söndag 27 december 2015

Arabiska Ligan har fördömt Irans inblandning överallt medan Obama och EU vänslas med dom.

Att Obama gör vad som helst för att hjälpa Irans terrorplaner inkl. enorma mängder av cash är välkänt liksom EU:s och Sveriges mängder av affärsmän som reser dit för att erbjuda cash för kärnvapenforskning. Hillary vill fortsätta, Trump vill inte.

Gulf Today - 26 December, 2015
The Arab League's (AL) Council of Foreign Ministers has condemned Iran's interference in the internal affairs of Arab states as a "grave threat" to regional and international peace and security and as a violation of the international law and the principles of good neighbourly relations.

In a statement issued at the conclusion of the council’s extraordinary session, the Arab foreign ministers demanded Iran stop using force, threats, violations, provocative actions to sow the seeds of division and sectarian strife among the nationals of Arab countries.

The Arab foreign ministers also demanded Iran stop supporting terrorism and sabotage and provoking violence through statements by its senior officials.

They described these attempts by Iran as interference in the internal affairs of independent and sovereign Arab states that threats confidence-building, security and stability in the region and violates international law and norms and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the Charter of the Arab League.

The statement of the Arab Council of Foreign Ministers called upon Iran to put its words into action and translate its declared desire for initiating dialogue and improving relations with the Arab states into practical and tangible steps.

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