söndag 22 mars 2015

"FN varnar för vattenkris"

Nog har stora delar av världen vattenproblem. I ökenklimat är det för litet, i de tropiska monsunzonerna för mycket.

De glömde förstås att Israel LÖST sitt vattenproblem mitt i öknen.

Israel solves water woes with desalination

Turning air to water: How Israel staved off a potential water crisis through innovation

Palestinaarabernas totala missbruk av vattenrättigheter.

Hamas blev erbjuden avsaltningsanläggning men när de hörde att Israel skulle vara inblandat, valde de kloakvatten och salt grundvatten de har överpumpat så havet rinner in.

Israel, Jordanien och PA har försökt samarbeta med avsaltning men jag tror PA har hoppat av.

Vad man väntar på ska bli ekonomiskt möjligt, små demonstrationer har byggts, är soldrivna avsaltningsanläggningar.

Saudiarabien har börjat, lite sent men...  Synd de inte kom på idén när oljan stod på topp. Jag hittade just artikeln nedan:

Solar Powered Desalination
Seawater is becoming a critical resource as global freshwater supplies come under increasing stress, but conventional desalination is an expensive, energy-sucking process. Renewable energy offers a chance at lowering both costs and emissions, and renewable-powered desalination was a hot topic at the 2013 World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi.
Well, it looks like the future is here. Yesterday, the company Abengoa announced that it has been tapped to partner in the development of the Al Khafji desalination plant by TAQNIA, Saudi Arabia’s innovation investment agency, through its newly formed company Advanced Water Technology (AWT).
If Abengoa rings a bell, you might be thinking of the world’s largest parabolic trough concentrating solar system. That’s just one among many high-profile renewable energy projects under the company’s umbrella, so it looks like Saudi Arabia went to the A-list for this project.
According to AWT, the plant will have a 15 megawatt solar array using polycrystalline solar cells engineered by the research agency King Abdulaziz City Science and Technology.
Speaking of going to the top, Spain’s Triarena also lists the desalination plant among its projects. Energy efficiency goes hand in glove with renewable energy, so it looks like the system includes energy recovery, energy storage, and other efficiency systems to complement the solar array. Here’s a video from Triarena that spells it all out:
The only question we have for now is, what are they going to do with all that brine?
As for the jellyfish, the population of the ubiquitous critters appears to be on the rise, so your first order of business in seawater desalination is to find an efficient way to keep them from gumming up your works.
Drinking Our Way Out Of Rising Sea Levels

Renewable-powered desalination is just one pathway under exploration for recovering seawater resources. We’re especially interested in a “quadruple play” water treatment process under development at the University of Colorado based on a microbial fuel cell that can desalinate water, treat wastewater, and generate electricity all in one process.

That’s three if you’re keeping count. The fourth part is that the process generates hydrogen gas, which can be recycled back into the system for increased efficiency.

Och alla de som inte gör ett smack utan köper vapen för pengarna i stället borde FN göra något seriöst åt.

Eftersom jag känner bäst till Mellanöstern tog jag upp det - sen har vi resten av den torra världen......

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