fredag 25 mars 2016

Utveckling av vad som händer med soldaten.

Netanyahu, B'tselem och FN sammangaddar sig mot soldatenJP. Ynet, A7 har samma sak att säga mot en ensam soldat som sköt en terrorist klädd så man kunde misstänka bombbälte, det skedde i Hebron där alla judar står vid soldatens sida.,Netanyahu gör ingenting för att förbättra situationen för soldater i omöjlig situation. Från Ynet: "with an authoritative figure saying, "He probably has an explosive on him, pay attention. Until the bomb squad comes, nobody touches him."  "According to the prosecutor, the soldier claims to have shot out of fear for his life."
"The CID also noted that the first video of the incident, released by the B'Tselem NGO, was edited,"

Från A7: "In a call for justice, they added, "the version of the soldier who was concerned about the detonation of an explosive must be checked, and we must remember that this terrorist came in order to kill, to murder, and to put an end to the (Purim) holiday."
As noted in the statement, the soldier has argued that he shot the terrorist because he saw him moving and thought he was about to detonate a bomb belt. A witness at the scene confirmed that there were concerns the terrorist was hiding a bomb belt under his coat, which he wore despite it being a warm day."

Netanyahu and Ya'alon seem totally out of control of their tongues and all for terrorists who stab soldiers without finding a single thing to say against the terrorists and no idea how to stop them. The article in JP is written for an international anti-Israeli public, the details you find in e.g. Ynet, A7 are all missing. (Min insändare till JP.)

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