söndag 28 februari 2016

Putin årets man i Israel.

Israels förhållande till Ryssland har i högsta grad förändrats med Putin, även om västerländska media vart sega på att analysera förändringarna.  Han är lojal till sina vänner till skillnad från Obama, men när han räknar Syrien och Iran som vänner är det svårt att förstå hans tankegångar utom ekonomin.  man får anta att Israelerna har rätt översyn angående vad som rör sej i deras närområde.. Läs artiklarna nedan.

OK, Obama kör också Iranköret nu eftersom det passar hans ideologi att bli känd för något, startare av III  Världskriget eller nåt, länk. Du ser populariteten: Obama 2% och Putin 29%.

The Israelis have spoken - Putin is their person of the year for 2015

En annan detaljerad översikt:

The poll of 527 respondents representing a statistical sample of the Jewish adult population, was taken Tuesday and has an error margin of ±4.3 percent.

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a speech during the Victory Parade on Moscow's Red Square. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Russian President Vladimir Putin is Israelis’ person of the year, according to a Panels Research poll taken for The Jerusalem Post and its Hebrew sister publication Ma’ariv Sof Hashavua.

The poll of 527 respondents representing a statistical sample of the Jewish adult population, was taken Tuesday and has an error margin of ±4.3 percent.

Twenty-nine percent of respondents chose Putin as their person of the year, 16% picked German Chancellor Angela Merkel, 15% Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 3% Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 2% Pope Francis, 2% US President Barack Obama and 33% said they did not know.

When asked what the country’s biggest problem was, 45% said the wave of terrorism, 33% said the cost of living and socioeconomic gaps, 8% said the diplomatic stalemate, 4% said Right-Left relations, 4% said international isolation, 2% said religious-secular relations and 4% said they did not know.

Asked if a diplomatic agreement could currently be reached with the Palestinians, 68% said no, 22% said yes and 10% did not know. Among respondents defining themselves as Center-Left, 43% said no, 41% said yes and 16% did not know.

Two-thirds of respondents said their feeling of security went down in the past year, nearly one-third said it stayed the same and just 2% said it rose. When asked what was currently the biggest danger to Israeli security, 47% said the Palestinians, 24% said Islamic State and radical Islam, 13% said Iran, 7% said Jewish terrorism, 6% Hezbollah and 3% said they did not know.

Two-thirds of respondents said they believed the terrorist wave could be stopped, 28% said it could not and 7% said they did not know.

Nearly 80% said they did not believe Iran would keep its commitments in the Iranian nuclear deal, 15% said they did not know and only 6% said they thought Iran would keep the deal.

When asked what they thought was the most important item on the international agenda in 2016, 50% said the struggle to stop Islamic State, 25% said the Syrian refugee crisis, 10% the US presidential election, 6% the war in Syria and Iraq, 5% the Iranian nuclear program and 4% said they did not know.

Asked if there would be elections in 2016: 5% said they were sure there would be, 27% said apparently yes, 46% said apparently no, 9% said they were sure there would not be elections and 13% said they did not know.

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