Senaten lanserar undersökning: Finansierar Obama Anti-Netanyahu NGO?
Både demokrater och republikaner i underutskottet för utredningar har undertecknat en prob angående finansieringen av One Voice.
Först Publicerad: 2015/03/14, 20:25
Senatens ständiga underutskott för utredningar har lanserat en tvåparti-sond i en amerikansk ideell finansiering av insatser för att avhysa Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu, efter Obama-administrationens StateDepartment gav ideella skattefinansierade bidrag, rapporterade lördag.
Källan beskrevs som att ha "kunskap om panelens verksamhet."
Både de demokratiska och republikanska sidorna av underkommittén har undertecknat sonden, i vad som kan ses som en tillrättavisning till president Obama.
Netanyahu har upprepade gånger enligt de senaste dagarna nämnt att utländska regeringar var trattande in miljontals dollar, och möjligen tiotals miljoner, i "Vem som helst utom Bibi"- kampanjen som översvämmade annonsutrymmena. Han sa att han talade om europeiska regeringar, dock, och mestadels skandinaviska. [Har du märkt hur din pension har gått ner på sistone?]
Senaten sond följer en rapport om påståenden att Obama-administrationen har rotat i det israeliska valet på uppdrag av grupper fientliga till Netanyahu.
Senatens underutskott, som har makt att stämma, är Homeland Security och stats- angelägenheternas huvudsakliga utredningsorgan. Den har jurisdiktion över alla grenar av den statliga verksamheten och efterlevnad av lagar.
En källa med insyn i ärendet bekräftade för att sonden var verkligen på gång, och att det var tvåparti.
Enligt källan, undersöker sonden "finansiering" av OneVoice Movement - en Washington-baserad grupp som har fått $350.000 av de senaste State Department-bidragen, och fram till i november förra året leddes av en veterandiplomat från Clintons förvaltningar. |
"Det är bekräftat att det finns en tvåpartis ständig underkommitté som utreder OneVoice s finansiering av V15," sa källan.
I sin tv-intervju sade Netanyahu att koalitionen som försöker avhysa honom är generöst finansierad av utländska givare som också uppmuntrar ett högt valdeltagandet bland Israels arabiska och vänsterväljare i ett försök att ersätta den befintliga ledningen.
En expert sa till tidigare denna månad staten Departmentet direkt betalar till anti-Netanyahu-kampanjen genom att förse OneVoice med $ 350.000 - trots att utrikesdepartementets tjänstemän sade att finansieringen slutade i november, före tillkännagivandet av det israeliska valet.
Senate Launches Probe: Is Obama Funding an Anti-Netanyahu NGO?
Both Democrats and Republicans in Subcommittee on Investigations have signed off on probe of funding for One Voice.First Publish: 3/14/2015, 8:25 PM
The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations has launched a bipartisan probe into an American nonprofit’s funding of efforts to oust Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, after the Obama administration’s StateDepartment gave the nonprofit taxpayer-funded grants, reported Saturday.
The source was described as having “knowledge of the panel's activities.”
Both the Democratic and the Republican sides of the subcommittee have signed off on the probe, in what could be seen as a rebuke to President Obama.
Netanyahu has repeatedly claimed in the last few days that foreign governments were funneling millions of dollars, and possibly tens of millions, into the “Anyone But Bibi” campaign that is flooding advertising space. He said he was talking about European governments, however, and mostly Scandinavian ones.
The Senate probe follows a report on claims the Obama administration has been meddling in the Israeli election on behalf of groups hostile to Netanyahu.
The Senate subcommittee, which has subpoena power, is the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ chief investigative body. It has jurisdiction over all branches of government operations and compliance with laws.
A source familiar with the matter confirmed for that the probe was indeed underway, and that it was bipartisan.
According to the source, the probe is looking into “funding” by OneVoice Movement – a Washington-based group that has received $350,000 in recent State Department grants, and until last November was headed by a veteran diplomat from the Clinton administrations.
A subsidiary of OneVoice is the Israel-based Victory 15 campaign, itself guided by top operatives of Obama’s White House runs, which seeks to “replace the government” of Israel.
“It’s confirmed that there is a bipartisan Permanent Subcommittee inquiry into OneVoice’s funding of V15,” the source said.
In his television interview, Netanyahu said the coalition seeking to oust him is generously funded by foreign donors who are also encouraging a high voter turnout among Israel's Arab and left-wing voters in a bid to replace the existing leadership.
An expert told earlier this month the State Departmentindirectlyfunded the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 – even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.s
Mer på hur också liberala grupper i USA betalade miljontals dollar till anti-nationalistiska partier, liksom DN berättade att också rika svenskar gjorde sammalunda.
Netanyahu has repeatedly claimed in the last few days that foreign governments were funneling millions of dollars, and possibly tens of millions, into the “Anyone But Bibi” campaign that is flooding advertising space. He said he was talking about European governments, however, and mostly Scandinavian ones.
The Senate probe follows a report on claims the Obama administration has been meddling in the Israeli election on behalf of groups hostile to Netanyahu.
The Senate subcommittee, which has subpoena power, is the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs’ chief investigative body. It has jurisdiction over all branches of government operations and compliance with laws.
A source familiar with the matter confirmed for that the probe was indeed underway, and that it was bipartisan.
According to the source, the probe is looking into “funding” by OneVoice Movement – a Washington-based group that has received $350,000 in recent State Department grants, and until last November was headed by a veteran diplomat from the Clinton administrations.
A subsidiary of OneVoice is the Israel-based Victory 15 campaign, itself guided by top operatives of Obama’s White House runs, which seeks to “replace the government” of Israel.
“It’s confirmed that there is a bipartisan Permanent Subcommittee inquiry into OneVoice’s funding of V15,” the source said.
In his television interview, Netanyahu said the coalition seeking to oust him is generously funded by foreign donors who are also encouraging a high voter turnout among Israel's Arab and left-wing voters in a bid to replace the existing leadership.
An expert told earlier this month the State Departmentindirectlyfunded the anti-Netanyahu campaign by providing OneVoice with the $350,000 – even though State Department officials said the funding stopped in November, ahead of the announcement of the Israeli election.s
Mer på hur också liberala grupper i USA betalade miljontals dollar till anti-nationalistiska partier, liksom DN berättade att också rika svenskar gjorde sammalunda.
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