tisdag 30 juni 2015

Franska judar flödar in i Israel.

130 French Jews Arrive In Israel; More Than 3,000 Expected This Summer

Bnei Menashe Olim from India settle in Golan Heights.

Bnei Menashe.


78 Bnei Menashe-judar som levde i tusentals år i Imphal, emigrerar från Indien till Israel. Roligt nog, i flera år hade jag en intressant brevkompis i Manipur, som nämns på länken, uppe i nordöstra Indien, nära Burma. Hon var indisk men såg mer burmesisk ut av nån anledning.

India’s Young Jews Eye Israel

110 Ukraine Jews Arrive on IFJC Refugee Rescue Flight

Hur palAraber firar Ramadan med Wallströms (mina) pengar.

Nu får du gärna fråga våra massmedia varför de helt har missat detta. Varenda vecka!

Abbas har inte sagt ett ljud om alla mordattacker. I Osloavtalet lovade Arafat att all sådan terror skulle stoppas och förövare fängslas. För det fick han löfte om en massa pengar - varför ska Israel fortsätta betala dessa?

Vad Netanyahu erbjöd araberna för Ramadan se länk.

Ramadan hittills: 12 Dagar av Terror

Muslimer begårick eller försökte åtminstone utföra åtta allvarliga attacker, bland annat två mord - och månaden är inte halvvägs över.

Av Gil Ronen
Först Publicerat: 2015/06/29, 14:26

Dror Feiler måndagkväll

Där är visst få åhörare till hans vuvuzela. Han hade väl helst velat ha lite lagom bråk - det sade sett bättre ut i svenska massmedia.

Navy escorts vessel as it arrives at the Israeli port without incident; no soldiers or activists hurt.


A pro-Palestinian ship named 'Marianne' is escorted to Ashdod port in southern Israel after it was seized by the navy, June 29, 2015. . (photo credit:REUTERS)

Dror Feiler infångad.

AB gaggar lika okunnigt som alltid. De skriver t.ex.”Vi kräver av våra respektive regeringar att de agerar med medmänsklighet och att de säkerställer säkerheten för alla delegater ombord på Marianne”, skriver organisationen i ett pressmeddelande."

"Medmänsklighet" är alltså att understödja vapentransport till Hamas och direkt bryta mot lagen om blockad.....   Och de banker och försäkringsbolag som hjälpt dem ligger risigt till. Se https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade
 och sök efter international waters på den sidan. Har Sverige betalt till dumdristigheten så ligger de lika illa till som den Franska regeringen, som fått en skarp anmärkning från Israel.

Att Israel gör det på internationellt vatten är för att lagen säger så, se Wikiartikeln ovan om blockade. Det är definitivt inget folkrättsbrott som de har fått för sej, däremot har Hamas begått ett stort antal krigsbrott, skjuta mot civila, använt mänskliga sköldar avsiktligt, placerat människor på sina anläggningar som Israel varnat att de kommer att attackera. Att skjuta mot terrorister som gömmer sig bakom sina mänskliga sköldar är INTE krigsbrott!

Israel har ingen som helst skyldighet att mata Gazanerna, läs lagen.

FN har bekräftat att att blockaden följer internationell lag, Feiler och hans antisemitiska gäng har bara bekräftat att den är emot deras privata lag.

[video - se originalartikeln]

Navy Takes Over Flotilla Ship

IDF naval fighters board the Swedish Marianne vessel that was attempting to break the blockade on Gaza. No injuries reported.

By Elad Benari
First Publish: 6/29/2015, 5:12 AM

IDF naval fighters early on Monday morning boarded the Swedish ship Marianne that was taking part in the latest flotilla trying to violate Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza.

The troops took control of the ship and will take it to the Ashdod Port where its contents will be inspected. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said the takeover process was short and there were no injuries on either side.

“According to the decision of the political echelon, and after exhausting all diplomatic channels to prevent the Marianne vessel from reaching the coast of the Gaza Strip and violating the naval blockade, navy fighters took over the vessel a short time ago before its arrival in Gaza,” the statement said.

“The action was taken after a large number of requests to the passengers on the vessel. Once the passengers clarified that they would not cooperate and proceed to the Ashdod Port, it was decided to take over the vessel and sail it to the Ashdod port.”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu welcomed the operation to take over the vessel and said, "I would like to commend the sailors and commanders of theIsrael Navy for their determined and efficient action in detaining thepassengers on the ship that tried to reach the Gaza coast in contravention ofthe law. This flotilla is nothing but a demonstration of hypocrisy and lies that is only assisting the Hamas terrorist organization and ignores all of the horrors in our region. Preventing entry by sea was done in accordance with international law and even received backing from a committee of the UN Secretary General.”

“Israel,” noted Netanyahu, “is the only democracy that defends itself in accordance with international law. We are not prepared to accept the entry of war materiel to the terrorist organizations in Gaza as has been done by sea in the past. Just last year we foiled an attempt to smuggle by sea hundreds of weapons that were destined for use in attacks against Israel's citizens.”

He stressed that “there is no siege on Gaza. Israel assists in transferring goods and humanitarian equipment to Gaza – approximately 800 trucks a day that have recently brought into Gaza more than 1.6 million tons of goods. Moreover, Israel assists in hundreds of humanitarian projects, through international organizations, including the building of clinics and hospitals.”

“Israel is a state that seeks peace and acts in accordance with international law so that the residents of Gaza might have safe lives and their children may grow up in peace and quiet," concluded Netanyahu.

The so-called “Freedom Flotilla 3”, which set sail from Crete on Friday, has been backed by the European Campaign to Break the Siege on Gaza. Members of the European Parliament, journalists, athletes, artists, as well as radical leftist Israelis will be on board.

Arutz Sheva has exclusively revealed that the flotilla is indirectly funded by the French government via a pro-Palestinian NGO.

The flotilla was the latest in a series of attempts by activists to break the naval blockade on Gaza, imposed by Israel after Hamas violently took control of Gaza from rival Fatah in 2006.

The most famous of the flotillas was the 2010 one involving the Turkish Mavi Marmara, which claimed to be providing "humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza."

The ship repeatedly defied orders to turn around and dock at the Ashdod port and ignored repeated warnings to change course, forcing IDF troops to board the vessel - only to be attacked by Islamist extremists on board wieldingknives and metal bars. The wounded soldiers had no choice but to open fire, resulting in the deaths of ten of Islamists on board.

After an investigation, Israeli authorities discovered the vessel to be carrying no humanitarian aid - in fact, no aid supplies at all - indicating how the true goal of the provocative move was to open Gaza to free naval access, which it has consistently used to smuggle in weapons to be targeted againstIsrael.

måndag 29 juni 2015

Vapensmuggling till Gaza.

Israel har tagit många nog smuggelförsök via båt till Hamas i Gaza. Se dessa länkar:

Googla på
IDF arms ships to Gaza
weapons sea Gaza site:https://www.idfblog.com







Kommer båtarna nära Israel följer de Internationell lag, kommer de nära Egypten - som också blockerar Gaza men mer seriöst - får de skylla sig själva. Och media bryr sej mindre eftersom de hoppas på att kunna attackera Israel med något. Ser du varför Israel förtullar ALLA båtar till Gaza på ovanstående länkar. Och se vad laglig Blockad får göra mot blockadbrytare.

Aftonbladet: Andelen döda civila var historiskt låg

AB har tagit en artikel av Israels ambassadör Isaac Bachman
vilket är en positiv sällsynthet. Låt oss hoppas att svenska massmedia ser och tar lärdom - och att det blir en trend att artiklar av ambassadörer tas in. Sen må de diskuteras och besvaras av sakkunniga.

Vad Wallström betalar via Abbas.

Lite om vad Wallström betalar till terror i Israel: http://palwatch.org/STORAGE/special%20reports/4_reports_PA_salaries_to_terrorists_Feb_13_2013.pdf

Vad Wallström gav till Abbas - 1.5 miljard på direkten - vägrade hon kräva redovisning på såvitt jag vet. Sverige ger också otroliga mängder pengar till rent Israelhat, se länk.
Vad hennes araber ägnar sig åt ser du på bilden där en attackerar en judisk skolbuss. Småstenarna svenska media rapporterar om ser ut så. När araber attackerar judiska barn med såna stenbumlingar ser du inte ett spår i svenska massmedia. Allmänna obekräftade påståenden att "Israel dödar arabiska barn" dräller det av. Att Israel tar hand om svårt sjuka barn från hela omgivningen nämns sällan. Hur många sjuka palAraber som tas emot årligen nämns aldrig, 2012 var det 219.464.

Arab Rock Barrage Strikes Schoolbus in Jerusalem

söndag 28 juni 2015

Israels förhistoria - mystisk 2000 år gammal staty.

Karta - se originalartikeln, den blev som nedan vid kopiering.

Mysterious 2,000-year-old marble dolphin surfaces near Gaza

Irans mullor tackar Allah för att Obama är så lättlurad.

Med den hotande tidsfristen för en slutlig överenskommelse som närmar sig, är det inte förvånande att de iranska mullornas huvuden snurrar som centrifuger prisande Allah för en otänkbar amerikansk anrikning av en "historisk affär" som skulle kunna bana väg för dem att bygga kärnvapen.

Med tanke på Obama-administrationens kapitulation inför massiva kärnvapeneftergifter, stinker president Barack Obamas krav på att sluta en mycket bristfällig kärnvapenaffär med världens främsta statliga sponsor av terrorism, i högan grad.

Obama har helt glömt vad Iran många gånger har upprepat: att Israel är lilla Satan och USA den stora.

lördag 27 juni 2015

Michael Oren

Den förra israeliska ambassadören till USA har skrivit en bok och artiklar om Obama och hans relationer till Israel. Mycket har sagts om vad han nu skriver när han inte behöver vara diplomatisk längre utan säga sanningen. Två artiklar om honom du bör läsa är



Googla på Oren Obama så hittar du en massa mer.

Netanyahu fortsätter med erbjudanden till araberna under Ramadan och tror han ska få tack för det.

"Erbjudanden" till araberna fortsätter som vanligt, ska aldrig Netanyahu lära sig att hans "concessions" enbart tas som svaghet av araberna? Abbas flinar och vägrade spela med och Hamas fortsatte sända raketer.

Israel Makes 'Historic' Temple Mount Concessions for Ramadan

Defense Ministry announces 'firsts' in easing security checks, including direct buses to Mount, hundreds of Gazan visitors.

By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 6/16/2015, 7:47 PM

Palestiniernas verkliga strategi

Palestiniernas verkliga strategi

Den förra illegala Gazaflottiljen hade INGET gods som klassades som humanitärt! Definition på laglig blockad.

"Varor" som levererades av Ship to Gaza förra gången.

Här en lista med de varor som hittills (observera artikelns datum) förtullats i Israel enligt den av FN godkända bojkotten. Vad kan vi gissa att transporten med båtar från Europa har kostat jämfört med om de köpts i Egypten eller Israel. Även om varorna var begagnade eller utgångna. Var reklamen för transportörerna verkligen värt det? Medicinen som var utgången eller nästan utgången - inte konstigt att Hamas vägrade ta emot skräpet.

För definition av laglig blockad, vad som är Israels lagliga rätt, se 
Där står bl.a.

Förhandlingarna med Iran står helt stilla.

Om 4 dagar ska avtalet vara klart - och Iran ägnar hela sin tid att göra uttalanden som omöjliggör ett avtal. Eller rättare sagt de tröttar ut de andra stormakterna, huvudsakligen Obama, att ge sej på allt fler punkter. Han började med att de inte skulle få ha några möjligheter att tillverka kärnvapen, enligt tidigare Säkerhetsrådets uttalanden, till att gå med på allting. Och en av de viktiga punkterna, att IAEA ska kunna inspektera när de vill, har Iran upprepade gånger sagt att de vägrar. Trots det öser Obama pengar över Iran - så varför skulle de ändra sig?

ISIS, illegala infiltratörer.

Jihad i Malmö har lagt upp en bra översikt av var/vad ISIS är och andra relevanta data.

De stridande som försöker få slut på otyget är väldigt få, USA och några andra, men få länder i EU, NATO anser inte de hotar några av deras medlemsländer, Sverige anser inte att ISIS i Libyen heller är nära nog. EU har tydligen börjat fatta något av hotet

Illegala flyktingar.

Minns hur snabbt åsikterna ändras, för ett par år sen var Tyskland, Frankrike och England högljudda över att multikulti var helt misslyckat. Svenska regeringarna har haft världens bästa fantasi för att bevisa att de hade fel.




 men Sverige protesterar i högan sky att man försöker lösa problemet och inte bara staplar flyktingar på hög i EU. Sverige anser inte att vanliga europeer ska ha något att säga till om när man drar in dom. Illegala flyktingar är mycket viktigare än svenskar.


Har någon räknat på vad det hade kostat om man inte drar hit dom utan sätter upp flyktingläger, skolor och fabriksbyar i Libyen? Såg att där bara bor 3.7 per km2. Det hade tvingat EU och NATO att rensa bort ISIS, så flera fördelar. Nu är det bara Egypten som har satt åt ISIS där. 

Men egentligen är ju alla flyktingar bara symptom på vad FN skulle göra med länderna de flyr från. Tänk på dej själv - vad hade kunnat få dej att fly från ditt hem? Att kunna odla och föda upp din mat i lugn och ro? Hur mycket hade du gett för att kunna fortsätta det  som förr - det har trots allt krävts för att producera alla människor och majoriteten stannar hemma och försöker så långt det går. Varför satsar inte EU allt på att ge dem den möjligheten i stället för på den reklamen som berättar hur bra Sverige är om man väl lycka komma till gränsen. Det är väldigt dyrt att komma så långt som illegal immigrant så det är inte de fattiga som kommer utan de relativt välbärgade - som gör en massa människosmugglare än rikare, supportade av oss.

Det har varit tvärtom, det var det för drygt 100 år sedan, läs Lortsverige, och om staten drar in halva Afrika och Mellanöstern så återgår vi till det tillstånd som finns där, som Lortsverige berättar om. Absolut ingen omöjlighet om Regeringen fortsätter på samma vilsna omedvetna sätt.

torsdag 25 juni 2015

USA fördömer PA:s anmälan till ICC.

USA anser inte PA är en stat säger Obama och uppfyller inte de verkliga kraven på att få gå med ICC - om man inte är israelhatare. Också kännare i PA har uttalat faran för PA att gå med - eftersom det då är öppet för anmälan mot dess verkliga terror.

Se t.ex. http://israellawcenter.org/







Ryssland och Kina tar fram nya höghastighetsmissiler, Obama spelar golf.

Som vi vet minskar Obama sin armé och försvar kontinuerligt. Det blir lättare och lättare för Ryssland och Kina att motverka USAs försvar. Israel ska inte öka samarbetet med USA förrän de ser resultatet av Obamas ödmjukande inför Iran. Kanske det skjuter de diskussionerna tills Obama är utgången.

Världsexpert på stadskrigföring läser FN:s rapport.

Överste Kemp visar på alla vansinnigheter i UNHRC:s rapport där de deklarerar att Israel begått "krigsbrott" och samtidigt erkänner att de inte vet något om hur modernt krig fungerar.

British Commander: Anti-Israel UN Report is Dangerous

Col. Kemp debunks UN report showing how it contradicts itself, lacks military expertise and completely adopted Hamas narrative.

By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 6/25/2015, 9:18 PM

Richard Kemp
PR photo

British Army Colonel (ret.) Richard Kemp, former Commander of the British Forces in Afghanistan, completely deconstructed and debunked the UN report which on Monday accused Israel of "war crimes" in its fight against Hamas terrorists in Gaza last summer.

Writing in an op-ed on Thursday in the New York Times, the colonel explained how the report, led by Judge Mary McGowan Davis of theinfamous Goldstone Report which likewise charged "war crimes," constitutes a threat and "can only provoke further violence and loss of life."

"The report starts by attributing responsibility for the conflict to Israel’s 'protracted occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip,' as well as the blockade of Gaza," wrote Kemp. "Israel withdrew from Gaza 10 years ago. In 2007 it imposed a selective blockade only in response to attacks by Hamas and the import of munitions and military matériel from Iran. The conflict last summer, which began with a dramatic escalation in rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians, was a continuation of Hamas’s war of aggression."

The military expert noted that while the report accuses Israel of breaching international law, "no evidence is put forward to substantiate these accusations. It is as though the drafters of the report believe that any civilian death in war must be illegal."

He added that the report "is characterized by a lack of understanding of warfare. That is hardly surprising. Judge Davis admitted, when I testified before her in February, that the commission, though investigating a war, had no military expertise. Perhaps that is why no attempt has been made to judge Israeli military operations against the practices of other armies. Without such international benchmarks, the report’s findings are meaningless."

Kemp pointed out that the report claims the IDF's "use of air, tank and artillery fire in populated areas may constitute a war crime...yet these same systems were used extensively by American and British forces in similar circumstances in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are often vital in saving the livesof our own soldiers, and their curtailment would jeopardize military effectiveness while handing an advantage to our enemies."

Further, while the report condemns Israel for causing civilian casualties, it offers no suggestions as to what more Israel could have done to avoid such casualties faced with Hamas's tactics of embedding its terrorist infrastructure among civilian centers, he said.

The report "even criticizes Israel for using harmless explosive devices - the 'knock on the roof' - as a final warning to evacuate targeted buildings, suggesting that it created confusion. No other country uses roof­knocks, a munition developed by Israel as part of a series of I.D.F. warning procedures, including text messages, phone calls and leaflet drops, that are known to have saved many Palestinian lives."

In fact, international legal experts have slammed the IDF precisely for over-warning residents of Gaza and thereby harming the ability of Western democracies to fight terrorism, something Kemp has warned against as well.

Where does Hamas come in?

Kemp noted that "in an unusual concession, the report suggests that Hamas may have been guilty of war crimes, but it still legitimizes Hamas’s rocket and tunnel attacks and even sympathizes with the geographical challenges in launching rockets at Israeli civilians: 'Gaza’s small size and its population density make it particularly difficult for armed groups always to comply' with the requirement not to launch attacks from civilian areas."

He stated that the large number of Gaza residents who died last summer was not caused by Israeli policy but rather Hamas's strategy, given that the terrorist group deliberately placed its "fighters and munitions in civilian areas, knowing that Israel would have no choice but to attack them and that civilian casualties would result."

"Unable to inflict existential harm on Israel by military means, Hamas sought to cause large numbers of casualties among its own people in order to bring international condemnation and unbearable diplomatic pressure against Israel."

While the report acknowledges the IDF took steps to save lives, it "without foundation accuses 'decision makers at the highest levels of the government of Israel' of a policy of deliberately killing civilians," said Kemp. "Incredibly, she (Judge Davis) 'regrets' that her commission was unable to verify the use of civilian buildings by 'Palestinian armed groups,' yet elsewhere acknowledges Hamas’s widespread use of protected locations, including United Nations schools."

In conclusion, the colonel remarked on the potential security threats posed by the report and the actions it calls for, which could allow Hamas free reign in smuggling weapons into Gaza.

"Most worrying, Judge Davis claims to be 'fully aware of the need for Israel to address its security concerns' while demanding that it 'lift, immediately and unconditionally, the blockade on Gaza,'" he noted. "Along with the report’s endorsement of Hamas’s anti-­Israel narrative, this dangerous recommendation would undoubtedly lead to further bloodshed in both Israel and Gaza."

FN-rapporten visar att Israel hade rätt.

Läser man rapporten från FN om Israels försvarskrig förra hösten mot Hamas så försäger sej FN, när de skrev rapporten innan de hade nån chans att göra undersökningen som skulle vara grund för rapporten. Den skriver bara deras traditionella hat mot Israel.


What is Right about the UN Report

By Yarden Frankl
6/25/2015, 2:06 PM

While there has been a lot of angst and hand-wringing over the United Nations Human Rights Commission report on the Gaza conflict, the report now comprehensively documents every serious allegation that Israel has made about Hamas. Now these allegations can no longer be described as "Israeli claims." The Commission has compiled an amazingly detailed record of how Hamas systemically committed war crimes against Israel and even its own citizens.
Here are the most important ones:

1) Hamas fired thousands of rockets and mortars, aimed mostly at Israeli civilians.
... in the vast majority of individual rocket and mortar attacks, the commission does not have information on the intended targets, but notes that Palestinian armed groups announced that they intended to attack population centres in Israel and declared responsibility for launches directed at different places in Israel....Such rockets cannot be directed at a specific military objective and therefore strikes employing these weapons constitute indiscriminate attacks in violation of the customary rule reflected in article 51(4) of Additional Protocol I.
2) Hamas' claims that the their weapons lacked guidance systems and therefore could not be aimed solely at military targets was rejected.
The limitations of the military arsenals of Palestinian armed groups was advanced as a reason for their failure  to attack precisely military targets. The military capacity of the parties to a conflict is irrelevant to their obligation to respect the prohibition against indiscriminate attacks.... The launching of rockets by Palestinian armed groups may therefore amount to war crimes.
3) The firing of rockets are described as acts of terror against Israeli civilians.
Given the apparent absence of any possible military advantage, and statements by Palestinian armed groups that they intended to hit Israeli cities, the commission cannot exclude the possibility that the indiscriminate rocket attacks may constitute acts of violence whose primary purpose is to spread terror amongst the civilian population, in violation of the customary rule reflected in article 51(2) of Additional Protocol I and article 13(2) of Additional Protocol II.
4) The cross-border tunnels represented a serious threat:
While the fear of rocket and mortar strikes from Gaza has been long-standing, 2014 was characterized by the discovery of tunnels.
A mother described to the commission that many of the communities live in fear of the tunnels...on one occasion she was walking to the kindergarten to pick up her children when an Israeli soldier stopped her and told her to return home because members of the armed groups had come out of the tunnels close to the kindergarten. The witness said she and the other mothers ran to the kindergarten and stayed there for 2-3 hours waiting, in fear for their own and their children’s safety.
.....“All the time I was living in fear. So if my husband forgot to lock a door or window I was hysterical that someone would come in and take one of the children. Eventually we decided to move.”  -- Israeli mother.
....The UN Secretary-General, briefing the Security Council following his visit to Israel and the OPT, which included a visit to a tunnel built by Palestinian armed groups, stated, “I fully understand the security threat to Israel from rockets above and tunnels below.
5) The Israeli warnings to Palestinian civilians prior to attacks were effective in many cases.
The commission notes that attacks on more than 200 residential buildings by air strikes resulted in no civilian casualties. This indicates that specific warnings by the IDF to inhabitants of these buildings were effective in many cases. This is further illustrated by the destruction, between 23 and 26 August 2014, of three buildings each housing several dozen apartments, which did not result in any civilian deaths. Residents of the buildings, and often their neighbours, received phone calls instructing them to evacuate and in some cases warning them to keep a safe distance from the targeted buildings. The commission considers that the issuing of warnings concerning specific air strikes, via phone calls and text messages is a good practice, through which Israel attempted to respect its obligation to give advance warnings of attacks, where feasible, so as to minimize civilian casualties.
6) Hamas used their own population as human shields and used schools, hospitals, and mosques as military facilities:
Palestinian armed groups appear to have conducted military operations within or in close proximity to sites benefiting from special protection under international humanitarian law, such as hospitals, shelters and places dedicated to religion and education....  if it is confirmed that in using the aforementioned locations to conduct military operations, armed groups did so with the intent to use the presence of civilians or persons hors de combat in locations such as shelters or hospitals to prevent their military assets from being attacked, this would constitute a violation of the customary law prohibition to use human shields, reflected in article 51(7) of Additional Protocol I. Should this intent be proven, this conduct would amount to a war crime.
7) Hamas prevented civilians from heeding Israeli warnings to leave an area designated for an attack:
...the commission is concerned that in the days prior to the start of the IDF ground operations, different representatives of the authorities in Gaza made several public declarations requesting Gaza residents not to heed the warnings issued by the IDF instructing residents of different neighbourhoods and towns to evacuate.
For instance on 16 July, Hamas spokesperson Mushir al-Masri stated, “Palestinian civilians are standing up to the enemy with their steadfastness, resilience and belief that Allah will reward them, […] Rest assured, stay put at home as you’ve always done, do not respond to rumours and this psychological war being waged by the Zionist enemy....  the declarations are a clear indication that the authorities in Gaza did not take all the necessary precautions to protect the civilian population under its control as required by international humanitarian law.
...the commission is disturbed by the reported call by the spokesperson of Hamas to the people in Gaza to adopt the practice of shielding their homes from attack by going up on their roofs. Although the call is directed to residents of Gaza, it can be seen and understood as an encouragement to Palestinian armed groups to use human shields. 
8) Hamas rockets killed Palestinian civilians. Hamas tried to hide the evidence:
...Rockets fired by Palestinian armed groups in several cases appear to have malfunctioned or were fired carelessly and fell short, in some cases in densely populated areas of Gaza, causing deaths and injuries.
...eyewitnesses had reported seeing a rescue team go to the place just after the attack, whose members did not collect the wounded but cleared and collected the remnants of the weapons. In addition, two journalists who spoke to the commission also suggested the attacks had been caused by Palestinian rockets misfiring. One of them said that Hamas members had gone to the site immediately after the events and cleared away the debris. The other said he had been prevented by local authorities from going to the site of the attack.
9) Hamas executed Palestinian civilians:
...Based on its research, the commission documented summary executions of at least 21 persons, including one woman, committed between 5 and 22 August 2014 in Gaza City, allegedly for being collaborators for Israel. Five summary executions occurred on 5 August, one on 11 August, and at least 15 on 22 August. The people executed on 5 August, and at least 11 persons executed on 22 August, were taken from Al-Katiba prison where they had been held in the custody of the local authorities in Gaza and shot by firing squad. Of these 16 executions, 8 persons had trials ongoing and 2 had received prison sentences after conviction. The other 6 individuals had challenged death sentences imposed under the PLO Revolutionary Penal Code of 1979 and were waiting for the decisions on their appeals.
...These extrajudicial executions, many of which were carried out in public, constitute a violation of both international humanitarian law and international human rights law. Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights protects the right to life and cannot be derogated from, not even “in time of public emergency which threatens the life of the nation and the existence of which is officially proclaimed” (article 4).
10) Although there were far fewer Israeli than Palestinian casualties, the commission documented the extensive suffering of Israeli civilians:
...The 2014 conflict caused immense distress and disruption to Israeli civilians, particularly in the southern regions. The commission received numerous oral and written (101) testimonies and complaints addressed to the Human Rights Council (85) from Israelis who were exposed to the threat of rocket and mortar attacks and assaults from tunnels during the summer of 2014. The submissions recount the distress and anger of Israelis who point out three matters of particular concern to them: (i) the trauma caused by the constant threat of rocket attacks, infiltrations and displacement; (ii) insufficient time to carry out effective emergency procedures during attacks; and (iii) the adverse impact of the conflict on local businesses and the overall economy.
...Many Israelis experienced what they describe as indelible suffering caused by the constant threat of attacks by Palestinian armed groups. The stress and trauma had serious effects on their well-being, particularly for persons who live in the south in areas near Gaza.
11) Thousands of Israeli civilians were forced to flee their homes because of the conflict:
The events during the hostilities pushed entire communities in southern Israel to seek refuge in other parts of the country, and members of these communities were deeply affected by their experience of displacement. OCHA reports that 70 per cent of the 40,000 residents of the Gaza rim left their homes during Operation Protective Edge. A witness said that up to ten communities living along the Green Line were displaced. The population of a kibbutz of 500 dwindled to 15 during the hostilities according to a resident who spoke to the commission. Another witness said that no more than 55 people out of a population of 300 were left in a kibbutz at the end of August 2014. Children, particularly those who live in areas neighbouring Gaza, suffered worse mental health effects than adults as a result of the displacement.
12) The conflict had a serious economic impact on Israel:
According to the Bank of Israel, Operation Protective Edge caused a contraction of output in the tourism and manufacturing sectors of about 903 040 000 USD (3.5 billion NIS), which represents 0.3 per cent of Israel’s GDP. This, the Bank of Israel says, is comparable to the loss incurred during the 2006 Lebanon war. The Israeli authorities report that as of 28 January 2015, 4550 claims for compensation for direct damages, including to schools and houses, had been filed with the tax authority.  The tax authority estimates that total compensation for direct damages will reach approximately USD 25 million (100 million NIS). Indirect damage is estimated at 440 000 000 USD (1.7 billion NIS)...Some southern Israeli communities bore more significant economic costs of the conflict than others; these costs were sometimes devastating for businesses that were obliged to invest in expensive security equipment and in psychological counselling for their workers.
Much has been written about the Commission's treatment of Israel. The Commission raised the question of war crimes against Israel in cases where the military objective of attacking residential buildings or the rationale of using certain weapons and tactics that led to the loss of civilian life -- was not known. Israel felt that based on the UNHCR's record, the report would be biased and so decided not to cooperate. However understandable that decision was, it did leave the Commission without all the facts.
The real problem lies in the fact that in fighting a terrorist organization embedded in a civilian population, it becomes harder and harder to draw the distinction between military and civilian targets. Still, Israel did make unprecedented efforts to reduce civilian casualties and the report should have been more reflective of those actions.
However, the extensive documentation of the crimes of Hamas is not something that should not be overlooked. When your harshest critics agrees with all the accusations you have been making about your enemy, it should carry a great deal of weight.

Många amerikanska specialister uttalar sig om Iranavtalet.

Public Statement on U.S. Policy Toward the Iran Nuclear Negotiations Endorsed by a Bipartisan Group of American Diplomats, Legislators, Policymakers, and Experts

June 24, 2015
Over the last three years, members of this bipartisan group have convened regularly under the auspices of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy to discuss the status of the Iran nuclear issue, frequently benefitting from the input of current Administration officials. Last week, at its most recent meeting, the group determined that it could usefully contribute to the public debate on the ongoing negotiations by presenting its consensus view of critical issues.This statement reflects that broad consensus.
The Iran nuclear deal is not done. Negotiations continue. The target deadline is June 30.  We know much about the emerging agreement. Most of us would have preferred a stronger agreement.
The agreement will not prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapons capability. It will not require the dismantling of Iran’s nuclear enrichment infrastructure. It will however reduce that infrastructure for the next 10 to 15 years. And it will impose a transparency, inspection, and consequences regime with the goal of deterring and dissuading Iran from actually building a nuclear weapon.
The agreement does not purport to be a comprehensive strategy towards Iran. It does not address Iran’s support for terrorist organizations (like Hezbollah and Hamas), its interventions in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen (its “regional hegemony”), its ballistic missile arsenal, or its oppression of its own people. The U.S. administration has prioritized negotiations to deal with the nuclear threat, and hopes that an agreement will positively influence Iranian policy in these other areas.
Even granting this policy approach, we fear that the current negotiations, unless concluded along the lines outlined in this paper and buttressed by a resolute regional strategy, may fall short of meeting the administration’s own standard of a “good” agreement.
We are united in our view that to maximize its potential for deterring and dissuading Iran from building a nuclear weapon, the emerging nuclear agreement must – in addition to its existing provisions – provide the following:
  1. Monitoring and Verification: The inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (the “IAEA”) charged with monitoring compliance with the agreement must have timely and effective access to any sites in Iran they need to visit in order to verify Iran’s compliance with the agreement. This must include military (including IRGC) and other sensitive facilities. Iran must not be able to deny or delay timely access to any site anywhere in the country that the inspectors need to visit in order to carry out their responsibilities.
  2. Possible Military Dimensions: The IAEA inspectors must be able, in a timely and effective manner, to take samples, to interview scientists and government officials, to inspect sites, and to review and copy documents as required for their investigation of Iran’s past and any ongoing nuclear weaponization activities (“Possible Military Dimensions” or “PMD”). This work needs to be accomplished before any significant sanctions relief.
  3. Advanced Centrifuges: The agreement must establish strict limits on advanced centrifuge R&D, testing, and deployment in the first ten years, and preclude the rapid technical upgrade and expansion of Iran's enrichment capacity after the initial ten-year period. The goal is to push back Iran’s deployment of advanced centrifuges as long as possible, and ensure that any such deployment occurs at a measured, incremental pace consonant with a peaceful nuclear program.
  4. Sanctions Relief: Relief must be based on Iran’s performance of its obligations. Suspension or lifting of the most significant sanctions must not occur until the IAEA confirms that Iran has taken the key steps required to come into compliance with the agreement. Non-nuclear sanctions (such as for terrorism) must remain in effect and be vigorously enforced.
  5. Consequences of Violations: The agreement must include a timely and effective mechanism to re-impose sanctions automatically if Iran is found to be in violation of the agreement, including by denying or delaying IAEA access. In addition, the United States must itself articulate the serious consequences Iran will face in that event.
Most importantly, it is vital for the United States to affirm that it is U.S. policy to prevent Iran from producing sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon – or otherwise acquiring or building one – both during the agreement and after it expires. Precisely because Iran will be left as a nuclear threshold state (and has clearly preserved the option of becoming a nuclear weapon state), the United States must go on record now that it is committed to using all means necessary, including military force, to prevent this. The President should declare this to be U.S. policy and Congress should formally endorse it. In addition, Congressional review of any agreement should precede any formal action on the agreement in the United Nations.
Without these features, many of us will find it difficult to support a nuclear agreement with Iran.
We urge the U.S. administration not to treat June 30 as an “inviolable” deadline. Stay at the negotiating table until a “good” agreement that includes these features is reached. Extend the existing Joint Plan of Action while negotiations continue. This will freeze Iran’s nuclear activity and international sanctions at current levels. While the United States should extend the Iran Sanctions Act so it does not expire, it should not increase sanctions while negotiations continue. U.S. alternatives to an agreement are unappealing, but Iran’s are worse. It has every incentive to reach an agreement and obtain relief from sanctions and international isolation well in advance of its elections next February. If anyone is to walk out of the negotiations, let it be Iran.
Some argue that any nuclear agreement now simply further empowers bad Iranian behavior. And there is a lot to this argument. This is why we believe that the United States must bolster any agreement by doing more in the region to check Iran and support our traditional friends and allies.
This does not mean major U.S. ground combat operations in the Middle East. But it does mean taking initiatives like the following:
  1. In Iraq: Expand training and arming not only of Iraqi Security Forces but also Kurdish Peshmerga in the north and vetted Sunni forces in the West. Allow U.S. Special Forces to leave their bases and help coordinate air strikes and stiffen Iraqi units. Sideline Iranian-backed militia and separate them from Shiite units (“popular mobilization units”) that are not under Iranian control. 
  2. In Syria: Expand and accelerate the U.S. train and equip programs. Work with Turkey to create a safe haven in northern Syria where refugees can obtain humanitarian aid and vetted non-extremist opposition fighters can be trained and equipped. Capitalize on Bashar al-Assad’s increasing weakness to split off regime elements and seek to join them with U.S. trained opposition elements. Interdict the transshipment of Iranian weapons into Syria in coordination with the Kurds and Turkey, and consider designating as terrorist organizations Iranian-backed Shiite militias responsible for egregious atrocities. 
  3. In Yemen: Expand support for Saudi Arabia and the UAE in pressuring the warring parties to the negotiating table while seeking to split the Houthi elements away from Iran.
  4. Regionally: Interdict Iranian arms bound for extremist groups and continue to counter its efforts to harass commercial shipping and our naval forces. Reaffirm U.S. policy to oppose Iran’s efforts to subvert local governments and project its power at the expense of our friends and allies.
Collectively, these steps also strengthen U.S. capability against Daesh (the misnamed “Islamic State”). Acting against both Iranian hegemony and Daesh’s caliphate will help reassure friends and allies of America’s continued commitment. And it will help address Israel's legitimate concerns that a nuclear agreement will validate Iran's nuclear program, further facilitate its destabilizing behavior, and encourage further proliferation at a time when Israel faces the possible erosion of its "qualitative military edge.” We urge the U.S. administration to create a discreet, high-level mechanism with the Israeli government to identify and implement responses to each of these concerns.
Taking the actions we propose while the nuclear negotiations continue will reinforce the message that Iran must comply with any agreement and will not be allowed to pursue a nuclear weapon. This will increase, not decrease, the chance that Iran will comply with the agreement and may ultimately adopt a more constructive role in the region. For the U.S. administration’s hopes in this respect have little chance so long as Iran’s current policy seems to be succeeding in expanding its influence.
Graham Allison, director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
Howard Berman, U.S. House of Representatives (D-CA), 1983-2013
Robert Blackwill, deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor for strategic planning under President George W. Bush, 2003-2004
General James Cartwright, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007-2011
Patrick Clawson, Morningstar Senior Fellow, director of research, The Washington Institute
Paula J. Dobriansky, undersecretary of state for global affairs, 2001-2009
Robert Einhorn, special advisor to the Secretary of State for nonproliferation and arms control, 2009-2013
Norman Eisen, U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic, 2011-2014
Michael Eisenstadt, Kahn Fellow, director of the Military and Security Studies Program, The Washington Institute
Stephen Hadley, national security advisor to President George W. Bush, 2005-2009
Olli Heinonen, deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 2005-2010
James Jeffrey, U.S. ambassador to Iraq, 2010-2012, deputy national security advisor to President George W Bush, 2007-2008. Philip Solondz Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute
Joseph Lieberman, U.S. Senate (I-CT), 1989-2013
David Makovsky, senior policy advisor to the U.S. special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations (2013-2014). Ziegler Distinguished Fellow and director of the Project on the Middle East Peace Process, The Washington Institute
David Petraeus, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, 2011-2012
Dennis Ross, special assistant to President Obama and National Security Council senior director for the central region, 2009-2011. Counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow, The Washington Institute
Gary Samore, coordinator for arms control and weapons of mass destruction under President Obama, 2009-2013
Robert Satloff, Howard P. Berkowitz Chair in U.S. Middle East Policy and executive director, The Washington Institute
This statement reflects the broad consensus of the group; not every member of the group endorses every judgment or recommendation. Members of the group endorse this statement in their personal capacities; institutional affiliations are for identification purposes only. This statement has not been endorsed by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, its Board of Trustees or its Board of Advisors, and it should not be construed as representing their views.

Media Contact: Jeff Rubin, Director of Communications | email | 202-230-9550

Frankrikes regering betalar en halv miljoner Euros till Ship to Gaza!

Frankrike betalar stora summor till NGOs, "människorättsorganisationer" (där inte judar räknas som människor) som ägnar sig åt rent Israelhat och antisemitism. De vill förstöra Israels säkerhet totalt genom att supporta en resolution i Säkerhetsrådet som skulle ge palestinierna ett land till skänks som helt strider mot Säkerhetsrådets §242. Denna ar en rekommendation, men San Remobeslutet är internationell lag, som det också helt strider emot. Som helt strider mot den internationella definitionen på stat. De verkar också frenetiskt vilja driva sina judar att emigrera till Israel.  Oförmögna att lösa sitt islamistproblem kommer de alltmer att bli en smittohärd i EU. Läs artikeln noga!

FN:s Palmerreport (se i slutet av artikeln) visar att FN sa att Israels uppfattning var helt korrekt - vilket retade Turkiet till vansinne. Undrar hur mycket Feilergänget får från Sverige.

Tänk om alla dessa pengar i stället hade investerats för "palestinas" framtid enligt Osloavtalet som Arafat skrev under, se http://tinyurl.com/chgcxc2

Förresten -  har inte media upptäckt att Hamas också blockeras av Egypten?

Gaza Flotilla NGO Funded by French Government

Key 'Freedom Flotilla III' organizers received roughly half a million euros (4.6 miljoner kronor) from French government aid agency.

By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 6/25/2015, 5:17 PM

Anti-Israel activists join the Freedom Flotilla II (July 2011)

One of the NGOs behind the latest anti-Israel flotilla to Gaza is funded by the French government, Arutz Sheva has learned.

The Platform of French NGOs for Palestine (Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine) is among the groups supporting the Freedom Flotilla III, which seeks to directly defy the Israeli government's blockade of the Hamas-ruled enclave.

On Friday the Platform announced that the latest boat to join the flotilla, The Marianne of Gothenburg, had set sail from Sicily and was set to join four other vessels carrying some 70 anti-Zionist activists en route for Gaza.

Among those on board will be former Tunisian president Moncef Marzouki, Spanish MEP Ana Maria Miranda Paza and Arab-Israeli MK Basel Ghattas (Joint List), whose planned presence has triggered widespread controversy in Israel.

But another potentially controversial aspect of the flotilla that has been largely overlooked is the role played by European government-funded NGOs.

The Platform of French NGOs for Palestine is an umbrella organization for more than 40 anti-Israel groups, and is very active in the so-called BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanctions) movement against Israel. Among other things, the Platform demands an end to all agreements and relations between the European Union and Israel.

It is also a regular recipient of French taxpayers' money, via the French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement or AFD), a public aid agency which works on behalf of the French government to carry out "sustainable development programs" around the world.

Although much of the AFD's resources are devoted to projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, it also invests millions elsewhere, including the Middle East.

As recently as March 2014, the AFD approved a three-year grant of 225,000 euros to The Platform of French NGOs for Palestine.

This was not the first such grant by the AFD to the Platform; between 2010-2011 the agency donated a total of €261,200 to the group.

The Platform has also received thousands of euros in donations from French parliamentarians, according to a 2014 report by the NGO Monitor watchdog.

Neither is the Platform the only radical anti-Israel NGO to receive French government funding. For example, the Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) received a grant of €139,550 from the AFD between 2012-2014.

The single-biggest Palestinian recipient of French Development Agency is the NGO Development Center (NDC), which in 2010 received a €5,000,000 AFD grant over the course of three and a half years.

Among other things, the NDC actively works against "normalization" with Israel, and published the "Palestinian NGO Code of Conduct," which calls on Palestinian NGOs to reject "any normalization activities with the occupier, neither at the political-security nor the cultural or developmental levels." It also published "A Strategic Framework to Strengthen the Palestinian NGO Sector, 2013-2017," which "aims to provide a strategic direction to NGOs," including an "Anti-apartheid wall campaign" and "Anti-normalization campaign."

But while very notion of state funds from a supposed Israeli ally being granted to extreme anti-Israel NGOs is shocking enough, the fact that a French government agency is funding the Platform in particular means that, at this current time, the French government is supporting at least one NGO which aims to directly subvert and undermine Israeli government policy - and, in this particular case, intends to violate Israeli law and confront Israeli servicemen, potentially violently.

Arutz Sheva has reached out to the Israeli foreign ministry and Prime Minister's Office for comment, but as of late Thursday afternoon no response was forthcoming.

The revelations once again shine the spotlight on how European government-funded NGOs are playing a leading role in international efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state, even as European politicians pay lip service against the campaign.

It comes as Israeli legislators are set to once again debate the so-called NGO Law, which seeks to curb such activities by extremist, foreign-funded NGOs - although critics say the current bill does not go far enough.

Israel's blockade of Gaza dates back to 2006, after Hamas kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, and with rocket attacks escalating against Israeli civilians in the aftermath of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza a year earlier. The blockade was tightened in 2007 when the Islamist terrorist movement consolidated control of Gaza, using it as a launchpad for ever-more intensive rocket attacks against Israeli towns and villages.

Since then the blockade - which is meant to prevent weapons, fighters and other equipment reaching Islamist terrorist groups - has been eased considerably, although weapons are still not allowed to be trafficked in.

At the same time, a more restrictive blockade by the Egyptian military is ongoing, as Egypt seeks to cut Islamist terrorists in Gaza off from the Sinai Peninsula, where it says Hamas and other groups are helping fuel a jihadist insurgency.

Anti-Israel activists have long called for Israel's blockade to be lifted, claiming that it is "illegal." However, in 2011 the UN's official Palmer Report found that the blockade is in fact entirely legal.