fredag 27 mars 2015

Hamas dödssura på EU de är fortfarande terrorister.

Och ryktet säger att Wallström tänkte åka dit för att skriva sin signatur på en raket......<br />
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EU bryr sig alltså inte om att avterroristera terroristerna Hamas av formella anledningar som de ville.<br />
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Också i <a href="" target="_blank">Dailymail</a>&nbsp;och lite överallt. Okänt i svenska massmedia.<br />
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<h2 itemprop="name">
<a href="" target="_blank">Hamas Denounces EU Decision to Keep it on Terror Blacklist</a></h2>
<div class="Desc" itemprop="description">
 spokesman says EU's decision to keep the group on its terrorism
blacklist "encourages the occupation to continue its crimes".</div>
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By Elad Benari, Canada</i><br />
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<i>First Publish: 3/27/2015, 9:13 PM</i></div>
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<img alt="Hamas terrorists in Gaza parade" src="" /><br />
<div class="ImageDesc">
Hamas terrorists in Gaza parade</div>
<div class="ImageCredit">
Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90</div>
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Hamas on Friday denounced a European Union decision <a href="" target="_blank">to keep the group</a> and de facto Gaza ruler on its terrorism blacklist, despite <a href="" target="_blank">a court ordering its removal</a>.<br />
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"This decision completely contradicts the court's <span class="IL_AD" id="IL_AD6">ruling</span>," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum told <em>AFP</em>.<br />
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"It is unjust and wrong to our people and legitimate resistance, and also encourages the <span class="IL_AD" id="IL_AD4">occupation</span> to continue its crimes," he added, referring to Israel.<br />
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"We reject this decision and call for its review, and to remove all
forms of injustice against our people and Hamas," Barhum declared.<br />
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Brussels has lodged an appeal against a December ruling by the bloc's second highest court that Hamas should be removed from <span class="IL_AD" id="IL_AD2">the list</span> for the first time since 2001 - a ruling made the same day&nbsp;the&nbsp;European Parliament overwhelmingly voted “in principle”&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">to recognize Palestinian Arab statehood</a>&nbsp;as an outcome of peace talks.<br />
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A spokeswoman for the European Council said on Friday Hamas would
stay "on list" during the council's appeal process, which is expected to
 take around a year and a half.<br />
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Hamas's so-called “military wing” was added to the EU's first-ever
terrorism blacklist drawn up in December 2001 in the wake of the
September 11 attacks on the United States.<br />
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The EU then blacklisted the political wing of Hamas in 2003, but <span class="IL_AD" id="IL_AD5">the General</span>
 Court of the European Union ruled last year that the Hamas blacklisting
 was based not on sound legal judgments but on conclusions derived from
the media and the Internet.</div>
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<a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">Hamas</a>

<a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">Barack

Hussein</a>  <a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">mediakritik</a><a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">Antisemitism</a> <a class="techtag" href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">†</a><a href="" rel="tag" target="_blank">Israel</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a><a href="">.</a></div>
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