söndag 31 maj 2015

Shakeds lagförslag om 20 års straff för stenkastning går snabbt genom Knesset för att bli lag.

Shakds lagförslag ska snabbt bli en mycket nödvändig lag mot alla arabiska livsfarliga stenkastare. Jag skrev innan om det här.

Bill upping prison sentence for rock-throwing moves to Knesset

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked plans to fast-track the legislative process to pass the bill, increasing the chances of conviction for rock-throwing and up the maximum penalty for to 10 or 20 years.
Youth holds stone as Palestinians clash with IDF in the West Bank. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Irans och Bildas nidteckningar,

Iran fortsätter sprida hatteckningar. De, liksom svenska Bilda är kända för sina nidteckningar för att förlöjliga Förintelsen, se https://israelintheworld.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/antisemitiska-hatbilder-fran-kristna-bilda-och-ahmadinejad-en-paminnelse/

Iran planerar en andra hatfest på samma sätt, link. Tänker Bilda hopa på det temat också?

Originellt nog tänker nu Iran förlöjliga ISIS på samma sätt - och på samma gång förlöjliga västvärlden.

Europas parlamentsledamoter fördömer palestinier efter avslöjande. Sverige ger mer av våra pensioner till att döda judar.

Parlamentariker i Holland, England och Tyskland har reagerat med bestörtning på bevis hur stora av deras donationer som går direkt till terror och mord av judar. Sverige skiter i det och ger bara mer och mer pengar till mord.

PMW Bulletins

European MPs condemn PA following PMW release of special report

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
May 25, 2015

PMW releases special report to European MPs

lördag 30 maj 2015

Utmärkt svensk översikt av rättsläget I Mellanöstern. Berndt Ekström

Det är trevligt att sådana faktaartiklar kan komma in i svenska massmedia med hjälp av lite skohorn och annat.

Israel har rätt till Gaza och Västbanken

Publicerad 23 maj 2010 Uppdaterad 11 juli 2014

Kunskapen om nutidshistoria brister på många håll och den som intresserar sig för Israel-Palestina-konflikten bör noga läsa FN-deklarationen från 1922. För trots en absurd situation med många resolutioner från flera av FN:s organ så är de israeliska rättigheterna till Gaza och Västbanken obestridliga, skriver Berndt Ekström i en replik.

Snart kan du ta ditt insulin som piller. Om du inte bojkottar Israel förstås.

Oramed submits protocol to FDA for phase IIb trial for oral insulin capsule

Israeli company set to change treatment for diabetes; largest study to date with over 30 clinical sites in the US to participate.

Oramed Pharmaceuticals hope to revolutionize treatment of diabetes with an oral insulin capsule. (Photo: Courtesy of Oramed Pharmaceuticals)

Israeli oral drug delivery specialist, Oramed Pharmaceuticals, has taken another step closer to the world’s first insulin pill when it announced this week that it has submitted the study protocol for the company’s Phase IIb trial of ORMD-0801, to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

ORMD-0801 is the company’s proprietary flagship product, an orally ingestible insulin capsule. Upon FDA approval, it will revolutionize the treatment of diabetes.

The Phase IIb study of ORMD-0801 for type 2 diabetics is designed to generate ample data for both efficacy and safety endpoints.

The double-blind, randomized study will recruit approximately 180 patients and has a 28-day treatment period.

The study has already received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and patient enrollment is expected to start in the short term, the company says in a statement.

Oramed Pharmaceuticals’ technology is based on over 30 years of research by top scientists at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center. The company is considered a technology pioneer in the field of oral delivery solutions for drugs currently delivered via injection.

Tune in to ISRAEL21c’s radio interview with Nadav Kidron, CEO of Oramed Pharmaceuticals, here.

HAMAS går med FN till Wallströms stora förtjusning.

Hamas frontgrupp skulle kunna få FN: s status

Palestinska Rättscentrum (PRC) också känd som en front för Muslimska Brödraskapet; kunde, om det godkänns, sitta i FN-debatter.

Av Tova Dvorin
Först Publicerat: 2015/05/29, 09:21

Palestinska terrorgrupper är inställda på att få ännu mer FN- legitimering den här veckan, enligt watchdog-gruppen Unwatch - den här gången i en kommitté för icke-statliga organisationer  (NGO) godkännande som leds främst av Iran.

En årlig konferens som hålls av 19-medlem-kommittén för icke-statliga organisationer hålls från maj 26 - 3 juni En av grupperna som övervägs för full status NGO inkluderar  den tillHamas bundna palestinska Rights Center (PRC).

BRC har varit värd för Hamas ledare på en regelbunden basis, enligt TheTelegraph, inklusive ärketerrorist Ismail Haniyeh.

Watchdog grupper övervakar Muslimska Brödraskapet har noterat att BRC:s ledare bland annat Ghassan Faour, en medlem av Hamas främre gruppen Interpal och Zaher Birawi, chefen för den pro-Hamas Al-Hiwar TV med anknytning till Muslimska Brödraskapets ledare i Storbritannien.

Meir Amit Intelligence och Terrorism Information Center har släppt en omfattande rapport om Kina också, och drar slutsatsen att gruppen är nära knuten till Hamas och Muslimska Brödraskapet, och att flera av dess medlemmar är terrorister som har flytt till Storbritannien.

Om certifierad som en icke-statlig organisation, skulle FN tillåta gruppen "att förvärva officiella FN-märken", enligt Unwatch, liksom "full tillgång till FN: s anläggningar och deltagande i debatter i New York, Genève och Wien, och, kanske mest avsevärt, global legitimitet. "

Enligt mötets officiella tidtabell har Kina ansökt om status NGO innan, och har avvisats.

En annan palestinsk grupp som också planeras att accepteras är Palestina Sport For Life, en sportgrupp med säte i Ramallah som har varit starkt täckt i medierna, inklusive The Guardian och Al-Jazeera, 2010-2012. Alla artiklar skildrar Israel med kraftigt hårdare tag mot den palestinska myndighetens (PA) idrott och friheter, och gängets ledare fördömde "ockupationen".

Hamas Front Group Could Receive UN Status

Palestinian Rights Center (PRC) also known as a front for Muslim Brotherhood; if approved, could sit in on UN debates.

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 5/29/2015, 9:21 AM

Palestinian Arab terror groups are set to receive even more United Nations (UN) legitimization this week, according to watchdog group UNWatch - this time, in a committee for non-governmental organization (NGO) approval headed primarily by Iran.

An annual conference being held by the 19-member Committee for NGOs is being held from May 26-June 3. One of the groups being considered for full NGO status includes the Hamas-linked Palestinian Rights Center (PRC).

The PRC has hosted Hamas leaders on a regular basis, according to theTelegraph, including arch-terrorist Ismail Haniyeh.

Watchdog groups monitoring the Muslim Brotherhood have noted that the PRC's leaders include Ghassan Faour, a member of Hamas front group Interpal, and Zaher Birawi, the head of the pro-Hamas Al-Hiwar TV with ties to Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the UK.

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has released anextensive report on the PRC as well, and concludes that the group is closely affiliated with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, and that several of its members are terrorists who have fled to Britain.

If certified as an NGO, the UN would allow the group "to acquire official UN badges," according to UNWatch, as well as "full access to UN facilities and participation in debates in New York, Geneva, and Vienna, and, perhaps most significantly, global legitimacy."

According to the meeting's official timetable, the PRC has applied for NGO status before, and has been rejected.

One other Palestinian Arab group also scheduled for consideration includes Palestine Sports For Life, a sports group based in Ramallah which has been heavily covered in the media, including the Guardian and Al-Jazeera, in 2010-2012. All of the articles portrayed Israel as heavily clamping down on Palestinian Authority (PA) sports activity and freedoms, and feature the group's leaders denouncing the "occupation."

fredag 29 maj 2015

Bekräftat: Hillary och Obama visste från början att Benghazi-attacken var från terrorister. Svenska media har sedan dess försökt hemlighålla detta.

Svenska media som DN försöker förhärliga Hillary med meterspalter utan att nämna ett dugg om allt negativt hon hittat på. Det har varit känt hela tiden men Obamaslickande amerikanska och svenska vänstermedia har gjort sitt bästa för att hemlighålla det. Här ett nytt klargörande reportage.

Confirmed: The State Department Knew Benghazi Was Terrorism Within Hours

Guy Benson | May 27, 2015

This isn't a "bombshell revelation" per se, because multiple strands of evidence have pointed to this truth for some time. For starters, then-CIA director David Petraeus told CNN that the US government knew the Benghazi massacre was a terrorist act "almost immediately," and a State Department email sent the morning after the attack accurately pinned the blame on Ansar al-Sharia. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch last week revealed that both State and Defense quickly identified the deadly raid as the work of terrorists, citing evidence that the ambush was retaliation for the killing of a high-ranking jihadist and had been carefully planned for days. And here's Judicial Watch'slatest:

Judicial Watch today released new State Department documents showing the Benghazi attack was called a “terrorism event” almost immediately after the attack took place. Another document suggests that Hillary Clinton tasked an official to contact the FBI, evidently not knowing that the FBI was already on the Benghazi matter under longstanding State Department counterterrorism response protocols. The new documents were forced from the U.S. State Department under court order in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit. ... Less than eight hours after the attacks, around 6 a.m. on September 12, 2012, the State Department Diplomatic Security “Command Center Team Site” sent out a “Benghazi Event Notification” to “ALCON:” The DS Command Center is sharing the followingterrorism event information for your situational awareness…
Another interesting tidbit:

Another State Department document lists 18 Embassy and other State Department sites in the Middle East, Africa, and UK, all but one of which are listed as being targeted by “protests.” Benghazi is the only city that has no listing of “protests,” and lists instead the situation as “Attack on US Consulate.” The document is undated but seems to have been created a few days after the Benghazi attack.
A few points. (1) That last bolded excerpt seems relevant in light of the White House's risible spin that yet another belatedly-unearthed Benghazi email (which also contradicted the administration's story) wasn't about Benghazi. Of course it was. Team Obama carefully calibrated and coordinated their public statements about Benghazi because, as off-the-books consigliere Sid Blumenthal warned Hillary Clinton at the time, the 9/11/12 attack threatened to pack a potent political punch. (2) JW makes this point explicitly in their press release, but it bears repeating: "The new documents were forced from the US State Department under court order" in the wake of a FOIA lawsuit. The Obama administration, while busy dismissing Benghazi as a "phony scandal" and old news, claimed to have surrendered all pertinent emails to Congressional investigators. And yet new emails continue to appear, often after protracted legal fights. Remember, the public wouldn't know that Hillary Clinton's secret email server even existed if not for Trey Gowdy's select committee investigating Benghazi. (3) Despite ample available evidence to the contrary, top Obama officials -- including Sec. Clinton -- clung to the bogus "spontaneous protest/YouTube video" talking point for weeks. Several days after various assessments concluded that Benghazi had been an orchestrated terrorist attack, Clinton was still angrily denouncing obscure online clip in public and peddling false stories to bereaved relatives in private. Former acting CIA director Mike Morell has affirmed that the "demonstrations" line didn't come from the agency, and the late Amb. Stevens' top deputy in Libya testified that the YouTube video was a "non-event" in that country. When Clinton was confronted over the administration's misleading tales under oath, she delivered her now-infamous "what difference, at this point, does it make?" response, a version of which she repeated over the controversial Bowe Bergdahl deal (by the way, there are a few updates on that front today).

I tend to fall into the camp that the "real" scandal of Benghazi isn't so much the cynical, political cover-up, but rather the woefully inadequate security that allowed the slaughter to take place in the first place -- in spite of repeated warnings and glaring warning signs. The administration's catastrophically failed Libya policy should also receive more attention than it does, especially given Sec. Clinton's explicitly-stated "ownership/stewardship" of that trainwreck. That being said, how can you not be disgusted by this?

Kina är Israels tredje största handelspartner.

Kina har blivit Israels tredje största handelspartner.

Kinas investeringar i Israel går bortom nystartade företag och högteknologisektorn. Nu när Israel ansluter sig till Kina-ledda asiatiska utvecklingsfonden (AIIB), växer de bilaterala handelsförbindelserna fram i ett bredare regionalt partnerskap. Från en mager början på 50 miljoner dollar i början av 1990-talet har handeln mellan de två länderna ökat till $ 11 miljarder. Idag är Kina Israels tredje största handelspartner.

China-Israel Ties On The Rise
China has become Israel’s third largest trading partner.

Sverigedemokraterna näst störst bland manliga väljare.

Rubriken från Aftonbladet.....

Och anledningen är att ALLA partier förutom SD vill att ISIS kommer till Stockholm för att göra som de gjort med några städer i Irak och Syrien. Assyrierna i Sverige är mycket oroade, medan alliansen och regeringen vill DÖ och ha in så många muslimer som möjligt utan identitetskontroll. ISIS har satt sej fast i Libyen och skickar båtlaster av sina egna till EU, eftersom ingen stoppar dem. Italien säger explicit att mycket är Sveriges fel med alla lockrop för kreti och pleti så länge som han är outbildad muslim.

SD fortsätter att växa i lugn och ro, med sån idioti från alla de andra. Trots mediernas SD-hat förstår många nog vad som händer.

torsdag 28 maj 2015

Nordkoreanska kärnvapenexperter i Iran.

North Koreans in Iran to advance missile program, dissidents say

Exiled opposition group says Pyongyang delegation of arms experts making frequent visits to Tehran military research facility

BY TAMAR PILEGGI May 28, 2015, 12:14 pm 11

North Korea's Unha-3 rocket lifts off from the Sohae launch pad in Tongchang-ri, North Korea, in 2012. (photo credit: AP/KCNA, File)


Tamar PileggiTamar Pileggi is a breaking news editor at The Times of Israel.
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For the third time this year, a North Korean delegation of nuclear weapons experts visited a military research facility near Tehran last month, an exiled Iranian opposition group said.

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The Paris-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) told Reuters that half a dozen experts in nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles from the North Korean Defense Ministry visited Iran during the last week of April.

The NCRI said it was the delegation’s third visit in 2015, and the group was due to return in June.

“The delegates included nuclear experts, nuclear warhead experts and experts in various elements of ballistic missiles including guidance systems,” the report quoted the NCRI as saying.

The report came as Iranian and American negotiators prepared to meet in Switzerland over the weekend to push forward a pact over Tehran’s nuclear program.

North Korea, which reached and then broke a nuclear pact with the US in the late 1990s, has been viewed as a warning case by those who oppose the emerging agreement between world powers and Iran.

Israeli officials have pointed to Iran’s ballistic missile program as proof it plans to militarize its nuclear program, a claim denied by Tehran.

The NCRI, which is best known for exposing Iran’s enrichment plant at Natanz and heavy water facility in Arak in 2002, has been criticized by experts for having an overtly politicized agenda.

According to the group, which cited sources inside Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, the North Korean delegation was secretly taken to the defense ministry’s Imam Khomenei complex east of Tehran, and visited the Organization of Defensive innovation, the center’s unit of weaponizing research and planning.

The unit researches and manufactures parts for nuclear warheads and is one of the sites under US sanctions, the NCRI said.

Military cooperation between North Korea and Iran has extended to include the development and exchange of ballistic missile technology, in violation of UN sanctions, however reports of nuclear cooperation between the two countries have not been verified.

NCRI spokesman Shahin Gobadi said that the recent report confirmed allegations that Iran has no intention of abandoning its nuclear ambitions.

“The weaponization program is continuing and they have not slowed down the process,” Gobadi said, according to Reuters.

Iranian officials and UN nuclear watchdog IAEA declined to comment on the group’s claims, according to the agency report.

The report comes as Iran and the P5+1 — the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany — want to turn a framework accord reached in Switzerland on April 2 into a full agreement aimed at limiting Tehran’s nuclear capabilities by June 30.

Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will hold talks Saturday in Geneva.

State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said Wednesday that the goal is to make progress toward an agreement by an end-of-June deadline.

European and Iranian officials have suggested the talks may require more time, but Rathke said the US isn’t considering an extension.

The issue of whether Iran will allow inspectors access to military sites has become a major sticking point in talks. France said Wednesday that it would not sign off on any deal if it did not include an oversight mechanism for the military installations.

The State Department said Wednesday that its lead nuclear negotiator, undersecretary Wendy Sherman, will leave when the negotiations with Iran are finished.

Sherman has led much of the technical discussion in Europe with Iranian officials over the last two years. During her tenure the US and Iran reached an interim agreement in November 2013 and a framework pact in April.

AP contributed to this report.

PalAraber stänger väg timmar efter den öppnats för dem.

Arabiska hot stänger ny väg timmar efter att den öppnades

Ny väg från Ramallah till Bitin öppnas i "gest," stängdes mindre än en dag senare efter arabiska not mot judisk bil i potentiell attack.

Av Yishai Karov, Ari Yashar
Först Publish: 2015/05/27, 12:02

Bild nedan

Den nya vägen som leder från Ramallah till den arabiska staden Bitin i Samarien öppnades för arabisk trafik av IDF som en "gest" på måndagen, bara för att stängas igen på tisdagen efter en allvarlig säkerhetsincident som begåtts av en arabisk förare.

På måndag kväll, bara timmar efter öppnandet, en arabisk bil som kör på vägen blockerade en judisk bil på väg till Beit El, som ligger i anslutning till den nya vägen, och tvingar den judiska föraren att väja åt sidan av vägen.

Medan händelsen slutade utan våld,  kunde den lätt ha varit inledning till en terroristattack.

IDFs brigad Commander, som hade varnat i förväg att alla säkerhetstillbud skulle leda till att vägen stängdes igen, följde igenom på sitt löfte.

Efter vägens stängning, sade Beit El regionfullmäktige att de hade "uppriktigt motsatt sig öppnandet av Bitin-vägen, både när det gäller säkerhet och (väg) säkerhet. Trots motstånd från rådet, och trots deras protest, vägen öppnades vägen ."

"Bara timmar efter öppnandet av vägen fanns ett säkerhetstillbud, så sektor-brigad Commander förpliktigades att stänga vägen," noterade de. "Rådet uppskattar beslutsamheten hos  Commandern and tackar armén för dess snabba svar."

IDF "gest" för att öppna vägen gjordes trots upprepade varningar mot aktionen, liksom liknande aktioner på andra vägar, vilket skulle leda till ett säkerhetshot mot de judiska invånarna.

Förra veckan protesterade dussintals Beit El invånare  mot öppnandet av vägen.

Beit Els regionchef Shai Alon sade i protest, "Beit El har förvandlats till en enklav, och den här gången kommer vi inte att låta det hända tyst. Vi har vänt oss till försvarsministern, transportministern och chefen för civil Administration, att klargöra att detta är en röd linje vi inte kommer att korsa. "

På tal på onsdagsmorgonen efter  att vägen stängdes igen, Alon uppmanade att "bevara styrkan eftersom vi har en lång väg framför oss."

"Vi är inte bara kräver nedläggning av den nya rutten, men också kräver öppnandet av Wallerstein Route, öppna gamla Highway 60 för att tillåta invånarna att leva ett normalt liv", sade han, och efterlyser ytterligare transportationslösningar till judiska invånare i regionen.

Arab Threat Shuts Down New Road Hours After It Was Opened

New road from Ramallah to Bitin opened in 'gesture,' closed less than a day later after Arab blocks Jewish car in potential attack.

By Yishai Karov, Ari Yashar
First Publish: 5/27/2015, 12:02 PM

The road to Beitin
Avi Shimshi

The new road leading from Ramallah to the Arab town of Bitin in Samaria was opened to Arab traffic by the IDF as a "gesture" on Monday, only to be closed again on Tuesday following a serious security incident committed by an Arab driver.

On Monday night, mere hours after the opening, an Arab car driving on the road blocked a Jewish car on its way to Beit El, which is located adjacent to the new road, forcing the Jewish driver to swerve to the side of the road.

While the incident ended without any violence, it easily could have been the lead-in to a terrorist attack.

The IDF's Brigade Commander, who had warned in advance that any security incident would lead to the road being closed again, followed through on his promise.

Following the road closure, the Beit El regional council said it had "earnestly opposed the opening of the Bitin road, both in terms of security and (road) safety. Despite the opposition of the council, and despite its protest, the road was opened."

"Mere hours after the opening of the road there was a security incident, due to which the sector's Brigade Commander ordered to close the road," they noted. "The council appreciates the firm position of the Brigade Commanderand thanks the army for its quick response."

The IDF "gesture" to open the road was made despite repeated warnings that the move, like similar moves on other roads, would lead to a security threat against the Jewish residents.

Last week, dozens of Beit El residents protested against the opening of the road.

Beit El regional head Shai Alon said at the protest, "Beit El has been turned into an enclave, and this time we won't let it happen quietly. We have turned to the defense minister, the transportation minister and the head of the Civil Administration, clarifying that this is a red line we won't cross."

Speaking on Wednesday morning after the road was closed again, Alon urged to "preserve strength because we have a long road ahead."

"We aren't just demanding the closure of the new route, but also demanding the opening of the Wallerstein Route, opening the old Highway 60 to allow residents to live normal lives," he said, calling for additional transportationsolutions to Jewish residents of the region.

Israelisk lagändring: stenkastning ger upp till 20 år i finkan.

Stenkastning mot en framrusande bil är livsfarligt och straffskalan kommer att höjas enligt det. Det är alltför vanligt från araber i Israel så något måste göras.

Shaked pushes bill to stiffen penalties against rock throwing

The proposed amendment to the law provides for up to 20 years in prison for an individual who throws a rock or other projectiles at a vehicle with specific intent to harm.
Ayelet Shaked . (photo credit:MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Thursday announced that she will be aggressively pushing forward with legislation to increase the penalties for persons throwing rocks with fast-track consecutive meetings with the Ministerial Committee on Legislation starting on Sunday.

Little detail was provided by Shaked's spokeswoman, but she confirmed that the legislation would be similar to that which former justice minister Tzipi Livni had started to push forward.

In November 2014, the cabinet approved an amendment to the criminal law that, if passed by the Knesset, would increase the maximum penalty for people who throw rocks at vehicles to 20 years in prison.

Also, in November 2014, Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev and Shas MK David Azulay sponsored a parallel bill which passed its first reading in the Knesset.

However, before the initiative got any further, the Knesset dispersed, which means that the initiative must start the legislative process from square one.

At the time, a Justice Ministry spokesman confirmed that there had been no change in the long-standing policy for prosecutors to seek three months of prison time in average cases involving rock-throwing minors.

Although the ministry spokesman noted that the bill that received government support addresses all rock-throwers and that the policy applies only to minors, the vast majority of rock-throwers are in fact minors.

The government had been trying to curb the problem that has especially plagued the capital, as rioters in east Jerusalem had targeted the light rail, as well as buses and private vehicles, with stone-throwing and other violence.

The proposed amendment to the law provides for up to 20 years in prison for an individual who throws a rock or other projectiles at a vehicle with specific intent to harm.

The amendment provided for up to 10 years jail for a rock-thrower who damages a vehicle and as a consequence endangers the life of a passenger or bystander, but does so without specific intent to harm.

A June 2014 draft of the preamble to the amendment complained that regarding punishments, the current law does not sufficiently distinguish between dangerous rock-throwers, specifically those who attack moving vehicles, and less dangerous ones (such as one who might throw small rocks at stationary soldiers from a distance).

The preamble said that whereas low-grade rock throwing, as described, may pose very little danger to a soldier, dangerous rock throwing at passing vehicles has led to deaths and serious injury and deserves harsher punishment.

It complained that dangerous rock-throwers are sometimes getting short sentences, such as several months in jail, because the current law requires proving a criminal’s specific intent to harm people, not just that the criminal threw a rock.

The amendment included harsher punishments for stone-throwing against patrolling police vehicles.

Until now, those who committed other crimes – such as attacking a police officer – were charged with offenses that carried lesser sentences.

If the amendment becomes law, a court will be able to sentence a person to five years in prison for the specific crime of throwing stones at police patrols.

Around 1,000 indictments for stone-throwing are submitted each year, the preamble noted.

In addition to east Jerusalem, for years one of the largest categories of offenses in the West Bank has been rock-throwing, including a few cases that led to death, such as the Asher Palmer attack, or that which wounded, eventually fatally, baby Adele Biton.

ISIS och Västvärlden på samma sida.

ISIS vill mörda alla i Egypten som dömer islamisterna till döden. EU har samma känsla, Obama som satte Islamisten Morsi vid makten, likaså. Ingen föreslog något sätt att bli av med islamisterna, vars sinnesstämning och aktioner kommer från Muslimska Brödraskapets första dödsälskande ledare, al-Banna.

Former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi in court

Islamic State has threatened judges in Egypt with death after issuing a decision last week to have former president Mohammed Morsi executed. The terror group issued the threat on Thursday, just days after three Egyptian judges were killed in Sinai.

An audio recording on an ISIS site which was said to have been issued by the “Islamic State in Sinai” group featured what the site said was voice of group head Abu Osama al-Missri.

"The Egyptian tyrants cannot jail our brother Morsi. Poison their food, follow them to their homes and neighborhoods, destroy their homes with bombs, if you can,” al-Missri said in the message.

An Egyptian court sentenced Morsi to death on Saturday, along with a number of other Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Current President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has made it his mission to crack down on Islamists, including the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian branch, Hamas. The cabinet designated the Brotherhood as a terrorist group in December 2013, "indefinitely" closed the Rafah border crossing to Gaza, and is now building a separation barrier between Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula.

The sentence was condemned by the European Union and the U.S.

"The court decision to seek the death penalty... was taken at the end of a mass trial that was not in line with Egypt's obligations under international law," the EU's top diplomat Federica Mogherini said in a statement. "The EU opposes capital punishment under all circumstances. The death penalty is cruel and inhumane."

The United States also expressed alarm Sunday at the death sentences, saying it has "consistently spoken out against the practice of mass trials and sentences.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday night blasted Egypt for the death sentence, saying it meant that "Egypt is turning back into ancient Egypt. The West, unfortunately, is still turning a blind eye to Sisi's coup."

Singapore och Israel ökar sin handel.

SGX seeks Israeli IPOs under aegis of Economy Ministry

May 22, 2015, category: Finance,General,investment

JERUSALEM – 17th May 2015 – The Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) is visiting Israel this week aiming to meet Israeli companies and to raise the stock exchange’s profile, as well as to scout for companies with the potential to be listed there.

During their visit in Israel, the SGX representatives will be hosted by the Gross Kleinhendler, Hodak, Halevi Greenberg & Co. Law Firm in Tel Aviv for a joint seminar with Canaccord Genuity Singapore. The seminar will focus on opportunities for Israeli companies in raising capital in Singapore. The Europe and Middle East director from SGX, the CEO of Canaccord Genuity Singapore and the CEO of CapBridge, a platform for joint investments by the SGX and Singaporean venture capital funds, will be among those speaking.

Ms. Ron Snir, head of the economic and trade mission of Israel to Singapore for The Foreign Trade Administration in the Israel Ministry of Economy, said: “The SGX’s IPO platform presents a real opportunity for Singaporean investors interested in investing more easily in Israeli companies. Local investors are troubled by the great geographic distance, large sums sought by companies raising capital and mainly by their lack of familiarity with the Israeli market. The fact that the offering necessitates underwriters and local banks to perform due diligence on the companies, assures potential investors that companies are a good fit with markets in the area and also vouches for the quality of management. This adds to the Singaporeans’ confidence in investing in Israeli companies and does this through a platform which is at nearby, both physically and mentally. I believe we will see the first IPO this year and we are investing efforts in bringing companies on Road Shows in order to examine their suitability to local tastes. Additionally, Singapore offers a unique and interesting alternative for going public with the benefits of English language, British-based Singaporean law and political stability which leads to regulatory stability. These all combine to make the local stock exchange attractive internationally.”

Two Israeli companies are currently traded on the SGX. The first is Sarine, a diamond-cutting company, which listed a decade ago and is trading successfully. The second is Sela Capital which raised half a billion dollars 18 months ago and which deals in real estate properties in Europe.

According to the Foreign Trade Administration in the Israel Ministry of Economy, trade between Israel and Singapore stands at US$1.6 billion over the past few years, divided approximately equally between exports and imports. Singapore is Israel’s most significant trade partner in Southeast Asia.

onsdag 27 maj 2015

Flera EU-länder (nä, inte Sverige) reagerar på de enorma summor Abbas ger till terrorister.

EU:s givare utanför Sverige börjar reagera på att deras pengar till Abbas bevisligen går till terror.

European Lawmakers Furious at Palestinians for Using Foreign Aid to Pay Terrorists


European Members of Parliament in several countries condemned the PA for its practice of offering incentives to potential terrorists and rewarding those with blood on their hands incarcerated in Israel with financial benefits.

Lawmakers from three European countries condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA) last week for their rewarding of terrorists, promotion of violence and glorification of the murder of Jews.

Holland, the United Kingdom and Germany are donor countries who have contributed to the PA’s budget for several years. Most recently, they looked into where their donations were being used, following evidence presented by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) director Itamar Marcus.

The PA claims to have stopped paying salaries to prisoners serving time in Israeli prisons for terrorism, but the PMW’s evidence proved otherwise.

Guto Bebb, James Morris and Andrew Percy of the British Parliament stated that British aid to the PA should be reviewed and reconsidered. “British taxpayers will be appalled to discover that the Palestinian Authority is handing their hard-earned money to convicted Palestinian terrorists. The PA should be strongly condemned for deceiving well-intentioned donor countries into thinking that it had ended this shocking practice. The British Government must seriously reconsider its provision of aid to the PA’s general budget until it ceases this abhorrent practice of financially rewarding and incentivising terrorism,” they stated.

C.G. van der Staaij of the Dutch Parliament focused on the anti-Semitism in the Palestinian media, saying, “It is important that the sowing of hatred is stopped…. We still find in the official Palestinian media numerous anti-Semitic statements, the glorification of violence and hatred, and honoring terrorists. I have read the reports from Palestinian Media Watch carefully.”

Albert Weiler, an MP at the German legislative body, condemned the PA’s support for terrorism. “It should not be possible for anti-democratic terror organizations to murder Jews or Christians in the name of their religion. We must fight this strongly. And the whole world should be doing it together,” he declared.
PA Deceiving Donor Countries

For years, Western donor countries have been demanding that the PA stop paying salaries to convicted terrorist prisoners. The PA finally claimed to have stopped paying the salaries in August 2014 when its Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs, the body responsible for paying the salaries, was changed to PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs. The PA stated repeatedly to their own people that the change was merely a change in name amd that none of the salaries or benefits to prisoners would be changed. They stressed that by transferring responsibility for paying the prisoners’ salaries to the PLO, the Europeans and the US would not stop funding the PA.

This is a mere cosmetic change, but the international community accepted PA assurances that it was no longer paying the salaries to terrorist prisoners.

For instance, when the Dutch government was asked about this it issued a statement in April in which it accepted the Palestinian cover-up. “The responsibility for payments to prisoners was transferred to the PLO and will no longer be charged to the budget of the PA, and these [payments to prisoners] are not funded by PA tax revenues or donor funds. The PLO pays such costs from their own income, where the Cabinet has no access.”

However, ample evidence presented by the PMW contradicts the PA’s assurances to the Dutch and other donors. Their evidence is based entirely on PA statements and data, including significant documentation.

One of the key indicators exposed is that in March, when the PA was challenged financially because Israel had withheld tax funds that it collects on behalf of the PA, it cut the salaries of all civil servants by 60 percent. The next day, the PA Ministry of Finance announced the same reduction in salaries to prisoners. Had the PLO been paying prisoners’ salaries from non-PA money, then salaries to prisoners should not have been affected by the PA shortage of resources, PMW points out.

PMW stated in its report that Western donors may have been intentionally misled by the PA, which continues to pay salaries to imprisoned terrorists: “This report exposes that the PA’s creation of a PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs to fulfill the same services previously supplied by the PA Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs was done solely to satisfy Western donors’ demands that the PA cease paying salaries to terrorist prisoners. This report further documents that the existence of the PLO Commission has not changed the policy of paying salaries to terrorists. The PLO commission may have been created for the sole purpose of deceiving the European donors, who don’t want their money to the PA to be used to reward terrorists. The PA continues to pay salaries to terrorists in prison in spite of European and US demands that donor money to the PA not be used to reward terrorists.”
Western Tax Dollars Funding Palestinian Terror

The PA receives approximately over one billion dollars in international aid annually. Several European countries and the US have been threatening to stop this funding since PMW exposed in 2011 that the PA pays high salaries to terrorist prisoners and released terrorists, amounting to over $150 million dollars in 2015 alone. For example, in June 2014, the Dutch Parliament voted overwhelmingly – 148 – 2 – in favor of demanding an end to this practice.

Palestinian head Abbas (C-L), celebrates with released terrorists from Israeli prison. (Issam Rimawi/Flash90)

In October 2014, the PA announced that there were more than 200,000 recipients of PA salaries. This figure “includes the families of the Martyrs (Shahids) and wounded, as well as the prisoners’ and released [prisoners].” In January, the PA Ministry of Finance announced that the PA budget includes transfer of salaries to prisoners in Israeli jails, who were from Gaza.

Some 5,500 terrorists serving time in Israeli prisons receive a substantial monthly salary from the PA. A base sum is paid out, which increases gradually based on the length of incarceration. In addition, the PA covers the living expenses of the prisoners’ families. Each security prisoner who served time in jail in Israel for at least a year is given a one-time grant upon release starting from $1,500 for those who served between one and three years and up to $25,000 for prisoners of 30 years and more.
PA Chair Abbas Encourages Terror

Commenting on this phenomenon, Israeli Minister Naftali Bennett stated: “Did you murder Jews? Have you abducted children? Get up to 12,000 shekels a month from Abu Mazen [PA head Mahmoud Abbas]!”

“Meet Abu Mazen’s ‘preferred employment’ track: murderers, terrorists and child abductors. We [Israel] have preferred status for gas station attendants. Abu Mazen gives it to those who pour fuel on the fires of death and destruction.”

“The system is simple,” Bennett explains. “With one hand, Abu Mazen ‘condemns’ terror, and with the other, he hands out cash for terrorism. He encourages it.”

By: United with Israel
(With files from PMW)
Sign the Petition to Stop Funding the Palestinian Authority

PA head Abbas and Hamas leader Haniyeh together.

Petition to the United States and European Union

We demand that all funding of the PA be stopped immediately. Unity with Hamas led to brutal murders, thousands of rockets and ongoing incitement against Israeli citizens. Prosecuting Israel for “war crimes” is despicable and makes funding the PA against US law.


Hamas, icke-terrorister enligt svenska regeringen, attackerar israeler igen och begår krigsbrott.

Hamas gör sej påmint igen.

Det israeliska flygvapnet attackerade fyra mål i Gazaremsan tidigt på onsdag morgon, efter en tidigare raketattack på israeliskt territorium, sade IDF talesman.

IDF identifierade målen, i den södra delen av kustenklaven, som terrorinfrastruktur.

Armén tillade att det sett tisdag raketattack mot Israel med allvar och håller Hamas ansvarigt.

En raket från Gaza exploderade i Gan Yavne-regionen, öster om Ashdod på tisdagskvällen, och skakade fyra veckors lugn och gav upphov till flygrädsirener i Ashdod och Lakhish regioner.

Bortsett från en 15-årig flicka som fördes till Barzilai Medical Center i Ashdod på grund av av en panikattack, misslyckades raketen att orsaka skador, men räddningspersonal fanns fortfarande i området på tisdagen för att bedöma om projektilen hade orsakat några skador.

Tisdagens raket var den första mellanklassraketattack sedan vapenvilan trädde i kraft den 26 augusti efter det en månad och en halv långa kriget med Gaza som kallas Operation Skydds Edge.

Det fanns ingen omedelbar indikation om vilken terroristgrupp som avfyrade raketen.

Israeli warplanes strike Gaza targets after rocket attack

The Israeli air force attacked four targets in the Gaza Strip early Wednesday morning,following an earlier rocket attack on Israeli territory, the IDF spokesperson said.

The IDF identified the targets, in the southern part of the coastal enclave, as terror infrastructure.

The army added that it viewed the Tuesday rocket attack on Israel with severity and it holds Hamas responsible.
A rocket from Gaza exploded in the Gan Yavne region, east of Ashdod on Tuesday evening, shattering four weeks of quiet and setting off air raid sirens in the Ashdod and Lakhish regions.

Apart from a 15-year-old girl who was taken to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashdod suffering from a panic attack, the rocket failed to cause injuries, though emergency responders were still assessing on Tuesday whether the projectile had caused any damages.

Tuesday's rocket was the first mid-range rocket attack since the ceasefire went into effect on August 26 following the month-and-a-half long war with Gaza known as Operation Protective Edge.

There was no immediate indication about which terrorist group fired the rocket.

al-Banna, MB:s uppstartare.

Utdrag från http://pjmedia.com/spengler/2013/08/14/suppose-the-german-military-had-crushed-the-nazi-party-in-1936/

al-Banna grundade det Muslimska Brödraskapet, där Hamas är den "palestinska grenen". Hans fascination med DÖDEN kan du förstå här:

Det finns inget särskilt nytt eller bisarrt i att märka att al-Banna visar ett ivrigt intresse för den estetiska kulten av döden. Den klassiska historien om The Society of the Muslim Brothers, av Richard P. Mitchell, som utkom 1969, var ganska klarsynt om detta ämne redan då. Al-Banna kom upp med en dubbel fras om vikten av döden som ett mål för jihad- "konsten att dö" (Fann al-mawt) och "döden är konst" (al-mawt Fann). Denna fras blev i Mitchells beskrivning, en berömd del av al-Bannas arv. Att klippa ihop egna parafraser med al-Bannas ord, skrev Mitchell: "Koranen har beordrat folk att älska döden mer än livet" (som jag kan tillägga, är en fras som vi har hört mer än en gång i terrorist-uttalanden under de senaste åren, till exempel i videoband som gjordes av den islamistiska gruppen som anföll Madrid 2004). Och al-Banna fortsatte i Mitchells presentation: "Om filosofin av Koranen vid dödsfall inte ersätter kärleken till livet som har konsumerats av muslimer, kommer de att inte nå något. Seger kan bara komma med behärskning av konsten att dö. "
There is nothing especially novel or bizarre in noticing that al-Banna displayed an eager interest in the aesthetic cult of death. The classic history of the Muslim Brotherhood, The Society of the Muslim Brothers, by Richard P. Mitchell, which appeared in 1969, was quite lucid on this topic even then. Al-Banna came up with a double phrase about the importance of death as a goal of jihad—“the art of death” (fann al-mawt) and “death is art” (al-mawt fann). This phrase became, in Mitchell’s description, a famous part of al-Banna’s legacy. Stringing together his own paraphrases with al-Banna’s words, Mitchell wrote: “The Qur’an has commanded people to love death more than life” (which, I might add, is a phrase that we have heard more than once in terrorist statements during the last few years, for instance in the videotape that was made by the Islamist group that attacked Madrid in 2004). And al-Banna continued, in Mitchell’s presentation: “Unless the philosophy of the Qur’an on death replaces the love of life which has consumed Muslims, they will reach naught. Victory can only come with the mastery of the art of death.”
Och vår totalt obildade Wallström kvittrar om att Hamas inte bör räknas som terrorister, suck. Eller att Sisi slår ihjäl så många av monstren som möjligt.

Läs Berman innan du gråter över Muslim Brotherhoods öde.

Obama älskar MB, allmänt känt, vilket förklarar en del av hans uppförande, se t.ex. länk1 länk2 länk3
 Googla vidare på Obama "Muslim Brotherhood"

Moderaterna helt hysteriska - röstade emot sina egna förslag när SD höll med om det mesta.

Man förstår att SD snart går om Moderaterna, som är totalveliga liksom de övriga i alliansen. Läs http://nyheteridag.se/moderaterna-rostade-emot-sin-egen-nya-migrationspolitik-punkt-efter-punkt/

Moderaterna hade skrivit en lång lista om deras åsikter om migrationspolitiken, SD skrev sin lista - som anpassade sig till alla åsikter som var vettiga - varefter moderaterna vägrade acceptera det! Det verkar vara rent hat och definitivt inte som ett riksdagsparti ska uppföra sig. Vi får utgå från att SD snart går om och blir näst största parti, se länk.

tisdag 26 maj 2015

Veckans muslimska nyheter från EU.

Jämför gärna med föregående artikel om goda nyheter från Israel. Detta är vad våra politiker har dragit in till EU.

Asylum Seekers, Beheaders and Mega Mosques

One Month of Islam in Europe: April 2015

by Soeren Kern
May 24, 2015 at 5:00 am


Goda nyheter från Israel.

En lista med positiva nyheter från Israel.

Länkar i originalet efter Googlesvenskan.


Israels Goda nyheter Nyhetsbrev att 24 maj 2015

I 24 maj 2015 upplaga av Israels goda nyheter, höjdpunkterna inkluderar:

· En israelisk välgörenhet har räddat livet på barn från 50 länder.
· Ett rörligt hänsyn till det arbete israeliska läkare i Nepal.
· Israels teknik hjälper mejeriindustrin i utvecklingsländerna.
· En israelisk start låter dig sätta överblivna utländsk valuta till digitala inlåningskonton.
· Dionne Warwick och Backstreet Boys höll utsålda konserter i Israel.
· Stabschefen till Israels president har en doktorsexamen och är mamma till 11 barn.

· Förra veckans Israel Goda nyheter beskrivande sammanfattning. Klicka här för "Israel är gräddan" (snabb lastning version, inga annonser). Även publicerad på Jerusalem Post, IsraPundit, IsraelSeen, San Diego Jewish World och Förenade med Israel webbplatser.

· Klicka här för att se nyhetsbrevet om judisk Business News, IsraelSeen, Janglo och United med Israel med extra funktioner på hälsa, global påverkan, teknik och kultur.

Page Down för mer information om dessa och fler goda nyheter från Israel. Tack Michelle och andra läsare för att skicka mig länkar till många av dessa positiva nyhetsartiklar. Vänligen useIsraelActive att söka i arkivet.


Hjärtkirurgi räddar barn från Östtimor. Kirurger från israeliska välgörenhet Spara Ett barns hjärta (SACH) framgångsrikt drivs att reparera medfött hjärtfel i barn Lisa från Östtimor. Den Sydostasien landet är den 50: e landet att skicka sina patienter till Israel. SACH läkare har sparat över 3.500 barns liv.

Hur Aleh Negev bildades. Jag besökte de särskilda faciliteter för handikappade på Aleh Negev i oktober 2012. Den nya videofunktioner Maj Gen Doron Almog, som gav upp sin armé karriär att grunda byn.

Sensorer för japanska sjukhussängar. Israels EarlySense gör sensorer som känner av när patienten löper risk att falla från sängar eller stolar. EarlySense har just meddelat ett strategiskt samarbetsavtal med japanska jätten Mitsui som hjälper starta distributionen av EarlySense produkter i Japan.

Advancing cancerdetektering. Israeliska bioteknik Rosetta Genomics ökade sin molecular diagnostikkapacitet genom att köpa PersonalizeDx i USA. Rosetta fick också US patentskydd för sina cancertest.
http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150414005159/en/Rosetta-Genomics-Completes-Acquisition-PersonalizeDx#.VVzo8VIpqSp http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150513005723/en/Rosetta-Genomics-Receives-Additional-U.S.-Patent-Protection#.VVzpr1IpqSp

Aldrig för sent. 65-åriga Chaya Sarah Shahar av Bnei Brak födde sitt första barn efter 46 års äktenskap. Den hälsosamma pojke föddes på en Kfar Saba sjukhus. Förra året, en 61-årig kvinna födde sitt första barn i Jerusalem. Chaya är den näst äldsta kvinnan i världen att föda.

ReWalk gör paraplegics friskare. Israels ReWalk exoskelett möjliggör inte bara paraplegics att gå upprätt, det förbättrar också deras kondition. Den tillåter användare att utöva, använda toaletten, stärka deras självbild och förbättra sin mentala hälsa.

Revolutionera hanteringen av smärta. Israels MedaSense Biometrics vann WOW konkurrens (medicinsk enhetskategori) för den mest innovativa start på IATA Biomed utställningen i maj. MedaSense smärta monitor använder en fingersensor för att spela vitala funktioner och en unik algoritm för att mäta smärta matematiskt.
http://www.medasense.com/may-2015/ http://nocamels.com/2015/05/medasenses-pain-assessment-monitor/

Hur lymfsystemet former. Ursprunget till kroppens lymfatiska systemet är nyckeln till att förstå immunsystemet och behandling av cancer. Forskare vid Israels Weizmann Institute och vid Technion har upptäckt källan och har genererat lymfatiska celler i laboratoriet.

ISRAEL är inkluderande och GLOBAL

ESRA projekt för ex-etiopier i Netanya. Här är vad den engelskspråkiga invånare Association gör för att hjälpa 30.000 plus etiopiska samhället i min hemstad Netanya.

Ta ditt barn till föreläsningar. När en elev baby började gråta i en av de Organizational Behavior föreläsningar professor Sydney Engelberg, Hebreiska universitetet i Jerusalem professor plockade upp barnet, lugnade det ner och fortsatte föreläsningen medan du håller barnet. Fotot har gått viral på facebook.

Emergency beepers att skydda ensamma och äldre. Israels Yad Sarah organisationen har fördelat akuta beepers till 20.000 personer som lever ensamma. Användare kan kontakta Yad Sarah, en läkare, polis, ambulans, släktingar och andra som helst med hjälp av en knapp på ett armband.

En minister för minoriteter. Endast Israel skulle överväga pensionärer, studenter, minoriteter och kvinnor tillräckligt viktiga för att ha ett ministerium set-up för dem. http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Gila-Gamliel-appointed-Minister-of-Pensioners-students-young-people-and-gender-equality-403128

Syrianer behandlas i Israel: Två sårade syrier behandlades vid Baruch Padeh Medical Center i Poriya nära Tiberias natten på onsdag. En av de skadade, en 17-årig, behandlades för granatsplitter sår. Och ett mirakel - CNN berömmer Israels behandling av sårade syrier (även om ljudkvaliteten är dålig).

Israels mänskligheten i Nepal. Läs den här artikeln, från Dr Giora Weiser som var en del av den israeliska medicinska delegationen och fältsjukhus i Nepal. Han såg förödelsen och trauma på en skala som han aldrig hade sett förut, men räddat många liv. Dr Weiser vill att du berättar detta för Kenneth Roth för Human Rights Watch.

Behandling vatten i Colombia. Israels RWL Vatten har byggt ett stort vattenbehandlingsanläggning i Colombia. RWL behandlar 86.000 kubikmeter vatten per dag produceras under utvinning av olja i Campo Rubiales, så att den når en nivå som är lämplig för bevattning. http://israelnewtech.com/2015/05/rwl-water-announces-completion-of-major-water-treatment-facility-in-colombia/

Vad Miami lärt från Israel. (TY Michelle) En grupp av ledare i Miamis spirande uppstart gemenskapen besökte nyligen Israel. Deras erfarenheter lärde dem (a) har en positiv attityd; (B) få institutionellt stöd; (C) bygga upp ett nätverk; (D) omfamna misslyckande; (E) spela långa spelet; (F) finna styrka i mångfald (g) öppna dörrar.

Hadera tvillingar med El Pasa. Borgmästarna i El Paso, Texas i USA och Hadera Israel har undertecknat ett systerstadsavtal. Det kommer att ge israeliska investerare att komma till El Paso och El Paso-området företagare att gå till Hadera att hitta affärsmöjligheter. Det kommer också att göra det möjligt för studenter och kulturellt utbyte.


Fler medaljer på Asian fysik olympiaden. Israeliska gymnasieelever sätta nya rekord på den asiatiska fysik olympiaden, som hölls i Kina. Konkurrerande mot 23 länder, vann de två silver och fyra brons. Sammantaget Israel kom på åttonde plats. http://www.jpost.com/Business-and-Innovation/Health-and-Science/Israel-takes-8th-place-at-Asian-Physics-Olympiad-in-China-402972

Hjälpa Alibaba slå förfalskare. (TY Michelle) israeliska start Visualead har utvecklat dekorativa Dotless Visual (QR) koder för online detaljhandeln jätte Alibaba, som vill förhindra varumärkesförfalskade varor från att handlas via sin webbplats. Koderna är också attraktiva för att uppmuntra potentiella kunder att skanna dem.

Kartläggning av genomet hos öring. Israels NRGene har kartlagt genomet hos regnbåge med sitt DeNovoMAGIC stora uppgifter genom monteringsverktyg. Den amerikanska Institutionen för jordbruk inledde uppgift som en viktig del av sitt avelsprogram för friska, proteinrik fisk. Andra kritiska arter kommer nu att kartläggas.

Israel mjölkning det. (TY Michelle) En bra sammanfattning av Israels ledande position inom mejeriindustrin. Den innehåller Israels Akol, som driver en databas som övervakar utgångs, hälsa, genetik och fertilitet av varje ko i Israel. Det är nu samarbetar med Microsoft för att få tekniken till utvecklingsländerna. Akol sensorer kan också placeras på träd, vinrankor eller i marken för att hjälpa jordbrukare att bli mer produktiva.

När du vill stänga av cellulära basstationer. Israels eVolution Networks Smart Energy Solutions (SES) undersöker mobiltelefon användningspriser, platser, energikostnader etc. för att aktivera och avaktivera basstationer som behövs. Det sparar Telefonica upp till 35% av sina energikostnader. Warren Buffet har nu bestämt sig för att satsa på utveckling.

Föreställ dessa rätter. (TY Michelle) "Foodography", en gemensam fotografering projekt mellan Israels Catit Restaurang och Carmel Winery, har beställt en rad olika rätter särskilt utformade av israeliska keramikern Adi Nissani att hålla en smartphone i den bästa vinkeln där för att fånga den bästa bilden av måltiden.


State of Economy förbättras. Israels Composite tillståndet i ekonomin Index för April 2015 ökade med 0,2 procent, främst tack vare ökningar inom industriell produktion och handel intäkter.

Ex-Intel verkställande bildar israeliska VC företag. Intel Corp tidigare chefsprodukt officer, Dadi Perlmutter, har grundade riskkapitalbolaget Eucalyptus Growth Capital, som syftar till att öka $ 300.000.000 (191.400.000 £) att investera i israeliska företag som söker listor.

Gemensamma Israel-Ontario forskning tjänade 1 miljard dollar. Israel och Ontario har just utökat sitt 10-års forskning och utveckling samarbetsprogram med ytterligare fem år. Förhands investering på 18 MUSD genererade 1 miljard dollar i intäkter till företag som bildats genom programmet. Och en annan $ 6.000.000 har just gått in.

Hyr din lägenhet med hjälp av israelisk teknologi. Det moderna sättet att hyra hus eller lägenhet är med Airbnb. Men det kan vara stressande, tidskrävande och möjligen kostsam. Israels Guesty ger dina potentiella och faktiska gäster med snabba svar på sina till synes ändlösa frågor.

EMC utökar Haifa FoU-centrum. IT-jätten EMC är att anställa 50 fler anställda vid Haifa forsknings- och utvecklingscenter. EMC har tusentals israeliska anställda: i Petach Tikvah, Galil Yam, Herzliya, Haifa och Beer Sheva. EMC kom till Israel i 1996. År 2012 köpte Israels XtremIO för över $ 400 miljoner dollar.

Vad gör man med de utländska mynt. När du landar på Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Tbilisi, Milano eller Manila, håll utkik efter de stora gula (israeliska) TravelersBox maskiner. Sätt in dina oönskade utländska mynt och sedlar och omvandla dem till digital valuta. Kommer snart till Brasilien och (naturligtvis) Tel Aviv.

Saudi flyg landar på Ben Gurion. (TY Michelle) Den 5 maj tog ett leasingföretag en ledig saudiarabiska Airbus A330-300 till Tel Aviv Ben Gurion flygplats för service av Israel Aerospaces Bedek, en av världens ledande flygplansunderhållsföretag. De saudiska ägarna var inte nöjda när de fick reda på.

En givande tid för Frutarom. Israels Frutarom senaste rekordkvartalsresultat befästa sin position som en av världens största företag inom smaker och specialingredienser. Det har också fått den fjärde och den femte förvärv under året - Indiens Sonarome och Kanadas BSA.

Baidu gör sin 3: e israeliska investeringar. Kinesiska Internet jätte Baidu har investerat miljoner i Israels Taboola - känd för sin "Du kanske också är intresserad av" online-annonser som lockar användare att besöka andra platser. Baidu har tidigare investerat i Israels Tonara och Pixellot, och Kina är Israels nummer 1 investerare.

Connecticut söker israeliska företag. (TY Michelle) Connecticut har anställt Chaim Oren av Oren gruppen att övertyga israeliska företag att flytta till USA. Oren fokus kommer att ligga på företag som sysslar med flygteknik, biovetenskap, avancerad tillverkning, miljövänlig teknik, försäkrings- och digitala medier.


Tyskland finansierar Tel Aviv Bauhaus restaurering. Tyskland är att donera 2,5 miljoner euro för bevarande och restaurering av Tel Avivs berömda "vita staden" - en UNESCO: s världsarvslista. Byggnaderna, som byggdes i den tyska Bauhaus stil, konstruerades främst av tyska judar som flydde Nazityskland på 1930-talet.

Israel Day i Central Park. Den årliga Israel dagars gratis konsert äger rum den 31 maj i Central Park i New York. Det kommer att innehålla brittisk rocker Alex Clare, Israels Gad Elbaz, Lipa Schmeltzer, Mati Shrika, Avraham Rosenblum och Shloime Dachs Orchestra och sångare.

Backstreet boys kom tillbaka. Backstreet Boys avbryts deras planerade Israel konsert i somras på grund av striderna i Gaza, men gjorde bra på sitt löfte att återvända. De framförde tre föreställningar på Ra'anana Amphitheatre. Alla 20.000 biljetter till varje konsert var slutsålda.

Dionne Warwick smälter hjärtan i Tel Aviv. Över 5.000 fans uppvaktat och lindrande av kända Dionne Warwicks singular prestanda på Menorah Mivtachim Arena i Tel Aviv den 19 maj, som lämnade publiken med gåshud. Och hon gjorde "Säg en liten bön för dig".

Britpop grupp mocka. (TY Storleken har ingen betydelse) En annan musikalisk ikon kommer till Israel: Engelska alternativa rockbandet Suede, som kommer att uppträda på Menora Mivtachim Arena i Tel Aviv den 30 juli Detta blir koncernens femte prestanda i Israel; deras sista framträdande i landet var under 2011.

TV ruttnar din hjärna, men ... .. Efter israeliska verkställande Sarit Fishbaine såg en TV medicinsk tvål, bestämde hon sig för att få ett andra utlåtande om en klump hon var orolig. Beslutet räddade hennes liv. Tillfällighet, är Sarit dotter till professor Sidney Engelberg - som verkar i en annan artikel i detta nyhetsbrev.

Den judiska staten

Firar Jerusalemdagen. Den västra väggen (Kotel) var full av troende för en festlig gudstjänst för att hedra Jerusalemdagen. Den besöktes av flera Chief rabbiner och skisserat sångaren Yitzhak Meir. Tusentals festprissar senare dansade på Kotel, firar återförening av staden i 1967 sexdagarskriget. Och (TY Michelle) Jerusalems framväxt som en Tech Hub har gjort staden till en länk mellan historia och öde.

Israels första ultra-ortodoxa tech inkubator. Yitzik Crombie och Racheli Ganot har lanserat en första i sitt slag tech inkubator som en del av deras Haredi Hi-Tech Forum. Inkubatorn riktar specifikt Haredi samhället - som till stor del lever under fattigdomsgränsen - och dess mål är att få högteknologiska till Bnei Brak.

Limmud tar Torah till Tel Aviv. För första gången, den globala judiska lärande rörelse Limmud nått den vita staden. Den två dagar långa evenemanget under förutsättning att normalt sekulära staden Tel Aviv med 130 sessioner, 120 presentatörer och sju musikframträdanden.

Vad händer på Shavuot. Israel är den ultimata platsen för att fira Shavuot. Nästa år varför inte stanna på en Moshav där du kan njuta av folkdans, häst kråma sig, drakflygning, en ko skönhetpageant och maten! Också på Voice of Israel kan du lära dig varför Shavuot är en natt av uppenbarelse.

Presidentens stabschef är mor till elva. Rivka Ravitz, 39, är Israels president Reuven Rivlin stabschef och har varit Reuven s stöd till 16 år. Hon har examen i datavetenskap och politik och en doktorsexamen i Public Policy. Hon utmanar också stereotyper, som hon är en ultra-ortodox Judisk och mor till elva barn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiekRiY3ChY

Israel's Good News Newsletter to 24th May 2015

In the 24th May 2015 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:

·        An Israeli charity has saved the lives of children from 50 countries.
·        A moving account of the work of Israeli doctors in Nepal.
·        Israel’s technology is helping the dairy industry throughout the developing world.
·        An Israeli startup lets you put leftover foreign currency into digital deposit accounts.
·        Dionne Warwick and the BackStreet Boys held sold-out concerts in Israel.
·        The Chief of Staff to Israel’s President has a PhD and is a mother of 11 children.

·        Last week’s Israel Good News descriptive summary.  Click here for “Israel is the Cream of the Crop” (fast-loading version, no adverts).  Also published on the Jerusalem Post,IsraPunditIsraelSeenSan Diego Jewish World and United With Israel websites.

·        Click here to see the newsletter on Jewish Business NewsIsraelSeenJanglo and United With Israel with extra features on healthglobal impacttechnology and culture.

Page Down for details on these and more good news stories from Israel.  Thank You Michelle and other readers for sending me links to many of these positive news articles.  Please useIsraelActive to search the archives.


Heart surgery saves baby from East Timor.  Surgeons from Israeli charity Save A Child’s Heart (SACH) successfully operated to repair the congenital heart defect in baby Lisa from East Timor.  The Southeast Asia country is the 50th country to send its patients to Israel. SACH doctors have saved over 3,500 children’s lives.

How ALEH Negev was founded.  I visited the special facilities for the disabled at ALEH Negev in Oct 2012.  This new video features Maj Gen Doron Almog, who gave up his army career to found the village.

Sensors for Japanese hospital beds.  Israel’s EarlySense makes sensors that detect when patients are at risk of falling from beds or chairs.  EarlySense has just announced a strategic cooperation agreement with Japanese giant Mitsui that will help launch the distribution of EarlySense products in Japan.

Advancing cancer detection.  Israeli biotech Rosetta Genomics boosted its molecular diagnostics capability by purchasing PersonalizeDx in the United States.  Rosetta also received US patent protection for its cancer tests.

Never too late.  65 year-old Chaya Sarah Shahar of Bnei Brak gave birth to her first child, after 46 years of marriage.  The healthy baby boy was born at a Kfar Saba hospital.  Last year, a 61 year-old woman gave birth to her first child in Jerusalem.  Chaya is the second oldest woman in the world to give birth.

ReWalk makes paraplegics healthier.  Israel’s ReWalk exoskeleton not only enables paraplegics to walk upright, it also improves their overall fitness.  It allows users to exercise, use the toilet, boost their self-image and improve their mental health.

Revolutionizing the management of pain.  Israel’s MedaSense Biometrics won the WOW Competition (medical device category) for the most innovative startup at the IATA Biomed exhibition in May.  MedaSense’s pain monitor uses a finger sensor to record vital signs and a unique algorithm to measure pain mathematically.

How the lymphatic system forms.  The origin of the body’s lymphatic system is key to understanding the immune system and the treatment of cancer.  Scientists at Israel’s Weizmann Institute and at the Technion have discovered the source and have generated lymphatic cells in the laboratory.


ESRA’s project for ex-Ethiopians in Netanya.  Here is what the English Speaking Residents Association is doing to help the 30,000 plus Ethiopian community in my home city of Netanya.

Bring your baby to lectures.  When a student’s baby started crying in one of the Organizational Behavior lectures of Professor Sydney Engelberg, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem professor picked up the baby, calmed it down and continued the lecture whilst holding the baby.  The photo has gone viral on facebook.

Emergency beepers to protect lonely and elderly.  Israel’s Yad Sarah organization has distributed emergency beepers to 20,000 people who live alone.  Users can contact Yad Sarah, a doctor, police, an ambulance, relatives and others at any time using a button on a bracelet.

A minister for minorities.  Only Israel would consider pensioners, students, minorities and women important enough to have a ministry set-up for them.  http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Gila-Gamliel-appointed-Minister-of-Pensioners-students-young-people-and-gender-equality-403128

Syrians treated in Israel:  Two wounded Syrians were treated at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poriya near Tiberias overnight on Wednesday.  One of the injured, a 17-year-old, was treated for shrapnel wounds.  And a miracle – CNN praises Israel’s treatment of wounded Syrians (although the sound quality is poor).

Israel’s humanity in Nepal.  Please read this article, from Dr Giora Weiser who was part of the Israeli medical delegation and field hospital in Nepal.  He saw devastation and trauma on a scale that he had never witnessed before, but saved many lives.  Dr Weiser would like you to tell this to Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch.

Treating water in Colombia.  Israel’s RWL Water has built a major water treatment facility in Colombia.  RWL treats the 86,000 cubic meters of water a day produced during extraction of oil in Campo Rubiales, so that it reaches a level suitable for irrigation. http://israelnewtech.com/2015/05/rwl-water-announces-completion-of-major-water-treatment-facility-in-colombia/

What Miami learnt from Israel.  (TY Michelle) A group of leaders in Miami’s budding start-up community recently visited Israel.  Their experiences taught them (a) have a can-do attitude; (b) get institutional support; (c) build a network; (d) embrace failure; (e) play the long game; (f) find strength in diversity (g) open doors.

Hadera twins with El Pasa.  The mayors of El Paso, in Texas USA and Hadera Israel have signed a sister-city agreement.  It will allow Israeli investors to come to El Paso and El Paso-area business operators to go to Hadera to find business opportunities. It also will allow for student and cultural exchanges.


More medals at Asian Physics Olympiad.  Israeli high-school students set new records at the Asian Physics Olympiad, held in China. Competing against 23 countries, they won two silver and four bronze medals. Overall, Israel came in eighth place. http://www.jpost.com/Business-and-Innovation/Health-and-Science/Israel-takes-8th-place-at-Asian-Physics-Olympiad-in-China-402972

Helping Alibaba beat counterfeiters.  (TY Michelle) Israeli startup Visualead has developed decorative Dotless Visual (QR) Codes for online retailing giant Alibaba, which wants to prevent counterfeit goods from being traded through its site.  The codes are also attractive to encourage potential customers to scan them.

Mapping the genome of the trout.  Israel’s NRGene has mapped the genome of the Rainbow Trout, using its DeNovoMAGIC big data genome assembly tool.  The US Dept of Agriculture initiated the task as an essential part of its breeding program for healthy, protein-rich fish.  Other critical species will now be mapped.

Israel is milking it.  (TY Michelle) A good summary of Israel’s leading position in the dairy technology industry.  It includes Israel’s AKOL, which runs a database that monitors the output, health, genetics and fertility of every cow in Israel. It is now partnering with Microsoft to bring the technology to the developing world.  AKOL’s sensors can also be placed on trees, vines or in the soil to help farmers be more productive.

When to turn off cellular base stations.  Israel’s eVolution Networks’ Smart Energy Solution (SES) examines cell phone usage rates, locations, energy costs etc. to activate and deactivate base stations as needed.  It is saving Telefonica up to 35% of its energy costs. Warren Buffet has now decided to invest in eVolution.

Picture these dishes.  (TY Michelle) “Foodography“, a joint photography project between Israel’s Catit Restaurant and Carmel Winery, has commissioned a line of dishes specifically designed by Israeli ceramic artist Adi Nissani to hold a smartphone at the best angle in which to capture the best picture of the meal.


State of Economy improves.  Israel’s Composite State of the Economy Index for April 2015 increased by 0.2 percent, driven mainly by increases in industrial production and trade revenue.

Ex-Intel executive forms Israeli VC firm.  Intel Corp's former chief product officer, Dadi Perlmutter, has co-founded the venture capital company Eucalyptus Growth Capital, which aims to raise $300 million (£191.4 million) to invest in Israeli companies seeking listings.

Joint Israel-Ontario research earned $1 billion.  Israel and Ontario have just extended their 10-year research & development collaboration program by another 5 years.  Prior investment of $18 million generated $1 billion in earnings to the companies emerging from the program. And another $6 million has just gone in.

Rent your apartment using Israeli technology.  The modern way to rent your house or apartment is with Airbnb.  But it can be stressful, time-consuming and possibly costly.  Israel’s Guesty provides your prospective and actual guests with fast responses to their seemingly endless questions.

EMC expands Haifa R&D center.  IT giant EMC is to hire 50 more employees at its Haifa research and development center. EMC has thousands of Israeli employees: in Petach Tikvah, Galil Yam, Herzliya, Haifa and Beer Sheva. EMC came to Israel in 1996. In 2012 it bought Israel’s XtremIO for over $400 million.

What to do with those foreign coins.  When you land at Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Tbilisi, Milan or Manila, look out for the big yellow (Israeli) TravelersBox machines.  Deposit your spare foreign coins and notes and convert them into digital currency.  Coming soon to Brazil and (of course) Tel Aviv.

Saudi airplane lands at Ben Gurion.  (TY Michelle) On 5th May, a leasing company took an off-duty Saudi Arabian Airbus A330-300 to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport for servicing by Israel Aerospace’s Bedek, one of the world’s leading aircraft maintenance companies.  The Saudi owners were not pleased when they found out.

A fruitful time for Frutarom.  Israel’s Frutarom latest record quarterly results consolidate its position as one of the world’s largest companies in the field of flavors and specialty ingredients.  It also has acquired its fourth and fifth acquisitions of the year – India’s Sonarome and Canada’s BSA.

Baidu makes its 3rd Israeli investment.  Chinese Internet giant Baidu has invested millions in Israel’s Taboola – famous for its “you may also be interested in” online advertisements that tempt users to visit other sites.  Baidu has previously invested in Israel’s Tonara and Pixellot, and China is Israel’s number 1 investor.

Connecticut seeks Israeli companies.  (TY Michelle) Connecticut has hired Chaim Oren of the Oren Group to convince Israeli companies to relocate to the US.  Oren’s focus will be on businesses involved in aeronautics, bioscience, advanced manufacturing, green technologies, insurance and digital media.


Germany funds Tel Aviv Bauhaus restoration.  Germany is to donate 2.5 million Euros for the preservation and restoration of Tel Aviv’s famous “white city” – a UNESCO World Heritage site.  The buildings, built in the German Bauhaus style, were designed mostly by German Jews who fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Israel Day in Central Park.  The annual Israel Day free concert takes place on May 31 in Central Park New York. It will feature British rocker Alex Clare, Israel’s Gad Elbaz, Lipa Schmeltzer, Mati Shrika, Avraham Rosenblum and the Shloime Dachs Orchestra and Singers.

Backstreet boys came back.  The Backstreet boys cancelled their planned Israel concert last summer due to the fighting in Gaza, but made good on their promise to return.  They performed three shows at the Ra'anana Amphitheatre.  All 20,000 tickets for each concert were sold out.

Dionne Warwick melts hearts in Tel Aviv.  Over 5,000 fans were wooed and soothed by renowned Dionne Warwick’s singular performance at the Menorah Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv on 19th May, which left the audience with goose bumps.  And she did “Say a little prayer for you”.

Britpop group Suede.  (TY Size Doesn’t Matter) Another musical icon is coming to Israel: English alternative rock band Suede, which will perform at the Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv on July 30.  This will be the group's fifth performance in Israel; their last performance in the country was in 2011.

TV rots your brain, but…..  After Israeli executive Sarit Fishbaine watched a TV medical soap, she decided to get a second opinion about a lump she was worried about.  The decision saved her life.  Coincidentally, Sarit is the daughter of Professor Sidney Engelberg – who appears in another article in this newsletter.


Celebrating Jerusalem Day.  The Western Wall (Kotel) was full of worshippers for a festive prayer service to honor Jerusalem Day.  It was attended by several Chief Rabbis and featured singer Yitzhak Meir.  Thousands of revelers later danced at the Kotel, celebrating the re-unification of the city in the 1967 Six Day War. And (TY Michelle) Jerusalem’s emergence as a Tech Hub has made the city into a link between history and destiny.

Israel’s first ultra-orthodox tech incubator.  Yitzik Crombie and Racheli Ganot have launched a first of its kind tech incubator as part of their Haredi Hi-Tech Forum. The incubator specifically targets the Haredi community - much of which lives below the poverty line - and its goal is to bring the high-tech to Bnei Brak.

Limmud brings Torah to Tel Aviv.  For the first time, the global Jewish learning movement Limmud reached the White City.  The two-day event provided the normally secular city of Tel Aviv with 130 sessions, 120 presenters and seven musical performances.

What’s happening on Shavuot.  Israel is the ultimate place to celebrate Shavuot.  Next year why not stay on a Moshav where you can enjoy folk dancing, horse prancing, kite flying, a cow beauty pageant and the food!  Also on Voice of Israel you can learn why Shavuot is a night of revelation.

President’s Chief of Staff is mother of eleven.  Rivka Ravitz, 39, is Israeli President Reuven Rivlin’s Chief of Staff and has been Reuven’s aid for 16 years.  She holds degrees in Computer Science and Politics and a PhD in Public Policy.  She also challenges stereotypes, as she is an ultra-orthodox Jew and a mother of eleven children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiekRiY3ChY