måndag 30 maj 2016

Indonesien: Pedofiler avlivas eller kastreras.

InVarför tar Indonesien hand om sina barn så mycket bättre än Sverige? Tidigare artikel skrev jag på länk.

Paedophiles to be executed or castrated in Indonesia following the brutal gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl

  • Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced a crackdown on sex crime 

  • Judges can order the execution or castration of paedophiles
  • The new laws follow the brutal rape and murder of a Sumatran girl, 14
  • Indonesia is a hotspot for wealthy sex criminals from Australia
  • Accused Australian paedophile Robert Ellis, 69, is not eligible for execution
  • See more Indonesia news as Australian paedophiles can now be executed

Paedophiles can now be executed or castrated by Indonesian authorites as the government cracks down on abuse following the horrific rape and murder of a girl, 14.
Indonesia is a hotspot for Australian paedophiles, with more than 100 sex criminals caught travelling to the country since 2014.
On Wednesday Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced the new laws, which come into place straight away, reported WA Today.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has given judges new powers to sentence paedophiles to death or chemical castration. The laws will not apply to accused Australian paedophile Robert Andrew Fiddel Ellis (pictured)
Under the laws judges are given the power to sentence paedophiles to death or order that they are chemically castrated – a procedure which uses drugs to eliminate sex drive.

President Widodo said: '(This) will give room for judges to issue the heaviest sentence on perpetrators of sexual offences on children.
'We hope this regulation will provide a deterrent effect and bring down the number of sexual offences committed against children.'

Announcing the laws, President Widodo said: 'This will give room for judges to issue the heaviest sentence on perpetrators of sexual offences on children'
Australian Robert Andrew Fiddel Ellis, 69, travelled to Indonesia in 2014 and has since been accused of abusing 16 girls aged between seven and 17.
An Indonesian prosecutor said Ellis would not be eligible for the death penalty as the new laws would not apply retroactively.
He said: 'No such law existed when Robert committed the crime.'

Australian Robert Andrew Fiddel Ellis, 69, travelled to Indonesia in 2014 and has since allegedly abused more than 16 children aged between seven and 17
Ellis allegedly abused his victims by luring them into his house 

with the promise of clothes and money.
He is suspected of being part of an international paedophile ring which flaunted their wealth to take advantage of poverty-stricken children.
One of Ellis's alleged victims told the ABC: 'He gave me 100,000 rupiah, the biggest was 300,000 and I went there once and he gave me 250,000 (about $25).
'At Kuta beach I was showering and he asked me to go with him. I went to his house in the afternoon and didn't go home until the morning.'

Ellis would not be eligible for punishment under the new laws because they do not come into effect retroactively
Earlier in May a 14-year-old girl called Yuyun from the Indonesian village of Sumatra was brutally gang raped and then murdered by 14 boys, all younger than 18.
Seven of the attackers were imprisoned for 10 years, a sentence which sparked national outrage as many thought it was too light.
President Widodo said at the time: 'We all mourn the tragic death of Yuyun. [We need to] catch and severely punish the perpetrators. Women and children must be protected from violence.' 

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