onsdag 30 mars 2016

Khamenei: Irans framtid beror på missiler, inte förhandlingar.

Sverige var rasande snabba att åka till Teherans basarer efter förhandlingsresultat ej legalt bindande CNN dailymail Townhall, ointresserade av de ballistiska missilerna Iran sände upp länk. Tror inte regeringen har läst detta heller. Inget ont får sägas om en shoppingpartner, men Wallstöm älskar att hoppa på saudierna. De är förvisso inga änglar utom i jämförelse med Iran.

2014 års dödsstraff

Countries with the Most Confirmed Executions in 2014
1. China (1,000s *see above)4. Iraq (61+)
2. Iran (289+)5. United States (35)
3. Saudi Arabia (90+)6. Sudan (23+)

Iran's future depends on missiles, not negotiations, Khamenei says 
DEBKAfile March 30, 2016, 2:35 PM (IDT)

Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday at a religious event in Tehran that his country's military needs to continue to boost its capabilities in order to confront the threats of "the enemy" as well as place the country in a better position at future diplomatic negotiations. Referring to his domestic rivals, he added that "they say the future of the world is one of negotiation and not one of missiles....if that is said out of ignorance, well it is ignorance, but if it’s said knowingly, it is treason." 

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