tisdag 2 juni 2015

EU bjuder in ISIS. Bojkottar Israel tills de kvävs i egna spyor.

17 maj: Libyan security adviser: ISIS terrorists are being smuggled into Europe by posing as refugees

EU har bundit händerna på italienska kustbevakningen som initialt (rättmätigt) ville ta ner fartyg som försökte inkräkta på italienska vatten. I stället tvingades de att tillåta dem på stränderna. Efter 24 timmar gav de upp och hälften av alla smugglade terrorister försvann in i landet och i Europa. Detta på grund av EU:s lagar terrorister hatar skolor (med statliga medel), för in fler illegala invandrare, växande terrorism, genomför sharialagar.....

The EU has tied the hands of the Italian coast guards who initially (rightfully) wanted to down ships trying to trespass onto Italian waters. Instead they were forced to allow them on shores. After 24 hours they are let fee to roam and half of all smuggled terrorists disappear into the country and into Europe. Its due to EU laws terrorists have such an easy time starting hate schools (with government funding), bringing in more illegals, expanding terrorism, implementing sharia laws.....

According to a report released Tuesday by The Global Initiative, terrorist groups including ISIS are benefiting from the lucrative human trafficking trade that illegally smuggles boatloads of people from the Libyan coast across the Mediterranean Sea into Europe.
The report estimates that the human trafficking trade generates between $255 million and $323 million each year.
"The value of this trade dwarfs any existing trafficking and smuggling businesses in the region, and has particularly strengthened groups with a terrorist agenda, including the Islamic State," the report states. "The brief concludes that given the level of illicit revenue it is currently possible to generate from the migrant flow, preventing Islamic State and coastal Libyan armed groups from becoming involved in or profiting from migrant smuggling should be of greater priority than attempting to cut off the long-established trans-Saharan trade routes passing through the Sahel toward Libya."
Although Syria is not even on the same continent as Libya, the report finds that most of the migrants being trafficked through Libya are Syrian refugees looking for ways to escape from the brutality of ISIS and the constant threat posed by the country's ongoing civil war. The report explains that Syrians are trafficked into Libya via Lebanon, Egypt or Sudan.

ISIS i Libyen

Islamic State Solidifies Foothold in Libya to Expand Reach

Extremist group has sent money, trainers and fighters

Islamic State leaders in Syria have sent money, trainers and fighters to Libya in increasing numbers, raising new concerns for the U.S. that the militant group is gaining traction in its attempts to broaden its reach and expand its influence.
In recent months, U.S. military officials said, Islamic State has solidified its foothold in Libya as it searches for ways to capitalize on rising popularity among extremist groups around the world.
“ISIL now has an operational presence in Libya, and they have aspirations to make Libya their African hub,” said one U.S. military official, using an acronym for the group. “Libya is part of their terror map now.”

A modern day Trojan horse and loose immigration laws in both Europe and the USA may lead to our eventual demise, at a minimum cause lots of havoc on our communities as Islamic State terrorist are entering Europe through the guise of “refugee’s” through Mediterranean boats.crowded-boat_1859634i
European police don’t know who is from ISIL and who is a normal refugee or not,” Libyan government adviser Abdul Basit Haroun told the BBC.
Haroun said he had learned of the practice talking to boat owners in areas of North Africa controlled by ISIL militants.

Trots alla dessa tydliga signaler ägnar EU all energi att bojkotta Israel i känd Nazistil. "Kauft nicht bei Juden." så de hinner inte med ISIShotet.

Nå, det betyder endast att EU förlorar marknad mot alla utställare från Israel,  Asien etc. 
För att ställa ut krävs tillstånd från de respektive länder, så det är EU-bojkott (Frankrike, England, Skandinavien bl.a.) bakom deras förlorade kunder. Något som visst tar hela EU:s energi så de ser inte hoten från ISIS. 20 länder som inte har fått ett svårt fall av antisemitism, ställer ut. Israel har nyligen ställt ut på försvarsutställningar i Indien och Singapore så det lär återgäldas med besök, liksom Asean-länderna initierat av Singapore.

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