tisdag 7 juni 2016

Palaraberna ser Iran som vän, USA som fiende.

De flesta arabers västhat är påtagligt trots att de är så älskade av Sveriges regim. Alla mutor (donationer)  har inte hjälpt ett dyft. Tänk vilken goodwill svenskarnas regim hade fått om de hade varit lika välvilliga till sina pensionärer! Sveriges kärlek till Iranska pengar är väl som palestinerna.

Obamas "muslimska vinter" har inte heller imponerat.

4 out of 5 Palestinian Arabs see US as an enemy

Residents of Iraq and Palestinian Authority overwhelmingly believe United States is their enemy. Nearly half see Iran as ally.

By Arutz Sheva Staff
First Publish: 4/17/2016, 2:53 PM

4 out of 5 Palestinian Arabs see US as an enemy

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Few Arabs living in the Palestinian Authority view the United States as an ally, according to a new ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller Arab Youth Survey.

The study, which was conducted from January to February 2016, included 3,500 face-to-face interviews with young people across the Arab world, ages 18 to 24.

While strong majorities in the Gulf States viewed the US as an ally, in Iraq, Yemen, and the Palestinian Authority, the overwhelming majority viewed the US as an enemy. In the Palestinian Authority, a paltry 16% said they viewed the US as a friend, compared to a whopping 81% who said the US was an enemy.

Residents of the Palestinian Authority were also among the most likely to view Iran as an ally, with 43% perceiving the Shi’ite regime as such. Only Lebanon (49%) and Iraq (51%) showed higher ratings.

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