torsdag 31 december 2015

USA slut på bomberna mot ISIS.

Är USA effektivt? Åtminstone används mycket vapen.

Air Force burning through bomb stockpiles striking ISIL

Tom Vanden Brook, USA TODAY 7:27 p.m. EST December 3, 2015

WASHINGTON — The Air Force has fired more than 20,000 missiles and bombs in the air war against the Islamic State, depleting its stocks of munitions and prompting the service to scour depots around the world for more weapons and to find money to buy them, according to records obtained by USA TODAY.

The Air Force efforts come as the Pentagon has stepped up airstrikes on Islamic State, or ISIL, targets in Iraq and Syria. That bombing campaign began in August 2014 in Iraq, spread to Syria a month later and has continued to target ISIL fighters and equipment.

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