tisdag 28 februari 2017

USA försöker än en gång stoppa pengar till palestinska terrorister.

Man undrar varför det är så svårt at få igenom en lag som stoppar livslånga höga löner till terrorister och mördare, högre än nästan alla andra palestinier utom ledarna förstås. De palestinska ledarna har erkänt  vilka summor det drar. Oslo talar om att hjälpa palestinier sätta upp industribyar för att få exprtinkomster, obetydligt har hänt.


US Senator reintroduces bill to cut off funding to PA
Taylor Force Act would make future US financial aid to PA contingent on ending policy of paying life-long stipends to 

tSen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) announced that he is reintroducing a bill that would cut off funding to the Palestinian Authority for paying rewards to terrorists and their families Tuesday.

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (OU), the nation's largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, welcomed Sen. Graham's announcement.
The Taylor Force Act, named for the Vanderbilt University graduate student and former US Army officer stabbed to death in Jaffa by an Arab terrorist last year, would make future U. financial aid to the PA contingent on ending its policy of paying life-long stipends to terrorists and their surviving family members.errorists.

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