torsdag 12 januari 2017

Obaman ger Iran mer än 10 kärnvapen som avslutningsjobb med kärlek till Iran och hat mot Israel..

Israel i Sverige[B] · Inlägg
Obaman ger Iran mer än 10 kärnvapen som avslutningsjobbb jpbb med kärlek till Iran och hat mot Israel..
Inlägg som Harry Harrysson Uppdatera Återgå till utkast Förhandsgranska Stäng


Han vill sannerligen visa hur han vill bli ihågkommen av Irans mullor (ine det iranska folket),  och Israel. Och alla Israelhatare i USA. Ska bli intressant att se hur han får en näsknäpp av Trump i sann cowboystil.

Obongon Approves deal Giving Iran enough Uranium for more than 10 nuclear bombs.

 States tolerated and minimized Iran’s violations and sought to legitimize its international standing as a commercial supplier of heavy water.”
Albright told AP that “depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon,” Iran could create more than 10 atomic bombs with the uranium it will receive.

Too Many Concessions

AP noted that the latest side deal with Iran is expected to come under heavy criticism and perceived as “further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions.”
Diplomats who spoke to AP claimed that the uranium sent to Iran will be under “strict surveillance” by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for 25 years. Iran has not stated what it will do with the uranium. It could store it or process it into low-enriched uranium to be sold as nuclear fuel. But the nuclear deal itself allows Iran to step up approved nuclear enrichment activities even before the 15-year deal expires.
In addition to Iran’s heavy water violations, the IAEA warned last month that Iran was likely to exceed its cap on low-enriched uranium if it continued producing it at current levels. That warning came just days after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani ordered his nuclear agency to draw up plans to develop nuclear-powered engines that would require uranium to be enriched to 20 percent (in violation of the terms of the deal, which only allows Iran to enrich up to to 3.67 percent).
The IAEA publicized documents last month that essentially showed that Iran could violate the deal without receiving penalties. Certain amounts of low-enriched uranium in Iran’s possession are considered “unrecoverable,” and therefore do not count against its cap. “If this whole thing rests on [Iran] promising not to build a facility that they’d probably only build in secret if they were going to actually break out, then this material probably should not be deemed non-recoverable,” Albright wrote.
When serving as Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, Rouhani agreed to a temporary halt of uranium enrichment as part of the November 2004 Paris Agreement. But Iran backed out of the deal nine months later and began enriching uranium again. The following year, Rouhani boasted to a meeting of clerics that during the time that talks were ongoing in Paris, Iran was able to install equipment for converting yellowcake, a necessary step in enriching uranium.

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