tisdag 1 september 2015

Muslimska flyktingar dränkte kristna flyktingar. Andra fall.

Dessa muslimer är EU desperata att få hit, speciellt Sverige. Hur man kostnadseffektivt kan lösa problemet, inte bara följderna, se länk. Säger ett kristet EU-land att de enbart tar emot kristna flyktingar blir EU rasande. EUs ledare har kollektivt drabbats och är i stort behov av starroperationer. De ser inte vad som händer, har ingen kännedom om historien och ointresserad av att den judeokristna kulturen byggde upp Västerlandet.

EU börjar trots allt att inse att de måste stoppa Schengenavtalet, DN. Annars har de inte minsta chans att styra upp problemet åtminstone i liten mån.

Och inte ett öre till FN förrän de tar flyktingprolemen på allvar, vid roten. De är de enda som kan. Om de har lust.

Italian police: Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard

By Hada Messia, Livia Borghese and Jason Hanna, CNN

Story highlights

  • The 12 victims were from Nigeria and Ghana, police said
  • The group of 105 people left Libya, bound for Italy
  • More than 10,000 people have arrived on Italian shores from Libya since last weekend
Rome (CNN)Muslims who were among migrants trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat this week threw 12 fellow passengers overboard -- killing them -- because the 12 were Christians, Italian police said Thursday.
Italian authorities have arrested 15 people on suspicion of murdering the Christians at sea, police in Palermo, Sicily, said.
The original group of 105 people left Libya on Tuesday in a rubber boat. Sometime during the trip north across the Mediterranean Sea, the alleged assailants -- Muslims from the Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal -- threw the 12 overboard, police said.
Other people on the voyage told police that they themselves were spared "because they strongly opposed the drowning attempt and formed a human chain," Palermo police said.
    The boat was intercepted by an Italian navy vessel, which transferred the passengers to a Panamanian-flagged ship. That ship docked in Palermo on Wednesday, after which the arrests were made, police said.
    The 12 who died were from Nigeria and Ghana, police said.
    Thousands of people each year make the dangerous sea journey from North Africa to Europe's Mediterranean coast, often aboard vessels poorly equipped for the trip. Many of them attempt the voyage to flee war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East.
    More than 10,000 people have arrived on Italian shores from Libya since last weekend alone, according to the Italian coast guard.
    Many die each year while attempting the voyage, often when boats capsized. Last year at least 3,200 died trying to make the trip. Since 2000, according to the International Organization for Migration, almost 22,000 people have died fleeing across the Mediterranean.
    The IOM reported Thursday the latest boat to sink in trying to make the journey. Only four people survived from the original 45 on board, bringing the estimated death toll so far this year close to a thousand.

    Some EU states select churchgoing refugees for resettlement in contentious policy

    epa04845270 Syrian refugees Nahla Fadel (L) with daughter Sara and Adnan Saad (R) at Estera Foundation press conference in Warsaw, Poland, 13 July 2015. The conference was about the situation of 50 Christian refugee families from Syria, that came to Warsaw and were helped by Estera Foundation and the Barnabas Fund. The armed conflict in Syria between regime of President Bashar al-Assad and the opposition from 2011 caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Fights in Syria forced approx. 13 million Syrians to flee their homes. EPA/JAKUB KAMINSKI POLAND OUT
    What Adnan Saad remembers from his home in Damascus are bombings in his neighbourhood and constant fear for his relatives. That is why he likes his new life in Warsaw — everyone walks freely in the streets and the government cares for human lives.

    Slovakia Isn’t The Only Eastern European Country Refusing To Take In Muslim Refugees

    By BI:  Syrian Christians are under threat of extinction and deserving of asylum in majority Christian countries of the West. But this has outraged the European Union Commission which is livid that several Central & Eastern European countries don’t want Syrian refugees who are Muslims. The governments of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria are firmly against the mandatory relocation of 40,000 mainly Muslim Syrians from Italy and Greece, one of the reasons the plan failed last month.
    DPA  The governments in Warsaw, Vilnius, Riga and Prague are displaying a rare show of unity in rejecting quotas for refugees as the EU tries to redistribute the immigrants. It wants to take pressure off Italy and Greece, where tens of thousands of immigrants have arrived by boat from North Africa and the Middle East this year.

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