lördag 19 december 2015

"Life in Israel is far safer than the current situation in Paris."

Judar strömmar hem till Israel i allt större antal trots den antisemitiska propagandan i en stor del av västvärldens media om Israel. Samtidigt som vissa galjonsfigurer i Väst förhärligar palAraberna och deras ledare, ett extremfall kan du läsa om på länk.


Sedan det nya Israel skapades 1948 har stora mängder judar rest dit, från Arabvärlden (dessa utgör nu mera än halva Israel) till Ryssland (Ryska sägs vara tredje språket nu i Israel).

Israel har nu förhoppningar om upp till 30.000  nya invandrare i år och deras planering av mottagandet är skyhögt över EUs oplanerade fantasier om mottagande av människomassor, länk.

Aliyah to reach 'record high' of 30,000 in 2015

More Jews immigrated to Israel from France than any other country, with Ukraine as a close second.

By Tova Dvorin
First Publish: 12/16/2015, 7:28 PM

8,000 French Jews will have made Aliyah by the end of 2015, statistics from the Ministry of Absorption revealed Wednesday.

While that number is far below the estimated 15,000 French Jews Israel expected to make Aliyah at the end of the second year of its three-year French Aliyah program, the statistic still places French Jews at the forefront of Aliyah for 2015.

Polls in the French Jewish community in November indicated that approximately 80% are considering making aliyah to Israel. While not all will likely actually take the step, the number signifies a massive shift in consciousness and portends a huge increase in aliyah.

Ukrainian Jews are the second-biggest population to have made Aliyah in 2014, Haaretz reports, with some 7,000 Ukrainian Jews estimated to have moved to Israel in 2015; 6,000 made Aliyah in 2014.

Absorption Minister Ze'ev Elkin (Likud) told the daily that total Aliyah is estimated to be 30,000 in 2015 - "a record high for the past decade" that he emphasized "is a window of opportunity that should not go to waste.”

Se också 

"Watch: French Aliyah continues and increases"

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