måndag 29 februari 2016

Kinas välkomnande till Jerusalem, kan vi föreställa oss Wallströms ankomst till Ramallah.

Kina har aldrig varit  lika äckliga som Europa i sitt antisemitiska hat, Asien utanför muslimska områden har sluppit pesten. Även en del muslimska områden har affärskontakter med Israel
samtidigt som de har gnällt officiellt - som Indonesien och Malysia. En del med goda affärskontakter med arabländerna har låtit det överväga - tills hi-tech började  bli viktigare än pistachenötter och mattor. Under Nazitiden har många spännande böcker skrivits om judar som flydde till Shanghai

Här em dagsfärsk artikel om ny invandring från Kina till Israel:

Aliyah from China: Jewish history in the making

Arutz Sheva welcomes home 5 women from ancient Chinese Jewish community after thousands of years, in 'fulfillment of prophecy.'
By Yoni Kempinski
First Publish: 2/29/2016, 7:01 PM

Arutz Sheva was on hand late Monday morning to greet five women from the ancient Chinese Jewish community of Kaifeng, as they made Aliyah to Israel and returned to their homeland after thousands of years of exile.

Se video på originallänken.

The five women, Gao Yichen (“Weiwei”), Yue Ting, Li Jing, Li Yuan, and Li Chengjin (“Lulu”), were aided by the Shavei Israel organization in coming home, and arrived after several years of intensive Jewish study and Hebrew study in Kaifeng.
"Weiwei" told Arutz Sheva that she learned of her Jewish identity when she was still a child, at around the age of seven, while Li Yuan said her father and grandfather taught her that "we need to come back to Israel."
According to "Weiwei," it felt like "magic" to arrive in Israel.
While at Ben-Gurion International Airport to greet the five, Shavei Israel Chairman Michael Freund emphasized that "what we're seeing here today is Jewish history in the making."
He noted the Kaifeng Jewish community existed from about the 8th or 9th century CE, but a process of intense assimilation about 200 years ago signaled the end of the community. However, today there are about 1,000 people in Kaifeng "who are identifiable as descendants of the Jewish community via family trees," and who are largely returning to their Jewish roots.
Their Jewish ancestors were Sephardic Jews who came to China from Iraq or Persia, traveling along the Silk Route.
Freund cited the Book of Isaiah (49:12) where God speaks about the ingathering of the exiles, and noted the verse concludes by saying: "and these from the land of the Sinim," a term which in Hebrew means the Chinese. He hailed the Aliyah of the five women as a fulfillment of the prophecy.
He explained to the new immigrants that he was going to lead them to the Western Wall (Kotel) to thank God for being able to fulfill the commandment of settling the land of Israel, and also noted on the need to be thankful for the return of Jewish sovereignty.
Freund recently managed to get permission for them to come to Jerusalem to prepare for their formal conversion, so as to clarify their status and learn more about their tradition.
After arriving in Israel, the five women will continue their Jewish studies at Jerusalem’s Midreshet Nishmat – The Jeanie Schottenstein Center For Advanced Torah Study For Women, with the support of Shavei Israel, which will also cover their living expenses and support them as they prepare to undergo formal conversion by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. After completing the conversion process, they will receive Israeli citizenship.
The last time Shavei Israel managed to bring Chinese Jews from Kaifeng on Aliyah was in October 2009, when seven young men from the community arrived. A total of 19 members of the Kaifeng Jewish community have been brought on Aliyah by the group, which continues to fight through bureaucracy to obtain the required permits for more to come.

Pictures: Laura Ben-David

Caroline Glick inför osäkert USA och EU.


Det är ofta jag läser Caroline och känner att hon förklarar en del vaga åsikter jag har själv. Vad gör Israel inför en osäker västvärld?

USAs demokrater vore en fortsatt Obamakatastrof. Trumf med kunniga rådgivare och han som motor - möjligt.  EU totalveligt och hoppar England av lär fler göra det, medan Antisemiter som Belgien och Sverige helt bryter med Israel.

Israel bör koncentrera på bättre kontakter med övriga världen. Det är trots allt där tillväxten sker och samarbetet mellan t.ex. Kenya och Israel kan ge ömsesidigt resultat, länk.

Läs Carolines artikel med många fakta att räkna in.

söndag 28 februari 2016

Putin årets man i Israel.

Israels förhållande till Ryssland har i högsta grad förändrats med Putin, även om västerländska media vart sega på att analysera förändringarna.  Han är lojal till sina vänner till skillnad från Obama, men när han räknar Syrien och Iran som vänner är det svårt att förstå hans tankegångar utom ekonomin.  man får anta att Israelerna har rätt översyn angående vad som rör sej i deras närområde.. Läs artiklarna nedan.

OK, Obama kör också Iranköret nu eftersom det passar hans ideologi att bli känd för något, startare av III  Världskriget eller nåt, länk. Du ser populariteten: Obama 2% och Putin 29%.

The Israelis have spoken - Putin is their person of the year for 2015

En annan detaljerad översikt:

The poll of 527 respondents representing a statistical sample of the Jewish adult population, was taken Tuesday and has an error margin of ±4.3 percent.

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes a speech during the Victory Parade on Moscow's Red Square. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Russian President Vladimir Putin is Israelis’ person of the year, according to a Panels Research poll taken for The Jerusalem Post and its Hebrew sister publication Ma’ariv Sof Hashavua.

The poll of 527 respondents representing a statistical sample of the Jewish adult population, was taken Tuesday and has an error margin of ±4.3 percent.

Twenty-nine percent of respondents chose Putin as their person of the year, 16% picked German Chancellor Angela Merkel, 15% Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 3% Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 2% Pope Francis, 2% US President Barack Obama and 33% said they did not know.

When asked what the country’s biggest problem was, 45% said the wave of terrorism, 33% said the cost of living and socioeconomic gaps, 8% said the diplomatic stalemate, 4% said Right-Left relations, 4% said international isolation, 2% said religious-secular relations and 4% said they did not know.

Asked if a diplomatic agreement could currently be reached with the Palestinians, 68% said no, 22% said yes and 10% did not know. Among respondents defining themselves as Center-Left, 43% said no, 41% said yes and 16% did not know.

Two-thirds of respondents said their feeling of security went down in the past year, nearly one-third said it stayed the same and just 2% said it rose. When asked what was currently the biggest danger to Israeli security, 47% said the Palestinians, 24% said Islamic State and radical Islam, 13% said Iran, 7% said Jewish terrorism, 6% Hezbollah and 3% said they did not know.

Two-thirds of respondents said they believed the terrorist wave could be stopped, 28% said it could not and 7% said they did not know.

Nearly 80% said they did not believe Iran would keep its commitments in the Iranian nuclear deal, 15% said they did not know and only 6% said they thought Iran would keep the deal.

When asked what they thought was the most important item on the international agenda in 2016, 50% said the struggle to stop Islamic State, 25% said the Syrian refugee crisis, 10% the US presidential election, 6% the war in Syria and Iraq, 5% the Iranian nuclear program and 4% said they did not know.

Asked if there would be elections in 2016: 5% said they were sure there would be, 27% said apparently yes, 46% said apparently no, 9% said they were sure there would not be elections and 13% said they did not know.

lördag 27 februari 2016

Kenyas president Kenyatta besöker Israel, Jordandalen,

PLOs ledning vräker ur sej att det får Israel inte, det är ju DERAS land. Ashravi skriker och har helt förlorat minnnet av att Israel vann ett försvarskrig 1967 helt överväldigande. Har Wallström varit nere och försökt övertyga gänget om att historieböckerna inte gäller när de tycker annorlunda, liksom i Sverige?

Länk 1, länk2.

Varför liknar Ashrawi och Abbas så mycket Sancho Pancha och Don Quijote i sin dåraktighet? De utsträcker käften i vilka vansinnigheter som helst för att vissa, som Wallström/Löfvén, lyssnar på dom. https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quijote s beskrivning av Don Quijote på länken visar hur den väl passar Abbas inbillningsartisteri. Vad Abbas häver ur sig - se länk i direkt översättning från arabiska till engelska utan diverse västerländska tolkningar - används av många media för att sedan vinkla det enligt medias önskemål. Det är ofta nog man ser Abbas fantasier ekas i Wallströms fånigare ordslingor.

Sverige betalar för tortyr i palestinska fängelser.


Sverige vägrar följa upp de krav de satt på alla miljarder till Hamas och Fatah.  Efter allt bryr sej inte Wallström om vart pensionernas pengar går. Du har väl sett regeringens makabra krav när det gäller "Palestina", nä krav på Israel, inte palestinierna.
Sverige kräver att deras områden ska vara "sammanhängande" och att Israel offrar eget land och möjligheter att försvara sig.  Hur tycker Sverige att Gaza ska vara sammanhängande samtidigt som de sänder raketer regelbundet mot civila israeler?

Sveriges miljarder ska användas att demokratisera dem, så hur har Sverige protesterat mot tortyr i fängelser där, hur mycket pengar har dragits in?
De ska bli livskraftiga utan antydan till ekonomi, Sverige har inte hjälpt att sätta upp industribyar men lärt dem effektivt tiggeri. Länk.

Där existerar inga "1967 års gränser", I fredsavtalet Israel-Jordanien står ytterst explicit att "stilleståndslinjerna ska INTE tas som nationella eller politiska gränser".

Sverige öser ut miljard efter miljard utan ett spår förbättring av deras demokrati. många exempel av detta hittar du i denna bloggen.

Trudeau och Wallström.

Trudeau, den nya premiärministern i Canada,  lika naiv och Israel-hatande som Margot Wallström. Se här hur hans fantasier om att ge Hamas mer pengar bemöts i Canada.


fredag 26 februari 2016

BDS, EUs och Obamas frenetiska försök att ta jobben från palestinierna.

Ska vi börja med Osloavtalet där de båda sidorna kom överens om, inte att Israel beordrade, att alla skulle ge PA (Arafat) industribyar, se http://tinyurl.com/chgcxc2
men vi vet vad som hände - Arafat blev världens mest framgångsrika tiggare och upptäckte att speciellt Västvärlden ville göra dem till typiska socialfall, utan hänsyn till arabers stolthet.

Israel erbjöd Arafat industribyar, han grymtade NEJ. Israel erbjöd Egypten och Jordanien, vilket varit mycket framgångsrikt. se  sista delen av länk.

Arafat fick Nobelpriset bl.a. för att säga att Israel kontrollerade Area C av Västbanken medan hans PA kontrollerade A, B med 95% av Västbankens arabiska befolkning. Obs att det är Kontroll av, de äger inget förrän de skrivit fredsavtal, där har aldrig varit något "palestinskt land",  när skulle det skett, när Jordanien illegalt ockuperade, när England höll mandatmakten, när Ottomanerna förlorade kriget vid 1:sta världskriget?

Israel har några mindre industriområden i area C, där palestinaaraber  fått tillstånd att arbeta, där araberna fått samma lön och försäkrirngar som judarna. Se t.ex.

Israel must stop making it easy for the boycotters

torsdag 25 februari 2016

Kvalitetsskillnader på regimer.

Förhållandet Sverige-Israel sjunker allt mer ner i iskylan medan närliggande länder som Egypten inser att de har allt att vinna på att öka värmen några grader. Det sedan Obama hade försökt pådyvla Egypten terroristledaren Morsis. älskad och beundrad bl.a. av Bildt, som gärna sände uppmuntrande twitters till honom och hans metoder att förstöra Egypten.

Sweden increases financial support for Palestinians

Dvs Sverige ger ohejdat pengar till Hamas via UNWRA. I stort sett alla lärare inom UNWRA i Gaza är Hamas. Vid Israels försvarskrig mot Hamas senast förvarades många raketer och vapen i UNWRAs skolor och byggnader och när det uppmärksammades - gav UNWRA tillbaka vapnen till Hamas!  Neutrala? Ja, på FNs sätt. FN gnällde ofta att Israel hade träffat moskeer och skolor och när Israel visade många bilder och ideos hur raketer hade avlossats därifrån glömde FN svara.

Israel welcomes first Egyptian ambassador since 2012

Credentials of new Egyptian envoy Hazem Ahdy Khairat accepted by President Rivlin, signaling warming of ties with Cairo.

Det är lätt att förstå hur Israel och Egypten kan stödja varann,. Sisi verkar bra som Sadat, och förbättrar långsamt långsamt Israels rykte i befolkningen.

Tensions aside, Israel and Egypt do booming business

Här ser du mycket info, inte bara Egypten. Om Sverige kan du se länk,

En dags flyktingar får ett lyxskepp att förstöra

Migrationsverket använder ofantliga summor av skattepengar för att lära migranter förvänta sig yttersta lyx i Sverige utan att ge något. Hur kommer det att sluta? Läs nedanstående artikel! Läs också kommentarerna under artikeln.


tisdag 23 februari 2016

Märkliga Merkel.

Vad har fått Merkel att år 2010 ha försökt övertyga världen att multikulti var totalt misslyckat, tillsammans med England och Frankrike, och nu ha floppat totalt och förstör den Europeiska kulturen, förutom ekonomin. Iranska pengar?

What’s the Matter With Merkel?

söndag 21 februari 2016

Världens mest kända arabiska poet uttalar sig.

Världen mest kända arabiska poet uttalar sig.

“Islam can’t be modernized,” says world’s “greatest Arabic poet”


“When asked if he receives death threats from radical Islamists Adonis said: ‘Of course, but I do not care. For certain convictions people should risk their lives.'” Bravo.

“‘Islam Can’t Be Modernised’ Says World’s ‘Greatest Arabic Poet,’” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, February 19, 2016:

The writer regarded as the greatest Arabic language poet alive today has said Islam cannot be modernised.

Adunis Asbar, known by his pen name Adonis, is a Syrian-born writer often considered one of the greatest living poets of the Arabic language. He has come under criticism for comments he made recently about Islam before receiving the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize, named after the famous pacifist and author of the classic World War One novel ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’.

In an interview with Die Welt he talked about one of the most pressing issues in Germany since the migrant crisis began, the idea of being able to integrate migrants from predominately Muslim countries into European societies.

Being raised a Muslim himself and having one of the greatest understandings of the language of the Quran, Adonis said: “You can not reform a religion. If they are reformed, [the original meaning] is separated from it. Therefore, modern Muslims and a modern Islam is already impossible. If there is no separation between religion and state, there will be no democracy especially without equality for women. Then we will keep a theocratic system. So it will end.”

Laying down a heavy critique of the Islamic world, he added: “Arabs have no more creative force. Islam does not contribute to intellectual life, it suggests no discussion. It is no longer thought. It produces no thinking, no art, no science, no vision that could change the world. This repetition is the sign of its end. The Arabs will continue to exist, but they will not make the world better.”

The remarks are in reference to the broader questions of how he sees the Middle East, and specifically his native Syria which has been in a state of civil war for years. Adonis describes the totality of Islam in the life of people in the Islamic world saying Muslim society is “based on a totalitarian system. The religion dictates everything: How to run, how to go to the toilet, who one has to love…”…

“I have long been an opponent of Assad. The Assad regime has transformed the country into a prison. But his opponents, the so-called revolutionaries, commit mass murder, cut people’s heads off, sell women in cages as goods and trample human dignity underfoot.”

Adonis was referring to the Islamic State and the Al-Nusra front (an Al Qaeda affiliate) who have become the largest opposition force to Assad over the course of the civil war.

Breitbart London has already reported that attempts to house and integrate Muslim migrants will cost Germans and other European countries billions of euros, and according to Adonis’ opinion it could be a useless endeavour.

When asked if he receives death threats from radical Islamists Adonis said: “Of course, but I do not care. For certain convictions people should risk their lives.”

lördag 20 februari 2016


Obamas hemliga Iranstrategi från dag 1.

Obama's Secret Iran Strategy

The president has long been criticized for his lack of strategic vision. But what if a strategy, centered on Iran, has been in place from the start and consistently followed to this day?
President Barack Obama makes a statement about Iran’s nuclear program in November 2013.  BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images.

President Barack Obama makes a statement about Iran’s nuclear program in November 2013. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images.
Klicka länken och läs  vidare.

fredag 19 februari 2016

Terrorister gömmer sig i illegala EU-byggnader i area C inför mordattacker; regeringen gör inget.

'Next Rami Levy attack is just a matter of time'

After murder, 'Jerusalem Belt Forum' warns terrorists liable to emerge from illegal.l EU buildings just a walk away from Mishor Adumim store.

By Ido Ben-Porat
First Publish: 2/18/2016, 10:29 PM
Mishor Adumim, distance from EU buildings to shopping center

Mishor Adumim, distance from EU buildings to shopping center

Jerusalem Belt Forum

Hours after the lethal stabbing attack at a Rami Levy supermarket branch in Sha'ar Binyamin, in which a 21-year-old shopper was murdered and another 36-year-old was moderately wounded, the "Jerusalem Belt Forum" issued a warning.

In the attack two 14-year-old Arab terrorists from nearby Bitunia got past security with knives brought from home before going on a rampage, until they were shot by two armed civilians in the store and arrested. The 21-year-old victim was later identified as IDF Sergeant Tuvia Yanai Weissman.

According to the "Jerusalem Belt Forum," the next attack in a shopping center is just a matter of time.

"The dozens of structures that were established against the law by the European Union for the Bedouins in the Adumim district are a ticking time bomb," said Yaniv Aharoni of the forum.

"Throughout the length of Highway 1 there are collections of illegal Bedouin settlements whose demolition is not enforced by the Civil Administration."

Aharoni warned that "the next murderer is liable to emerge from these structures any moment, and at a distance of a short walk he will reach the shopping center at Mishur Adumim for a bloody attack."

The distance from the nearest illegal structures to the Rami Levy in Mishor Adumim shopping center is only 800 meters, just under half-a-mile, according to the forum.

The "Jerusalem Belt Forum" noted that just this Wednesday, a day before Thursday's attack, the High Court rejected the petition by Regavim to demolish the EU-funded illegal Arab buildings, after the state said the demolition is not a "priority."

"Apparently there is one law for Jews at a synagogue in Givat Ze'ev and another law for the European Union that acts in Israel as if it was at home. The humiliation in the lack of enforcement of the law against them is liable to cost in lives," said Aharoni.

The warning about the Rami Levy store in Mishor Adumim comes as police continue to investigate the event. Rami Levy on Thursday night was summoned by police to come in for questioning on Sunday regarding the incident.

Rami Levy has in the past been criticized for employing Arabs, particularly after an Arab terrorist stabbed two Jewish shoppers at a branch in Mishor Adumim to the east of Jerusalem in December 2014. The terrorist apparently was aided by an Arab employee who gave him the knife he used to moderately wound the two.

Last October a woman was stabbed in the spinal column by an Arab terrorist at a Rami Levy parking lot in Gush Etzion. Miraculously she made a quick recovery from the attack, after having been moderately wounded.


Där är förvirring vad kristna i Mellanöstern tänker, vilket bl.a. utnyttjas av Svenska Kyrkan för att avsiktligt öka förvirringen, allt sedan ärkebiskop Capucci transporterade vapen till Arafat. En artikel som klargör några moment.

Aramaean leader slams PA Evangelical 'liars'

Father Gabriel Naddaf says Evangelicals tell churches abroad that Hamas' terror tunnels 'are actually for food and drink.'

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 2/18/2016, 10:37 PM

Father Nadaf in Samaria
Christian Friends of Judea and Samaria Communities

Nazareth-based Father Gabriel Naddaf, spiritual leader of the Israeli Aramean Christian movement, blasted Palestinian Evangelical Christians Thursday after they signed a pact of "reconciliation" with some Israeli "Messianic" Christians.

Writing on Facebook, Naddaf asked why Israeli Christians are "partaking in a conspiracy of silence with anti-Israel church leaders."

He accused the Palestinian Evangelicals of denouncing the Aramaean Christians of Israel as "collaborators" at their conferences and slandering Israel's reputation, telling churches abroad that Hamas' terror tunnels "are actually for [smuggling] food and drink."

According to Father Naddaf, many on the Palestinian Evangelical side of the table had in the past tacitly supported anti-Israeli terrorism and called for “global theological resistance” against the Jewish state.

The agreement was signed earlier this month in Larnaca, Cyprus.

Opposition reportedly arose from other Israeli Christians after it was discovered that the leaders of both groups had pledged to refrain from publicly criticizing one another.

torsdag 18 februari 2016

Wallström och FN tror Saudierna begått krigsbrott helt utan bevis.

Många tror på rykten vilken källan än  är.

  • The UN's assertion that the Saudi-led coalition has committed war crimes in Yemen is unlikely to be true. UN experts have not been to Yemen, depending instead on hearsay evidence and analysis of photographs.
  • The UN has a pattern of unsubstantiated allegations of war crimes against the armed forces of sovereign states. Without any military expertise, and never having visited Gaza, a UN commission convicted the Israel Defense Force of deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians in the 2014 conflict. It was an assessment roundly rejected by America's most senior military officer, General Martin Dempsey, and an independent commission.
  • The Houthis have learned many lessons from Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, groups also supported by Iran. Those lessons include the falsification of civilian casualty figures and their causes. The UN swallowed the fake Gaza figures hook, line and sinker, and are now making the same error in Yemen.
  • The Houthis exploit gullible or compliant reporters and human rights groups to facilitate their propaganda, including false testimony and fabrication of imagery.
  • Forensic analysis shows that rather than deliberately targeting civilians, the Saudis and their allies have taken remarkable steps to minimize civilian casualties.

Obamas mjuka bojkott av Israel.

Obamaadministrationen försöker avsiktligt förstöra Israels ekonomi i samma Nazistil som större Delen av EU, även om många stater och företag i USA har moral kvar. 

onsdag 17 februari 2016

Egypten undervisar korrekt om freden för första gången

Egypten undervisar korrekt om freden för första gången och rensar ut  muslimska brödraskapets terrorism, älskad av Bildt och Obama.

For first  time, Egyptian schools to teach peace deal with Israel

President Sisi's administration enacts overhaul of national curriculum, scrubs out Muslim Brotherhood influence.

First Publish: 2/17/2016, 11:06 AM

Begin (R) and Sadat (L) in famous post-treaty handshake

Tal Shabtai/Wikimedia Commons

Egyptian schools are to begin teaching about Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel for the first time, as part of the new national curriculum.

Even more significantly, according to a report on Army RadioWednesday morning, the curriculum is purely fact-based and does not stray into the aggressive, biased characterizations of Israel as a criminal or evil entity.

The text in question is meant for ninth grade students, but is part of a wider overhaul of the Egyptian national curriculum by the country's President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. It outlines the eight points of the historic treaty verbatim, including Clause 2 - "to end the state of war between Egypt and Israel and to solve all disputes in a peaceful fashion" - and Clause 3 - that "all sides should respect the sovereignty and independence of the other side."

It also notes that then-Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin received the Nobel Peace Prize for "the great effort they invested in reaching peace in the Middle East."

Other changes in the national curriculum including sidelining the role played by former President Hosni Mubarak - who was ousted in a 2011 coup - as a general in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Sisi has also moved to delete entirely certain aspects of the curriculum inserted by the previous, Islamist regime of Mohammed Morsi, which included Muslim Brotherhood ideology and tracts stressing the need for Egyptians to "return to Islamic values."

Since Sisi took power in 2014, he has presided both over a major crackdown on jihadist and other Islamist groups - including the Brotherhood and its ideological cousins Hamas - as well as a strategic shift towards greater cooperation with Israel against mutual threats from Islamist terrorism.om freden för första gången

tisdag 16 februari 2016

Allians USA-Ryssland mot Islamisterna?

Här många detaljer om en allians mellan USA och Ryssland mot Islamisterna som gör vad de kan för att äta upp den kristna världen som omfattar Ryssland men knappast den större delen av EU längre.

February 15, 2016

Contemplating a US-Russia anti-Islamist Alliance

By Alexander Maistrovoy and Ted Belman

måndag 15 februari 2016

Slut på strömmen till Gaza från Egypten.

Tyvärr slutade Israel med regelbundna rapporter om leverans till Gaza på http://www.cogat.idf.il/894-en/Matpash.aspx, den senaste på http://www.cogat.idf.il/Sip_Storage/FILES/3/4813.jpg där de brukade rapportera detaljer som energileverans etc..

Egypt to disconnect electricity power lines to southern Gaza Strip

Friday, 29 January 2016 11:17

Egypt will disconnect two power transmission lines that provide electricity to the southern Gaza Strip on Friday morning, Public Relations Director of Gaza’s electricity company Mohammed Thabet has said.

Photo story: Gazans turn to wood to warm up

In a telephone interview with Sawa news site on Thursday evening, Thabet said the Egyptian authorities had informed the company that they plan to disconnect the two power transmission lines that supply Rafah with electricity at 7:00 am until further notice due to maintenance.

UN chief: Palestinian reaction to occupation is ‘natural’

Thabet warned that this will lead to a large deficit in the power supply, especially since the power supply line coming from Israel has not been working for the past seven days.

söndag 14 februari 2016

Iran lovar hjälpa Wallström betala palestinsk terror.

Nu får Wallström hjälp att betala mord av judar. Hon har gett Abbas miljoner utan redovisningsskyldighet, Abbas har berättat hur mycket han ger till terrorister och Hamas, så allt tyder  på detta förhållande om hon inte visar att det är fel.

Iran promises more financial aid to Palestinian terrorists

Januari i Tyskland. Sverige följer.

Här kan du se migrantrelaterade händelser i Tyskland under januari 2016 där Merkel gör sitt bästa för att förtränga informationen från massmedia. Här några fall hon har misslyckats, de andra får du gissa,  Liksom alla fall som lyckat tystats i Sverige.
Får jag  påminna länk år 2010 när Merkel, Frankrike och England alla förklarade multi-kulti som ett totalt misslyckande. Man undrar vem som har mutat tanten.