torsdag 19 maj 2016

Obama vill fylla EU med muslimer.

Obongo och Soros vill totalt islamisera och förstöra EU likson Wallström. Inte bleve det bättre om hon värmde en stol i Säkerhetsrådet.

Vi ser hur viktigt det är att USA snart får en icke-kommunist, icke-muslimsk regim.

Hungary official: Obama wants Muslims in Europe

Associated Press
Published: 05.19.16, 18:02 / Israel News

BRUSSELS - The chief of staff for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says President Barack Obama and the United States are in favor of illegal migration "in the interests of having as many Muslims as possible in Europe."

Janos Lazar said Thursday that Hungarian-born American financier George Soros was a standard-bearer for Obama's immigration policies for Europe and that "certain American groups" want Europe to be "diluted ... so Europe and America can cooperate without restraint."

Lazar called Soros a patron of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, the current U.S. presidential candidate. He said Soros was a Democratic Party supporter who was "ready to step up" against Orban.

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