fredag 18 december 2015

Israel ska öka avskjutningen av muslimska terrorister.

Antalet vägspärrar har ökat på sistone, undrar om vår Utrikesblondin har ylat om det. Terroristerna har upptäckt att de blir avskjutna mer och mer som de skadedjur de är och försöker också nya metoder att mörda judar. Terroristerna måste ju smälla ett antal miljoner för att visa att de är väl förtjänta av dem.

Security and Defense: IDF preparing for increase in terror shootings

Senior army sources tell ‘Post’ that terrorists, seeing that knife attacks are ineffective, will turn to armed attacks and attempts to infiltrate communities.

IDF soldiers in the West Bank [File]. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Two soldiers in full combat gear motioned to a white Palestinian car to slow down, as it approached a checkpoint, complete with concrete barricades, west of the Palestinian village of Nahalin.

Grey clouds and cool December air enveloped the rocky slopes of the West Bank, and rain pierced the air, as one soldier approached the car and began talking to the driver. The other hung back, assault rifle at the ready, watching, and alert.

After a few minutes, the soldiers, from the Home Front Command’s Ram Battalion, told the driver to drive on.

“If everything is okay, they continue on their journey. We set up a lot of checkpoints like this recently,” a senior IDF source told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. “This was not here a week ago.
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