Jag skrev senast om ämnet på https://israelintheworld.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/kvinnligt-motstand-nu-mot-leftisarna-i-israel/
Två konservativa judiska kvinnor driver vänstern vansinnig.
20 Maj 2015 av Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, en Shillman journalistik Fellow vid David Horowitz Freedom Center, är en New York författare som fokuserar på radikala islam.
Denna månad ha vänstern förlorat sin själ över Ayelet Shaked. Dotter till en irakisk judiska invandrare, Ayelet Shaked var en infanteri-instruktör som arbetade för Israels elit Golani Brigade och datavetare som arbetade för Texas Instruments. Nu är hon en mor till två gift med en före detta stridspilot.
Hon är också Israels nya justitieminister.
The New York Times jämförde henne med Michele Bachmann och hade henne citera Ayn Rand. Financial Times jämförde henne med Sarah Palin. Så gjorde italienska, spanska och norska medier.
Dessa analogier är inte baserade på något annat än kön och politik hos alla de tre kvinnorna. De är stenografisignaler, berättar liberala läsare, att hata Ayelet Shaked precis som de hatade Palin och Bachmann.
Utrikespolitik dubbade henne "Den nya ansikte på Israels Hard Right" och hävdade att "Ayelet Shaked gör Benjamin Netanyahu se ut som en liberal." Haaretz skriker, "Vem bryr sig om att hon är vacker? Ayelet Shaked är farlig."
International Business Times UK kallade henne "Israels nya eldbrand på högerkanten ." "Vänstern hatar henne och Netanyahu kommer inte skaka hennes hand," pyrde National Post. "Israeliska liberaler är bestörta över Netanyahus val av justitieminister," Financial Times drog efter andan.
Sedan fanns photoshops av henne i en nazistisk uniform och Hitler analogier. Följda av dödshot.
The London Times citerade den galna turkiska tyrannen Erdogans jämförelse av Shaked med Hitler. Med tanke på att Erdogan är en mustachförsedd krigisk diktator för närvarande i en kampanj för att ge sig själv obegränsade befogenheter och samtidigt hjälpa med folkmord av kurderna, går den självklara Hitler-analogen i den andra riktningen.
Och Erdogan kan informeras om att det inte är en bra idé att hålla på att kasta Hitlerstenar när man bor i ett gigantisk Albert Speer -palats medan han drömmer om att återuppväcka ett tusenårigt Osmanskt rike.
"Planerar Ayelet Shaked att strypa High Court?" fråagade The Times of Israel. Det är faktiskt den vänsterkontrollerade High Court som har hållit på att strypa Israel, som agerar utan någon konstitutionell myndighet eller översyn.
Vänstern förlorade sitt sinne över Ayelet Shaked-utnämningen eftersom Israels högsta domstol är utom kontroll; Den fungerar som en odemokratisk institution som inte är ansvarig inför någon förtroendevald och uppfinner sina egna lagar och insisterar på rätten att ingripa i varje fråga, oavsett hur stor eller liten.
Shakeds föreslagna reformer inkluderar sådana enkla demokratiska åtgärder som förhindrar de sittande lagmännen från att effektivt välja sina egna medlemmar och låta valda tjänstemän utmana vissa domstolsbeslut. Dessa är åtgärder med grundläggande sunt förnuft som skulle spela en avgörande roll för att bevara Israels demokrati.
En domstol som fungerar som en självförstärkande ideologisk institution immun mot folkets vilja är en i grunden odemokratisk institution. Alla påståenden om att Ayelet Shaked är en kvinnlig judisk Hitler är dåliga försök från en vänsterkänsla av odemokratisk rätt till en illegitim myndighet.
Men så fort medierna insveptlugnade sig med sitt Shaked-utbrott, tyckte hittade de en ny judisk israelisk konservativ kvinna att förlora sin själ över. Den här gången var det Tzipi Hotovely.
Tzipi Hotovely är en advokat som kämpar för kvinnors rättigheter och mot islamisk terrorism. Hon är också den nya biträdande utrikesministern.
Återigen Hotovely beskrivs som "höger", en "hardliner" och "extrem". Hon är "religiösa och ogenerad höger", "ogenerat hökaktig" och ännu mer förolämpande, den "religiösa sionistprinsessan." Inte att nämna "rasist" och "på kollisionskurs med det internationella samfundet."
Vad gör Tzipi Hotovely så "ogenerat höger"? Liksom Ayelet Shaked, håller hon de flesta av samma politiska ståndpunkter som Yitzchak Rabin en gång höll. Det mest "extrema" Shaked och Hotovely citerar som medierna ylar om är fortfarande milt jämfört med några av Rabins åsikter om terrorister.
Tzipi Hotovelys brott är att erkänna att fredsprocessen har misslyckats, att det inte har producerat fred och att den är strukturellt oförmögen att producera fred i framtiden. Det är redan en slutsats de flesta israeler har kommit till efter att ha levt genom årtionden av våldsamt fredlig terror.
Ayelet Shaked utmanar vänsterns inhemska förvrängning av demokratin. Tzipi Hotovely har kallat på deras vanföreställningar där de låtsas att upprepa samma destruktiva beteende på något sätt skulle leda till bättre resultat. Båda kvinnorna har ifrågasatt vänsterns illusioner, dess inversion av språket och dess vägran att erkänna de svåra och obehagliga sanningar som måste hanteras om Israel ska kunna gå framåt.
Vänstern hävdar att dess institutionella makt skyddar demokratin medan hotet mot demokratin kommer från demokratiskt valda konservativa som Ayelet Shaked. Israeliska vänstern hävdar att kämpa för demokrati genom att kämpa mot demokrati. Och Shaked, dotter till ett Mizrahi och Ashkenazi par, är levande inkarnation av det nya Israel som vänsterns gamla eliter är så sjukligt rädda för.
Netanyahu vann omval genom röster från Mizrahi-judar från arabländerna. Vänstern svarade med fula bigotta vredesutbrott. Ayelet Shaked gjorde dem så rasande att hon är en framgångsrik kvinna som inte är villig att användas som en marionett för sina särintressen på samma sätt som Moshe Kahlon är.
Tzipi Hotovely var tonåring när Rabin skakade Arafats fuktiga hand i Vita husets rosenträdgård. Hon växte upp i ett Israel där skolbarn ständigt fått höra och sjunga fredssånger och lovade att denna generation av soldater skulle bli den sista. Allt detta visade sig vara en lögn.
För många israeler, blev det en konstig tid, landets Age of Aquarius, en tid då de förlorat kontakten med verkligheten, vilket lämnat en nation uppdelad mellan förbittrade fredshippies fortfarande vårdande sina omöjliga drömmar på Rabin-torget och en större befolkning som får hantera de problem och hot som vänstern hade skapat.
Det är inte förvånande att Hotovelys generation har lite tålamod för vänsterns vanföreställningar. Hennes var den första generationen som kom till ålder att tro på lögner och snabbt berövades dem när deras klasskamrater blåsates upp på bussar och på klubbar. De lärde sig om sanningen den hårda vägen.
Vad som verkligen skrämmer vänstern om Tzipi Hotovely och Ayelet Shaked är att de är i spetsen för en ny pragmatisk generation med liten användning för tom idealism. De tror på ett Israel som är starkteftersom de har sett vad som händer när det är svagt. De står för ett demokratiskt Israel, eftersom de har sett vad som händer när vänstern använder sin institutionella makt att odemokratiskt pressa fram sina åsikter.
Båda kvinnorna är allvarliga på exakt det sätt som Tzipi Livni, vänsterns avsedda utrikesminister, inte var. Du kommer inte att göra bort sig på det sätt Livni gjorde genom att dansa och ta selfies i en gaybar. De tar sitt arbete på allvar och de är där för att arbeta i stället för att dekorera affischer. Det är vad den vänstra vägrade att förstå förrän det var för sent. Nu agerar dess talesmän och pennfäktare som om Shaked och Hotovelys utnämningar var en desperat oavsiktlig olycka för Netanyahu.
Och kanske det var Netanyahus plan hela tiden. Mediernas frenesi över dessa två kvinnor har tillfälligt distraherat dem från honom och från att erkänna deras kompetens och professionalism.
Kanske det konstigaste fenomenet i israelisk politik är medias besatthet av Sara Netanyahu; vars enda brott är att vara gift med Israels premiärminister. Medierna hatar henne ännu mer än de hatar hennes man vilket leder till bisarra historier som anklagar henne för att dricka champagne hela dagen och sedan sälja flaskorna. Eller att kontrollera hennes make och bestämma landets politik.
De israeliska mediernas svaghet för sexism kan ha gjort deras svar på Shaked och Hotovely förutsägbara. Och eftersom internationella medier får sina berättelser om Israel från extremvänsterns Haaretz, blev vansinnet globalt.
Vänstern gnäller som om Shaked och Hotovely var alldeles för farliga att få göra sitt jobb. Och de har en poäng. Om de tilläts att göra sitt jobb, kan en stor del av vänsterns skador slutligen elimineras.
Two Conservative Jewish Women are Driving the Left Insane
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.
This month the left lost its mind over Ayelet Shaked. The daughter of an Iraqi Jewish immigrant, Ayelet Shaked was an infantry instructor who worked for Israel’s elite Golani Brigade and a computer scientist who worked for Texas Instruments. Now she’s a mother of two married to a former fighter pilot.
She’s also Israel’s new Justice Minister.
The New York Times compared her to Michele Bachmann and had her quoting Ayn Rand. The Financial Times compared her to Sarah Palin. So did Italian, Spanish and Norwegian media outlets.
These analogies are not based on anything except the gender and politics of all three women. They are shorthand signals, telling liberal readers to hate Ayelet Shaked just as they hated Palin and Bachmann.
Foreign Policy dubbed her “The new face of Israel’s Hard Right” and asserted that “Ayelet Shaked makes Benjamin Netanyahu look like a liberal.” Haaretzshrieked, “Who cares if she’s beautiful? Ayelet Shaked is dangerous.”
The International Business Times UK called her “Israel’s new right wing firebrand.” “The left hates her and Netanyahu won’t shake her hand,” theNational Post fumed. “Israeli liberals aghast at Netanyahu’s choice of justice minister,” the Financial Times gasped.
Then there were photoshops of her in a Nazi uniform and Hitler analogies. Followed by death threats.
The London Times cited deranged Turkish tyrant Erdogan’s comparison of Shaked to Hitler. Considering that Erdogan is a mustachioed bellicose dictator currently campaigning to give himself unlimited powers while helping conduct genocide against the Kurds, the obvious Hitler analogy goes in the other direction.
And Erdogan might be advised that it’s not a good idea to keep throwing Hitler rocks when you live in a giant Albert Speer palace while dreaming of resurrecting a thousand-year Ottoman Empire.
“Is Ayelet Shaked planning to strangle the High Court?” the Times of Israel inquired. It’s actually the left-wing High Court that’s been strangling Israel, acting with no constitutional authority or oversight.
The left lost its mind over Ayelet Shaked’s appointment because Israel’s Supreme Court is out of control; it functions as an undemocratic institution that is not accountable to any elected officials and that invents its own laws and insists on the right to intervene in any issue no matter how large or small.
Shaked’s proposed reforms include such simple democratic measures as preventing sitting justices from effectively selecting their own members and allowing elected officials to challenge some court decisions. These are basic common sense measures that would play a crucial role in preserving Israel’s democracy.
A Court that acts as a self-perpetuating ideological institution immune to the will of the people is a fundamentally undemocratic institution. All the claims that Ayelet Shaked is a female Jewish Hitler are poor attempts at disgusting a leftist sense of undemocratic entitlement to illegitimate authority.
But as soon as the media wrapped up its Shaked tantrum, it found a new Jewish Israeli conservative woman to lose its mind over. This time it was Tzipi Hotovely.
Tzipi Hotovely is a lawyer who campaigns for women’s rights and against Islamic terrorism. She’s also the new deputy foreign minister.
Again, Hotovely was described as “right-wing”, a “hardliner” and “extreme.” She is “religious and unabashedly right-wing,” “unrepentantly hawkish” and even more insultingly, the “religious Zionist princess.” Not to mention a “racist” and “on a collision course with the international community.”
What makes Tzipi Hotovely so “unabashedly right-wing”? Like Ayelet Shaked, she holds most of the same political positions that Yitzchak Rabin once held. The most “extreme” Shaked and Hotovely quotes that the media brandishes about are still mild compared to some of Rabin’s opinions of terrorists.
Tzipi Hotovely’s crime is acknowledging that the peace process has failed miserably, that it has not produced peace and that it is structurally incapable of producing peace at any time in the future. That is already a conclusion most Israelis have come to after living through decades of violently peaceful terror.
Ayelet Shaked challenges the left’s domestic perversion of democracy. Tzipi Hotovely has called out its delusional pretense that repeating the same destructive behavior will somehow lead to better results. Both women have challenged the left’s illusions, its inversion of language and its refusal to acknowledge the difficult and unpleasant truths that must be dealt with if Israel is to be able to move forward.
The left insists that its institutional power protects democracy while the threat to democracy comes from democratically elected conservatives like Ayelet Shaked. Israeli leftists claim to be fighting for democracy by fighting against democracy. And Shaked, the daughter of a Mizrahi and Ashkenazi couple, is the living embodiment of the new Israel that the left’s old elites are so pathologically afraid of.
Netanyahu won reelection through the votes of Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries. The left responded with ugly bigoted tantrums. Ayelet Shaked infuriates them so badly because she is a successful woman who isn’t willing to be used as a puppet for their special interests the way that Moshe Kahlon is.
Tzipi Hotovely was a teenager when Rabin shook Arafat’s clammy hand in the White House Rose Garden. She came of age in an Israel where schoolchildren were constantly being told to sing peace songs and promised that this generation of soldiers would be the last. All of that proved to be a lie.
To many Israelis, that strange time became the country’s Age of Aquarius, a time when it lost touch with reality leaving a nation divided between resentful peace hippies still nursing their impossible dreams in Rabin Square and a larger populace dealing with the problems and threats that the left had created.
It’s unsurprising that Hotovely’s generation has little patience for the delusions of the left. Hers was the first generation that came of age believing the lies and was swiftly disabused of them when their classmates were being blown up on buses and in clubs. They learned about the truth the hard way.
What really frightens the left about Tzipi Hotovely and Ayelet Shaked is that they are the vanguard of a new pragmatic generation with little use for empty idealism. They believe in an Israel that is strong, because they have seen what happens when it is weak. They stand for a democratic Israel, because they have seen what happens when the left uses its institutional power to undemocratically force its way.
Both women are serious in exactly the way that Tzipi Livni, the left’s intended Foreign Minister, wasn’t. You won’t find them making fools of themselves the way that Livni did by dancing and taking selfies in a gay bar. They take their work seriously and they are there to work rather than to decorate posters. That is what the left refused to understand until it was too late. Now its spokesmen and scribblers act as if Shaked and Hotovely’s appointments were a desperate unintended accident by Netanyahu.
And maybe that was Netanyahu’s plan all along. The media’s frenzy over these two women has temporarily distracted it from him and from recognizing their competence and professionalism.
Perhaps the strangest phenomenon in Israeli politics is the media’s obsession with Sara Netanyahu; whose only crime is being married to the Prime Minister of Israel. The media hates her even more than they hate her husband leading to bizarre stories that accuse her of drinking champagne all day and then pocketing the bottle deposits. Or controlling her husband and masterminding the country’s politics.
The Israeli media’s weakness for sexism may have made its response to Shaked and Hotovely predictable. And because the international media gets its stories on Israel from Haaretz, the meltdown went global.
The left whines that Shaked and Hotovely are just too dangerous to be allowed to do their jobs. And it has a point. If they were allowed to do their jobs, much of the left’s damage might finally be undone.
This month the left lost its mind over Ayelet Shaked. The daughter of an Iraqi Jewish immigrant, Ayelet Shaked was an infantry instructor who worked for Israel’s elite Golani Brigade and a computer scientist who worked for Texas Instruments. Now she’s a mother of two married to a former fighter pilot.
She’s also Israel’s new Justice Minister.
The New York Times compared her to Michele Bachmann and had her quoting Ayn Rand. The Financial Times compared her to Sarah Palin. So did Italian, Spanish and Norwegian media outlets.
These analogies are not based on anything except the gender and politics of all three women. They are shorthand signals, telling liberal readers to hate Ayelet Shaked just as they hated Palin and Bachmann.
Foreign Policy dubbed her “The new face of Israel’s Hard Right” and asserted that “Ayelet Shaked makes Benjamin Netanyahu look like a liberal.” Haaretzshrieked, “Who cares if she’s beautiful? Ayelet Shaked is dangerous.”
The International Business Times UK called her “Israel’s new right wing firebrand.” “The left hates her and Netanyahu won’t shake her hand,” theNational Post fumed. “Israeli liberals aghast at Netanyahu’s choice of justice minister,” the Financial Times gasped.
Then there were photoshops of her in a Nazi uniform and Hitler analogies. Followed by death threats.
The London Times cited deranged Turkish tyrant Erdogan’s comparison of Shaked to Hitler. Considering that Erdogan is a mustachioed bellicose dictator currently campaigning to give himself unlimited powers while helping conduct genocide against the Kurds, the obvious Hitler analogy goes in the other direction.
And Erdogan might be advised that it’s not a good idea to keep throwing Hitler rocks when you live in a giant Albert Speer palace while dreaming of resurrecting a thousand-year Ottoman Empire.
“Is Ayelet Shaked planning to strangle the High Court?” the Times of Israel inquired. It’s actually the left-wing High Court that’s been strangling Israel, acting with no constitutional authority or oversight.
The left lost its mind over Ayelet Shaked’s appointment because Israel’s Supreme Court is out of control; it functions as an undemocratic institution that is not accountable to any elected officials and that invents its own laws and insists on the right to intervene in any issue no matter how large or small.
Shaked’s proposed reforms include such simple democratic measures as preventing sitting justices from effectively selecting their own members and allowing elected officials to challenge some court decisions. These are basic common sense measures that would play a crucial role in preserving Israel’s democracy.
A Court that acts as a self-perpetuating ideological institution immune to the will of the people is a fundamentally undemocratic institution. All the claims that Ayelet Shaked is a female Jewish Hitler are poor attempts at disgusting a leftist sense of undemocratic entitlement to illegitimate authority.
But as soon as the media wrapped up its Shaked tantrum, it found a new Jewish Israeli conservative woman to lose its mind over. This time it was Tzipi Hotovely.
Tzipi Hotovely is a lawyer who campaigns for women’s rights and against Islamic terrorism. She’s also the new deputy foreign minister.
Again, Hotovely was described as “right-wing”, a “hardliner” and “extreme.” She is “religious and unabashedly right-wing,” “unrepentantly hawkish” and even more insultingly, the “religious Zionist princess.” Not to mention a “racist” and “on a collision course with the international community.”
What makes Tzipi Hotovely so “unabashedly right-wing”? Like Ayelet Shaked, she holds most of the same political positions that Yitzchak Rabin once held. The most “extreme” Shaked and Hotovely quotes that the media brandishes about are still mild compared to some of Rabin’s opinions of terrorists.
Tzipi Hotovely’s crime is acknowledging that the peace process has failed miserably, that it has not produced peace and that it is structurally incapable of producing peace at any time in the future. That is already a conclusion most Israelis have come to after living through decades of violently peaceful terror.
Ayelet Shaked challenges the left’s domestic perversion of democracy. Tzipi Hotovely has called out its delusional pretense that repeating the same destructive behavior will somehow lead to better results. Both women have challenged the left’s illusions, its inversion of language and its refusal to acknowledge the difficult and unpleasant truths that must be dealt with if Israel is to be able to move forward.
The left insists that its institutional power protects democracy while the threat to democracy comes from democratically elected conservatives like Ayelet Shaked. Israeli leftists claim to be fighting for democracy by fighting against democracy. And Shaked, the daughter of a Mizrahi and Ashkenazi couple, is the living embodiment of the new Israel that the left’s old elites are so pathologically afraid of.
Netanyahu won reelection through the votes of Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries. The left responded with ugly bigoted tantrums. Ayelet Shaked infuriates them so badly because she is a successful woman who isn’t willing to be used as a puppet for their special interests the way that Moshe Kahlon is.
Tzipi Hotovely was a teenager when Rabin shook Arafat’s clammy hand in the White House Rose Garden. She came of age in an Israel where schoolchildren were constantly being told to sing peace songs and promised that this generation of soldiers would be the last. All of that proved to be a lie.
To many Israelis, that strange time became the country’s Age of Aquarius, a time when it lost touch with reality leaving a nation divided between resentful peace hippies still nursing their impossible dreams in Rabin Square and a larger populace dealing with the problems and threats that the left had created.
It’s unsurprising that Hotovely’s generation has little patience for the delusions of the left. Hers was the first generation that came of age believing the lies and was swiftly disabused of them when their classmates were being blown up on buses and in clubs. They learned about the truth the hard way.
What really frightens the left about Tzipi Hotovely and Ayelet Shaked is that they are the vanguard of a new pragmatic generation with little use for empty idealism. They believe in an Israel that is strong, because they have seen what happens when it is weak. They stand for a democratic Israel, because they have seen what happens when the left uses its institutional power to undemocratically force its way.
Both women are serious in exactly the way that Tzipi Livni, the left’s intended Foreign Minister, wasn’t. You won’t find them making fools of themselves the way that Livni did by dancing and taking selfies in a gay bar. They take their work seriously and they are there to work rather than to decorate posters. That is what the left refused to understand until it was too late. Now its spokesmen and scribblers act as if Shaked and Hotovely’s appointments were a desperate unintended accident by Netanyahu.
And maybe that was Netanyahu’s plan all along. The media’s frenzy over these two women has temporarily distracted it from him and from recognizing their competence and professionalism.
Perhaps the strangest phenomenon in Israeli politics is the media’s obsession with Sara Netanyahu; whose only crime is being married to the Prime Minister of Israel. The media hates her even more than they hate her husband leading to bizarre stories that accuse her of drinking champagne all day and then pocketing the bottle deposits. Or controlling her husband and masterminding the country’s politics.
The Israeli media’s weakness for sexism may have made its response to Shaked and Hotovely predictable. And because the international media gets its stories on Israel from Haaretz, the meltdown went global.
The left whines that Shaked and Hotovely are just too dangerous to be allowed to do their jobs. And it has a point. If they were allowed to do their jobs, much of the left’s damage might finally be undone.
†Ayelet Shaked †Tzipi Hotovely
†Barack Hussein
†Israel. .........
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