper Hamas på olika sätt, som artikeln handlar om, skriven av en palestinier som lever i Israel eftersom han inte får berätta sanningen annars. Lyckas Hamas säger EU "hoppsan". Minns du att det roliga EU lovade bevaka gränsen till Gaza? Har ett skvatt hänt mer än att det dragit en massa pengar?

Hamas Formar en "befrielsearmé" i Gaza, Tack vare EU: s stöd

av Khaled Abu Toameh
21 januari 2015 klockan 5:00


Den palestinska islamistiska rörelsen i Gazaremsan, Hamas, har intensifierat sina ansträngningar för att uppnå förstörelsen av Israel.
Hamas har uppenbarligen tolkat dessa två beslut - genom EU-domstolen (att ta bort Hamas från listan över terrororganisationer) och Internationella brottmålsdomstolen - som ett grönt ljus för att gå vidare med sina planer på att eliminera Israel.
Det främsta målet för Hamas "befrielsearmé" är naturligtvis att förbereda sig för krig mot Israel, enligt Hamas talesman Mushir al-Masri. "Huvudsyftet med dessa träningsläger är att förbereda en armé för befrielsen av Palestina och dess heliga platser inom en snar framtid."
EU-domstolen som tog bort Hamas från sin lista över terrorgrupper har begått ett brott inte bara mot Israel utan också mot de palestinska tonåringar som utbildas som jihadister i rörelsens läger i  hela Gazaremsan [betalat av UNRWA, där Sverige betalar mer än 10 gånger EU-genomsnittet].
Den lyckliga känslan bland Hamas ledare är att européerna och ICC hjälper dem att uppnå sina mål att utplåna Israel från jordens yta.

Flytande med hjälp av det senaste beslutet av EU:s toppdomstol att ta bort Hamas från EU:s lista över terrorgrupper, har den palestinska islamistiska rörelsen i Gazaremsan intensifierat sina ansträngningar för att uppnå förstörelsen av Israel.

Hamas har vidare uppmuntrats av Internationella brottmålsdomstolens [ICC] senaste beslut att inleda en preliminär granskning om påstådda israeliska "krigsförbrytelser" i de palestinska områdena.

Hamas har uppenbarligen tolkat dessa två beslut - av EU domstolen och ICC - som ett grönt ljus för att gå vidare med sina planer på att eliminera Israel. Hamas är övertygade om att dessa beslut kommer att föra det närmare att uppnå sitt mål.

Det är därför som Hamas nu har börjat rekrytera tusentals palestinska ungdomar till sin nya "befrielsearmé" i Gazaremsan.

Hamas kampanj med titeln, "Frihetens Förtrupp", syftar till att rekrytera unga män vars åldrar varierar mellan 15 och 21.

Hittills har Hamas rekryteringsprogram lockat hundratals ungdomar från Gazaremsan som enligt rörelsen, kommer att bilda kärnan för den nya "befrielsearmén."

De nyanställda kommer att genomgå militär utbildning i händerna på medlemmarna i Hamas väpnade gren, Izaddin al-Qassam.

Det huvudsakliga målet med "befrielsearmén" är naturligtvis att förbereda sig för krig mot Israel, enligt Hamas talesman Mushir al-Masri.

"Huvudsyftet med dessa träningsläger är att förbereda en armé för befrielsen av Palestina och dess heliga platser inom en snar framtid", sade han. "Det stora valdeltagandet är ett tecken på att vårt folk har godkänt möjligheten av motstånd mot ockupationen, särskilt i efterdyningarna av våra senaste segrar."

Al-Masri uttryckte "djup tillfredsställelse" med det stora antalet palestinska ungdomar som har anmält intresse att gå in i Hamas nya armé. Han noterade att registreringscentra har öppnats i olika delar av Gazaremsan, särskilt i moskéer.

Vad som är oroande om Hamas kampanj är det faktum att vissa palestinska föräldrar har uppmuntrat sina söner att gå med i "Liberation Army."

[bild nedan]

Förberedelserna för inrättandet av "befrielsearmén" sker i en tid då Hamas klagar över bristen på stöd för att rekonstruera Gazaremsan i efterdyningarna av den senaste militära konfrontationen med Israel.

Istället för att rikta sina resurser och insatser mot återuppbyggnaden av Gazaremsan, rekryterar Hamas palestinska tonåringar för sin jihad mot Israel. Hamas kommer att använda dessa tonåringar och civila palestinier som mänskliga sköldar i nästa krig med Israel.

Hamas fortsätter att leda palestinierna mot en väg av förstörelse och död. Mahmud Abbas palestinska myndighet, som undertecknade en avstämningspakt med Hamas förra året, kan inte undgå ansvar för Hamas agerande, speciellt med tanke på att de två parterna är en del av den palestinska "nationella konsensusregeringen."

Men Hamas och Abbas känner att européerna och många andra i det internationella samfundet inte riktigt bryr sig om deras utnyttjande och indoktrinering av palestinska barn.

Det är värt att notera att Abbas och hans palestinska myndighet har misslyckats med att komma ut mot Hamas drive för att bilda en "befrielsearmé." Detta beror på att de antingen godkänner Hamas planer eller är för rädda för att uttrycka sitt motstånd mot en plan som verkar vinna brett stöd bland palestinska familjer i Gaza.

Istället för att komma ut mot Hamas planer, är Abbas upptagen med vad hans rådgivare beskriver som det "palestinska rättskrigert" mot Israel i FN, ICC och andra internationella fora. Medan Abbas utkämpar sitt "juridiska krig" gör Hamas riktiga förberedelser för sin andra slag, nämligen att förstöra Israel.

EU-domstolen som taog bort Hamas från sin lista över terrorgrupper har begått ett brott inte bara mot Israel utan också mot det palestinska tonåringar som för närvarande utbildas till jihadister i rörelsens läger hela Gazaremsan. ICC Beslutet att inleda en preliminär undersökning av israeliska "krigsförbrytelser" i de palestinska områdena bör ses som en gåva till Hamas och dess supportrar.

Hamas ledare var de första att välkomna ICC-draget, kallar det ett "steg i rätt riktning." De erbjöd även att förse ICC med "tusentals dokument" om påstådda israeliska krigsförbrytelser [som också Goldstone blev översköljd av tack vare extremvänstern i Israel].

Hamas har all anledning att vara nöjd med européerna och ICC. Känslan hos Hamas ledare är att européerna och ICC hjälper den islamistiska rörelsen uppnå sitt mål att utplåna Israel från jordens yta.

Följ Khaled Abu Toameh på Twitter

Hamas Forms "Liberation Army" in Gaza, Thanks to EU Support

by Khaled Abu Toameh

January 21, 2015 at 5:00 am


The Palestinian Islamist movement in the Gaza Strip, Hamas, has intensified its efforts to achieve the destruction of Israel.
Hamas has obviously interpreted these two decisions -- by the EU court (to remove Hamas from the list of terror organizations) and the International Criminal Court -- as a green light to proceed with its plans to eliminate Israel.
The main goal of Hamas's "Liberation Army" is, of course, to prepare for war against Israel, according to Hamas spokesman, Mushir al-Masri. "The main purpose of these training camps is to prepare an army for the liberation of Palestine and its holy sites in the near future."
The EU court that removed Hamas from its list of terror groups has committed a crime not only against Israel, but also against the Palestinian teenagers who are being trained as jihadists in the movement's camps throughout the Gaza Strip.
The happy feeling among Hamas leaders is that the Europeans and the ICC are helping them achieve their goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.

Buoyed by the recent decision of the EU's top court to remove Hamas from the EU's list of terror groups, the Palestinian Islamist movement in the Gaza Strip has intensified its efforts to achieve the destruction of Israel.

Hamas has further been emboldened by the International Criminal Court's [ICC] latest decision to launch a preliminary examination into alleged Israeli "war crimes" in the Palestinian territories.

Hamas has obviously interpreted these two decisions – by the EU court and the ICC – as a green light to proceed with its plans to eliminate Israel. Hamas is convinced that these decisions will bring it closer to achieving its goal.

That is why Hamas has now begun recruiting thousands of Palestinian youths to its new "Liberation Army" in the Gaza Strip.

The Hams campaign, entitled, "Vanguards of Liberation," is aimed at recruiting young men whose ages range between 15 and 21.

So far, the Hamas recruitment program has attracted hundreds of youths from the Gaza Strip who, according to the movement, will form the nucleus for the new "Liberation Army."

The new recruits will undergo military training at the hands of members of Hamas's armed wing, Izaddin al-Qassam.

The main goal of the "Liberation Army" is, of course, to prepare for war against Israel, according to Hamas spokesman Mushir al-Masri.

"The main purpose of these training camps is to prepare an army for the liberation of Palestine and its holy sites in the near future," he said. "The large turnout is a sign that our people have endorsed the option of resistance against the occupation, especially in the aftermath of our recent victories."

Al-Masri expressed "deep satisfaction" with the large number of Palestinian youths who have registered to join Hamas's new army. He noted that registration centers have been opened in various parts of the Gaza Strip, particularly in mosques.

What is disturbing about Hamas's campaign is the fact that some Palestinian parents have been encouraging their sons to join the "Liberation Army."

At one registration center in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, a woman showed up with her 15-year-old son, who told the Hamas operatives: "My dream is to become a jihadist."

"My dream is to become a jihadist." A woman accompanies her son to sign up for the Hamas "Liberation Army" in the Gaza Strip, January 2015.

The preparations for the establishment of the "Liberation Army" are taking place at a time when Hamas is complaining about the lack of support for reconstructing the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of the last military confrontation with Israel.

Instead of directing its resources and efforts toward the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, Hamas is recruiting Palestinian teenagers for its jihad against Israel. Hamas will use these teenagers and Palestinian civilians as human shields in the next war with Israel.

Hamas is continuing to lead Palestinians toward the path of destruction and death. Mahmoud Abbas's Palestinian Authority, which signed a reconciliation pact with Hamas last year, cannot avoid responsibility for Hamas's actions, especially given the fact that the two parties are part of the Palestinian "national consensus government."

But Hamas and Abbas feel that the Europeans and many others in the international community do not really care about the exploitation and indoctrination of Palestinian children.

It is worth noting that Abbas and his Palestinian Authority have failed to come out against Hamas's drive to form the "Liberation Army." This is because they either approve of Hamas's plans or are too scared to voice their opposition to a plan that seems to be winning wide support among Palestinian families in the Gaza Strip.

Instead of coming out against Hamas's plans, Abbas is busy with what his advisors describe as the "Palestinian legal war" against Israel in the UN, ICC and other international forums. While Abbas is waging his "legal war," Hamas is making real preparations for its other battle, namely the destruction of Israel.

The EU court that removed Hamas from its list of terror groups has committed a crime not only against Israel, but also against the Palestinian teenagers who are currently being trained as jihadists in the movement's camps throughout the Gaza Strip. The ICC decision to launch a preliminary examination of Israeli "war crimes" in the Palestinian territories should be seen as a gift to Hamas and its supporters.

Hamas leaders were the first to welcome the ICC move, calling it a "step in the right direction." They even offered to provide the ICC with "thousands of documents" regarding alleged Israeli war crimes.

Hamas has every reason to be happy with the Europeans and the ICC. The feeling among Hamas leaders is that the Europeans and the ICC are helping the Islamist movement achieve its goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth.
Follow Khaled Abu Toameh on Twitter

onsdag 25 februari 2015

Varflr sjunker oljepriserna och vem vinner och vem förlorar?

Jag läser just en intressant artikel om det, se länk. Många punkter i världsekonomin beror på detta och när enskilda länder ska bedöma deras framtida strategi för att inte förlora för mycket, gäller det att känna till de olika faktorerna.

De olje/gasproducerade länderna måste förstås styra sin strategi till vad som kan löna sig inom den närmsta framtiden när de har uppfyllt landets behov.

Mycket av världsekonomin har länge styrts av USAs oljeköp från de oljerika Gulfstaterna, sen blev det en revolution när USA började bli självförsörjande på olja. Sedan tog terrororganisationer överallt fler oljekällor i Gulfen och Nordafrika, ISIS är världens rikaste terrororganisation och kör till svarta börsen i Turkiet för att sälja. Ryssland har försökt få ett FN-förbud för denna trafiken.

Israel är demokratiskt och har mycket gas och snart olja - gömt i skiffer  där de har nästan lika mycket olja som Saudiarabien. De arbetar på att få fram en ekologisk process att ta fram det, och lyckas de bra lär de kunna tjäna stora summor på att sälja processen till länder med mycket skiffer som Kina.

Läs vidare i artikeln!

Amerikansk kongressman trakasserad av muslimer på Judendomens Heligaste Plats.

Amerikansk kongressman och hans son trakasseras av muslimer på Tempelplatsen, de kroppsvisitseras av både israelisk och muslimsk polis.

Netanyahu gör inte ett dyft. Hamas och andra terrorister betalar kvinnorna för att stå där och skrika och vråla.

Alla löften från USA till Israel som aldrig uppfylldes. Obama fortsätter i samma spår.

En översikt över ett antal löften som har med Israels existens att göra, som USA givit men sen helt vägrat att uppfylla. Israel har ingen anledning att tro på Obamas "försäkringar" nu om att han skulle se till att Iran inte producerade kärnvapen. De håller just på. En grupp i iran har just berättat om en ny okänd kärnanläggning, samma grupp som rapporterade kärnutvecklingen i Iran innan, när USA officiellt sa att Iran hade slutat med sådant otyg. Länk.

"Assurances" from Obama Won't Protect Israel

The history of U.S.-Israel relations is replete with similar episodes.

Published: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 12:50 PM

Israel should accept a "nuclear guarantee" from the Obama administration and stop worrying about Iran's nuclear capabilities, says longtime State Department peace processor Martin Indyk.

What a coincidence! Just last November Indyk's former right-hand man, David Makovsky, proposed the exact same thing.

Do we detect a trial balloon?

Indyk and Makovsky are conjuring up a kind of Groundhog Day for Israel, where the same mistakes are repeated again and again.
In a speech in Tel Aviv on February 16, Indyk said the U.S. promised to intervene if Iran crossed the "nuclear threshold," and that promise should suffice to ease Israel's concerns. In other words, Israel should entrust its future to a piece of paper signed by a president who has been, arguably, the most unfriendly president towards Israel in American history.

In November, something similar was proposed by David Makovsky, who served Indyk as his senior assistant when Indyk was the top U.S. Mideast envoy this past year. Makovsky and Indyk spent many months pressuring Israel to make one-sided concessions, criticizing Israel's leaders in choreographed leaks to the media, and ignoring the Palestinian Authority's incitement to violence. After the PA finally blew up the negotiations, Indyk resigned , while publicly blaming Israel for the breakdown, and Makovsky returned to his old home, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

Writing on the Washington Institute web site, Makovsky expressed concern about Israel's opposition to an Obama deal on Iran. Therefore, he wrote, "It is imperative" that the Obama administration provide "a U.S. letter of assurance to Israel on key issues that cannot be addressed in the text of nuclear deal with Iran itself."

But in view of the sorry record of previous American “assurances,” Israelis would have to be pretty naive to accept yet more short-lived “assurances” now.

Remember President George W. Bush's letter to then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, on April 14, 2004? Bush wanted Sharon to unilaterally withdraw all Israeli soldiers and civilians from Gaza. So he gave Sharon a letter in which he "reassured" Israel that the U.S. believes Israel should retain "existing major Israeli population centers" in Judea-Samaria (the West Bank).

But when Obama's new secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, was asked in June 2009 about those U.S. assurances, she declared that "there never was any agreement" between the U.S. and Israel concerning those Israeli population centers in the territories. Israel's publication of the Bush letter (which can be viewed to this day on the website of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs) made no difference. In the view of the Obama administration, the Bush assurance is not worth the paper on which it was printed.

The history of U.S.-Israel relations is replete with similar episodes.

After Israel captured the Sinai peninsula from Egypt in the 1956 war, the Eisenhower administration demanded that Israel give Sinai back to Nasser. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles provided the Israeli government with a letter, dated February 11, 1957, promising that if Israel retreated, the U.S. would "use its best efforts" to ensure that Israeli ships would be able to continue going through the Straits of Tiran. Based on that assurance, Israel withdrew.

In May 1967, Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran in preparation for a war to annihilate the Jewish state. Israeli ambassador Abba Eban rushed to meet with President Lyndon Johnson. Eban cited the 1957 Dulles letter. Johnson refused to intervene. War followed.

From 1968 to 1970, Egypt regularly fired missiles at Israel, across the Suez Canal, which was the border. Naturally the Israelis shot back. The Nixon administration wanted Israel to agree to a cease-fire that would leave Egypt's SAM-2 and SAM-3 surface-to-air missiles in place. So the administration gave Israel "assurances" that "the U.S. would use all its influence" to ensure that Egypt's missiles would stay twenty miles from the Suez Canal. The deal was signed on August 7, 1970.

Within days, the Egyptians started moving up the missiles. Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird said the U.S. would "study" Israel's complaints. The "study" concluded that Egypt had indeed moved the missiles, but it didn't count as a violation of the agreement because the process of moving them had already begun before the agreement, so Egypt had just "missed the deadline." The administration said it would not act so long as the overall "military balance" between Israel and Egypt was not affected.

But it WAS affected. With the Egyptian missiles close to the Suez Canal, they were able to wreak havoc on Israeli forces in the opening days of the 1973 war. By then, however, the "assurances" of 1970 were long forgotten.

Now Indyk and Makovsky are conjuring up a kind of Groundhog Day for Israel, where the same mistakes are repeated again and again. If this had been just Indyk, or just Makovsky, making the proposal, perhaps it could be dismissed as a passing suggestion. But the fact that they have both proposed it, within fewer than three months of each other, strongly suggests that this is what they, and their State Department colleagues, have been discussing. And now they are trying to shop it around. But the only buyers they will find will be those with very short memories.

DN uttrycker rent antisemitiska åsikter, lagda i annans mun.

Såg du DN:s snutt om Amnesty? Den började bra, alla måste tycka att folkmord inte får tystas ner. Sen drog de mitt i alltihop upp Israel som om de ägnade sig åt folkmord utan en enda israelisk folkmördad  i synhåll. Hade inte DN hållit med hade de inte behövt ha med det lilla ordet Israel bland folkmordsbenägna.

Däremot har Hamas och Fatah tävlat vem som är bäst på folkmord av judar - se länk. Ett mycket ospecifikt undersökningssätt är att söka efter orden Hamas resp. Fatah på sidan, Hamas ger 130 träffar och Fatah 115. Det anger att de är ungefär lika när det gäller antisemitiska mord.

Aldrig någonsin något om det i våra massmedia.

Det är vad våra pensionspengar går till tack vare regeringen. Regeringen gav Abbas 1.5 miljarder kronor i fickpengar utan några som helst krav. De ger också via EU, till antisemitiska hatspridare. Till UNRWA ger Sverige mer än 10 gånger EU-genomsnittet per invånare. Vilket leder till att de aldrig får jobb eller chans att betala skatt. Det är ren förvaring. Deras lärarkår i skolorna i Gaza är nästan uteslutande Hamas så vad undervisningen handlar om är lätt att förstå. Betald av Sverige. Exempel:

PalAraberna får enorma mängder av bidrag som bara försvinner ner i ett svart dyhål. Länk.

Så vem betalar DN att ägna sig åt rå antisemitism?

ISIS laddar upp i Libyen för attack mot Europa.

För en ISIS-terrorist är det en smal sak att komma från Libyen till Italien, och med pengar i fickan behöver han inte stoppa vid flyktinguppsamlingsläger. Bara ta tåget till Stockholm, är han inne i Schengen stoppar ingen honom, särskilt inte en svensk gränsvakt.

Men svenska massmedia och politiker är ointresserade som alltid.

Jämför när Obama fick för sej, mot Kongressen, att han kände för att avliva Khaddafi som höll landet mycket stabilare än det näste av terrorgrupper som är där nu. Då hjälpte EU gärna till nu när EU verkligen hotas händer inte ett skvatt.Libyen:

Kina börjar bli en maktfaktor i Mellanöstern, som Israel kan ta fördel av.

Obama har givit upp om Mellanöstern, bara en enda stor båt kvar i Persiska Viken. Kärnvapenparaplyet Hillary gaggat om har blåst bort. Obama har varit den som aktivt har hotat Israel, se till exempel om du Googlar på Obama reveals Israeli secrets får du 20 miljoner träffar. Börja läs, en del är relevanta.

Ryssland och Kina är pragmatiska, vad som är bra för dem själva och i förbifarten är bra för andra är OK. Inte aktivt fientliga mot Israel som Obongon. Ryssland behöver pengar så säljer vapen till Iran, Lieberman var i Moskva och diskuterade läget på ryska häromdagen. Diskuterade de när och var Israel enklast kunde eliminera vapnen? Ingen vet. Kina är pragmastiskt på annat sätt, säljer mindre vapen till Turkiet, handlar med alla, investerar mycket i Israel inkl. järnväg från Eilat till Ashkelon för att avhjälpa den överbelastade Suezkanalen, där Hamas/ISIS skjuter prick på kinesernas båtar. Kan förbivägen genom Israel fås inte mycket dyrare, kommer där att bli massor av trafik som Israel kan tjäna höga transitavgifter på.

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Du får en Googleruta på sidan där du stoppar in i rutan vad du vill översätta, antingen hela texten eller webbadressen, som http://israelisverige.blogspot.se/2015/02/kina-bor1jar-bli-en-maktfaktor-i.html för denna sidan.
På högersidan se till att Swedish är förprickat. Sen bara klicka translate och se resultatet. Googleöversätta svenska till svenska blir mindre förståeligt.

Läs nu nedanstående artikel, "Kinas utveckling till en maktfaktor och Israels möjligheter".

China’s Emergence as a Middle Eastern Power and Israel’s Opportunity

By David P. GoldmanFebruary 1, 2015

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 284

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: China’s “New Silk Road” is Beijing’s latest project aimed at creating a belt of railroads, highways, pipelines and broadband communications stretching through China to the West, and a “maritime Silk Road” combining sea routes with port infrastructure from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean. This project comes at a point where the role of the US in the Middle East is declining, and it is likely that China will aspire to adopt a larger role in the region. Israel’s geographical position and technological advances makes it possible for Israel to play a bridgehead role in the project, and the opportunity to shape Chinese thinking and strategy in the region for decades to come.

China’s “New Silk Road” might become history’s most ambitious investment in infrastructure. Some Chinese strategists predict an Israeli role in the project on par with, or possibly even more important, than that of Turkey. China calls the project “One Belt and One Road,” referring to a belt of railroads, highways, pipelines and broadband communications stretching through China to the West, and a “maritime Silk Road” combining sea routes with port infrastructure from the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean.

Israel’s location makes it possible for the Jewish state to “play the role of bridgehead for ‘One Belt and One Road’ with the completion of the ‘Red-Med’ rail project,” said Dr. Liu Zongyi at a November seminar at Remnin University. Dr. Liu based at the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, spoke of a $2 billion, 300 km rail line linking Ashkelon with the Red Sea. The “Red-Med” project is usually presented in more modest terms, as a way of absorbing excess traffic from the Suez Canal, or an alternative route in the event of political disruption.

What China calls “One Belt and One Road” proposes that China, with the Mediterranean on the East-West axis, will have the opportunity to create high-speed rail lines in Southeast Asia, India, and Africa. China aims to double its 12,000 kilometers of railway track by 2020, with high-speed lines comprising most of the expansion. It is building a rail network south through Thailand, Laos and Cambodia to Singapore, and west to Istanbul.

Some Chinese strategists see “Red-Med” as emblematic of a more ambitious design for the region. For example, Sino-Israeli collaboration aims to include counterterrorism and anti-piracy operations, as well as economic support for Arab countries. Israel can provide advanced technologies, such as in agricultural, to support the industrialization of the Middle East in the context of “One Belt and One Road.” The Chinese have even pointed out to Israel that their navy is conducting anti-pirate missions in the Indian Ocean and The Gulf of Aden that Israel can participate in.

The project implies a radical shift in China’s perceptions of regional security in the Middle East. China’s net oil imports have nearly tripled in the past decade, from 100 million tons per month in 2005 to nearly 300 million tons today, and most of the increase has come from the Persian Gulf. China’s dependence on Middle Eastern oil will continue to rise. Until recently, China was content to follow America’s lead on Gulf security. After the collapse of Syria and Iraq, however, China’s complacency has turned to concern, and China is seeking ways to enhance its regional security presence without, attempting to play a superpower role in the region.

There is a new consensus in China that the world’s second superpower will have to play a more central role in the Middle East. But the suddenness of America’s decline in the region has left China unprepared and unsure of its next steps, as Chinese analysts are quick to acknowledge in private conversations. China has joined the P5+1 negotiations with Iran and offered to become a fifth member of the Quartet (UN, US, Europe, Russia), but these are pro forma proposals to assert China’s interest in the region rather than a policy per se. In the past, China has voted with the Palestinians at the United Nations, and it will not alter its diplomatic position in the foreseeable future.

There is an overarching theme to Chinese policy, though, and it stems from China’s economic strengths. The transformation of the Eurasian landmass by high-speed transport and communications will lift large parts of the continent out of backwardness, China believes, and make long-term political stability possible. Building the New Silk Road, though, demands the suppression of security threats that could disrupt trade flows. In both respects Beijing is sizing up Israel as a strategic partner.

Not until 2014 did China come to the conclusion that the United States would fail to stop Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons. Under the assumption that it was working under an American security umbrella, Beijing attempted to maintain a delicate balance in its relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran. One Chinese analyst observes that although China’s weapons deliveries to Iran are larger in absolute terms than its sales to Saudi Arabia, it has given the Saudis its best medium-range missiles, which constitute a “formidable deterrent” against Iran.

As China sees the matter, its overall dependency on imported oil is rising, and the proportion of that oil coming from Iran and its perceived allies is rising as well. Saudi Arabia may be China’s biggest provider, but Iraq and Oman account for lion’s share of the increase in oil imports. China doesn’t want to rock the boat with either prospective adversary. That policy worked well when the US stood for surety for peace in the Persian Gulf, but it has reached its best-used-by date and Beijing is still considering what to do next.

Because China’s Middle East stance is in the midst of a grand reconsideration, Israel has an important window of opportunity to influence Chinese thinking. In the absence of a dominant American presence in the Persian Gulf, the risks of regional war and an interruption of China’s oil supplies will rise above the threshold of acceptability to Beijing,

How India will interact with the “New Silk Road” is not yet clear, but it seems increasingly likely that India and China will collaborate rather than quarrel. After President Xi Jinping’s September 2014 state visit to India, the new government of Narendra Modi may draw on Chinese expertise and financing to alleviate critical infrastructure bottlenecks. The two countries are negotiating a $33 billion high-speed rail scheme, for example, the first major improvement in a rail system built by the British in the 19th century. Economics trumps petty concerns over borders in the mountainous wasteland that separates the world’s two most populous nations.

There also is a strategic dimension to the growing sense of agreement between China and India. From India’s vantage point, China’s support for Pakistan’s army is a concern, but it cuts both ways. Pakistan remains at perpetual risk of tipping over towards militant Islam, and the main guarantor of its stability is the army. China wants to strengthen the army as a bulwark against the Islamic radicals, who threaten China’s Xinjiang province as much as they do India, and that probably serves India’s interests as well as any Chinese policy might.

Meanwhile the rise of Islamist extremism worries Beijing. At least a hundred, and perhaps many more, Chinese Uyghurs are reportedly fighting with Islamic State, presumably in order to acquire terrorist skills to bring back home to China. Chinese analysts have a very low opinion of the Obama administration’s approach to dealing with IS, but they do not have an alternative policy. There is an opportunity for low-profile but significant security cooperation between Israel and China.

China’s role in Egypt exemplifies how Beijing may use its economic muscle to contribute to regional stability. Egyptian President Fatah al-Sisi signed a “comprehensive strategic partnership” with China during his late-December state visit to Beijing. China envisions a second Suez Canal flanked by a high-speed rail line, as well as “cooperation in infrastructure, nuclear power, new energy, aviation, finance and other sectors,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in December. Israel may have a role in Sino-Egyptian cooperation. As aforementioned, Israel can provide advanced agricultural technologies to support the industrialization of Middle Eastern countries in the context of One Belt, One Road.

China’s policy-making is careful, conservative and consensus-driven. Its overriding concern is its own economy. The pace of transformation of the Middle East has surprised it, and it is trying to decide what to do next. What China will do in the future cannot be predicted. But it seems inevitable that China’s basic interests will lead it to far greater involvement in the region, all the more so as the US withdraws. Israel will remain an American ally, and this alliance strictly delimits the scope of Sino-Israeli collaboration. Within these limits, though, Israel has great room to maneuver, and the opportunity to help shape Chinese thinking and strategy in the region for decades to come.

David P. Goldman is a Managing Director at Reorient Group, a Hong-Kong based investment bank, and a member of the Board of Advisors of Sino-Israel Government Network and Academic Leadership (SIGNAL). His book How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam is Dying, Too) was published by Regency Press in September 2011. A volume of his essays on culture, religion and economics, It’s Not the End of the World – It’s Just the End of You, also appeared that fall, from Van Praag Press.

BESA Center Perspectives Papers are published through the generosity of the Greg Rosshandler Family

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(Photo Credit: From Author)

En annan artikel i ämnet här.

Tänk  dej själv om du kunde ta snabbtåg till Bangkok. 8000 km. Franska TGV minns jag klarar ca 250 km/h. Det innebär 10000/250 timmar, gör det lite längre för att följa ett spår. 40000/1000 = 40 timmar. En tågresa genom hela Asien på 40 tmmar hade några icke-businessresenärer gillat! För dem spelar det ingen roll eftersom de inte betalar resan själva. När jag tog trippen 1975 med förefintliga bussar och tåg tog det en vecka men var värt det! Vet du hur många och stora kackerlackerna var på den pakistanska järnvägsstationen?  Men soppan var god......

tisdag 24 februari 2015

70% av amerikanarna uppskattar Netanyahu.

Trots (eller tack vare) Obamas vansinniga uppförande på sistone mot Netanyahu står 70% av amerikanarna bakom Netanyahu.

Gallup poll: US public support for Israel not hurt by Iran flap


02/23/2015 21:49

Reflecting, perhaps, the tension between Netanyahu and Obama, the number of Democrats with a favorable view of Israel dropped from 74% last year to 60% today.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (L) with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, February 2, 2015. (photo credit:YONATAN ZINDEL/POOL)

Despite the current tension between the White House and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US support for Israel is at near record levels, according to a Gallup poll released on Monday.

According to the poll, seven in 10 Americans continue to view Israel favorably, and there has been no significant change in that number from a year ago, before the brouhaha over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

The poll, conducted between February 8 and February 11 among a random sample of 837 adults, found that 70 percent of Americans said they view Israel favorably (compared to 72% at the same time last year), and 62% said they sympathize more with Israel than the Palestinians (the same figure as last year).

By contrast, only 17% view the Palestinian Authority favorably (down from 19% last year) and only 16% are more sympathetic to the Palestinians (compared to 18% last year).

According to Gallup’s explanation of the results, these numbers suggest that neither the friction between Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama nor last summer’s conflict in Gaza significantly impacted on the US public’s perceptions toward Israel or the Palestinians.

Israel’s favorability rate now is significantly higher than it was in 1991, when tension was high between then US president George Bush and prime minister Yitzhak Shamir. At that point, only 47% of the public said they had a favorable view of Israel.

According to the poll, Republican support for Israel has increased from 2001 – when some 53% said they sympathized more with Israel than the Palestinians – to 83% this year. Democratic support has grown from 35% in 2001 to 48% this year.

Reflecting, perhaps, the tension between Netanyahu and Obama, the number of Democrats with a favorable view of Israel dropped from 74% last year to 60% today.

Likewise, the number of Democrats expressing more support for Israel than for the Palestinians dropped from 55% last year to 48% today. That was also the same percentage that expressed a similar sentiment in 2008, the year Obama was elected president.

The poll’s margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.

måndag 23 februari 2015

Iran fortsätter bygga kärnvapen under förhandlingarna som inte lett någonstans.

Iran fortsätter uveckla kärnvapen bakom ryggen på förhandlarna. IAEA får bara undersöka ställen som godkänts av Iran.

Andra artiklar: 

Iran vägrar svara på IAEAs frågor, BBC.

Netanyahu anklagar Iran, efter IAEA:s rapport (ovan) för att gömma kärnvapenanläggningar.

Varför Iran vill ha 50.000 centrifuger - detaljer.

 Han berättar det självklara att Obamas uppmuntan till Iran med ungefär: "gör vad ni vill bara ingen märker det, förrän efter min presidentperiod" Han vill att Iran ska ha klart ett vapen ett år efter hans avgång. 

Phased Iran nuke deal starting to take shape as sides convene,

 Deal would freeze enrichment but allow it to ramp up in future; no major breakthrough expected as US, Iranian negotiators meet for second day

BY BRADLEY KLAPPER AND GEORGE JAHN February 23, 2015, 3:08 pm 22

US and Iranian officials meeting in Geneva on February 23, 2015 (photo credit: US State Department)

GENEVA (AP) — The United States and Iran are working on a two-phase deal that clamps down on Tehran’s nuclear program for at least a decade before providing it leeway over the remainder of the agreement to slowly ramp up activities that could be used to make weapons.

Officials from some of the six-power talks with Iran said details still needed to be agreed on, with US and Iranian negotiators meeting Monday for the third straight day ahead of an end-of-March deadline for a framework agreement. US Secretary of State John Kerry joined the negotiations after arriving Sunday.

A breakthrough was not expected before Kerry returns to Washington later Monday. Still, Western officials familiar with the talks cited long-awaited progress on some elements that would have to go into a comprehensive deal. They described the discussions as a moving target, however, meaning changes in any one area would have repercussions for other parts of the negotiation.

The idea would be to reward Iran for good behavior over the last years of any agreement, gradually lifting constraints on its uranium enrichment program and slowly easing economic sanctions.

Iran says it does not want nuclear arms and needs enrichment only for energy, medical and scientific purposes, but the US fears Tehran could re-engineer the program to another potential use — producing the fissile core of a nuclear weapon.

The US initially sought restrictions lasting for up to 20 years; Iran had pushed for less than a decade. The prospective deal appears to be somewhere in the middle.

One variation being discussed would place at least 10-year regime of strict controls on Iran’s uranium enrichment program. If Iran complies, the restrictions would be gradually lifted over the last five years of such an agreement.

Iran could be allowed to operate significantly more centrifuges than the US administration first demanded, though at lower capacity than they currently run. Several officials spoke of 6,500 centrifuges as a potential point of compromise, with the US trying to restrict them to Iran’s mainstay IR-1 model instead of more advanced machines.

It would also be forced to ship out most of the enriched uranium it produces or change it to a form that is difficult to reconvert for weapons use. It takes about 1 ton of low-enriched uranium to process into a nuclear weapon, and officials said that Tehran could be restricted to an enriched stockpile of no more than 300 kilograms (about 700 pounds).

The officials represent different countries among the six world powers negotiating with Iran — the United States, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk publicly about the negotiations.

The UN nuclear agency would have responsibility for monitoring, and any deal would depend more on technical safeguards than Iranian goodwill to ensure compliance.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, center, arrives at the hotel prior to a bilateral meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif for a new round of Nuclear Talks, in Geneva, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015. (photo credit: AP/Keystone,Salvatore Di Nolfi)

But the accord will have to receive some sort of acceptance from the US Congress to be fully implemented. That is a tough sell given the hostility to any Iranian enrichment from most Republican and many Democratic lawmakers.

For the United States, the goal is to extend to at least a year the period that Iran would need to surreptitiously “break out” toward nuclear weapons development.

In exchange, Iran wants relief from the various layers of trade, financial and petroleum sanctions crippling its economy and the Americans are talking about phasing in such measures.

Several steps would come immediately through executive action by President Barack Obama, the officials said. Other penalties would be suspended, but not lifted, as Iran demonstrates its compliance with its obligations. A lesser amount of restrictions would stay in place until Congress acts to remove them permanently.

Progress also is being made on the status of Iran’s underground enrichment facility at Fordo and heavy water reactor at Arak, which potentially could produce enough plutonium for several nuclear weapons a year. Fordo could be turned into a research lab and Arak, which is close to completion, could be reconfigured to produce much less plutonium, officials said.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press.

Israel varnar PA om de inte betalar sin ofantliga elektricitetsskuld.

Men de varnar väldigt försiktigt: 45 minuters elavbrott till Jenin och Nablus, ungefär så man missar reklamen på TV.

En obetald räkning på ca 4 miljarder kronor frestar på och Abbas vägran att betala för israelisk elström - måste ju ha några konsekvenser. Han får redan mycket el och vatten som resultat av Osloavtalet, som han själv inte hållit, men han vill ju att alla ska beundra hans slips.

Vi får se vad nästa steg blir och om Abbas får för sej att betala åtminstone en del av skulden från hans sparkonto. Iran fortsätter uveckla kärnvapen bakom ryggen på förhandlarna. IAEA får bara undersöka ställen som godkänts av Iran.

Andra artiklar: 

Iran vägrar svara på IAEAs frågor, BBC.

Netanyahu anklagar Iran, efter IAEA:s rapport (ovan) för att gömma kärnvapenanläggningar.

Varför Iran vill ha 50.000 centrifuger - detaljer.

 Han berättar det självklara att Obamas uppmuntan till Iran med ungefär: "gör vad ni vill bara ingen märker det, förrän efter min presidentperiod" Han vill att Iran ska ha klart ett vapen ett år efter hans avgång. 

Phased Iran nuke deal starting to take shape as sides convene,

 Deal would freeze enrichment but allow it to ramp up in future; no major breakthrough expected as US, Iranian negotiators meet for second day

BY BRADLEY KLAPPER AND GEORGE JAHN February 23, 2015, 3:08 pm 22

US and Iranian officials meeting in Geneva on February 23, 2015 (photo credit: US State Department)

GENEVA (AP) — The United States and Iran are working on a two-phase deal that clamps down on Tehran’s nuclear program for at least a decade before providing it leeway over the remainder of the agreement to slowly ramp up activities that could be used to make weapons.

Officials from some of the six-power talks with Iran said details still needed to be agreed on, with US and Iranian negotiators meeting Monday for the third straight day ahead of an end-of-March deadline for a framework agreement. US Secretary of State John Kerry joined the negotiations after arriving Sunday.

A breakthrough was not expected before Kerry returns to Washington later Monday. Still, Western officials familiar with the talks cited long-awaited progress on some elements that would have to go into a comprehensive deal. They described the discussions as a moving target, however, meaning changes in any one area would have repercussions for other parts of the negotiation.

The idea would be to reward Iran for good behavior over the last years of any agreement, gradually lifting constraints on its uranium enrichment program and slowly easing economic sanctions.

Iran says it does not want nuclear arms and needs enrichment only for energy, medical and scientific purposes, but the US fears Tehran could re-engineer the program to another potential use — producing the fissile core of a nuclear weapon.

The US initially sought restrictions lasting for up to 20 years; Iran had pushed for less than a decade. The prospective deal appears to be somewhere in the middle.

One variation being discussed would place at least 10-year regime of strict controls on Iran’s uranium enrichment program. If Iran complies, the restrictions would be gradually lifted over the last five years of such an agreement.

Iran could be allowed to operate significantly more centrifuges than the US administration first demanded, though at lower capacity than they currently run. Several officials spoke of 6,500 centrifuges as a potential point of compromise, with the US trying to restrict them to Iran’s mainstay IR-1 model instead of more advanced machines.

It would also be forced to ship out most of the enriched uranium it produces or change it to a form that is difficult to reconvert for weapons use. It takes about 1 ton of low-enriched uranium to process into a nuclear weapon, and officials said that Tehran could be restricted to an enriched stockpile of no more than 300 kilograms (about 700 pounds).

The officials represent different countries among the six world powers negotiating with Iran — the United States, Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk publicly about the negotiations.

The UN nuclear agency would have responsibility for monitoring, and any deal would depend more on technical safeguards than Iranian goodwill to ensure compliance.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, center, arrives at the hotel prior to a bilateral meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif for a new round of Nuclear Talks, in Geneva, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015. (photo credit: AP/Keystone,Salvatore Di Nolfi)

But the accord will have to receive some sort of acceptance from the US Congress to be fully implemented. That is a tough sell given the hostility to any Iranian enrichment from most Republican and many Democratic lawmakers.

For the United States, the goal is to extend to at least a year the period that Iran would need to surreptitiously “break out” toward nuclear weapons development.

In exchange, Iran wants relief from the various layers of trade, financial and petroleum sanctions crippling its economy and the Americans are talking about phasing in such measures.

Several steps would come immediately through executive action by President Barack Obama, the officials said. Other penalties would be suspended, but not lifted, as Iran demonstrates its compliance with its obligations. A lesser amount of restrictions would stay in place until Congress acts to remove them permanently.

Progress also is being made on the status of Iran’s underground enrichment facility at Fordo and heavy water reactor at Arak, which potentially could produce enough plutonium for several nuclear weapons a year. Fordo could be turned into a research lab and Arak, which is close to completion, could be reconfigured to produce much less plutonium, officials said.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press.