lördag 8 september 2012

US administration vrider sig som en mask angående Jerusalem.

Se här hur USA, trots att de nu återigen plötsligt påstår att Jerusalem är Israels huvudstad, och bevisar att det bara är valpropaganda och egentligen tänker de något helt annat. 
Israel är det enda land där USA inte har sin ambassad i huvudstaden. OCH tänk på : INGEN DEL av Jerusalem anser de vara huvudstad, utan de tycker att allt ska tillhöra araberna! Annars hade det ju varit trivialt att placera ambassaden där alla regeringsbyggnader finns, i den del av Jerusalem som alltid varit Israels huvudstad.
Se artikelreferenser i slutet, men läs först den fantastiska ordväxlingen på högsta nivå i USA:

09/06/2012 04:12 PM EDT
Patrick Ventrell
Acting Deputy Spokesperson Daily Press Briefing
Washington, DC
September 6, 2012

12:52 p.m. EDT
MR. VENTRELL: Okay, good afternoon. Welcome to the State Department. We have with us some diplomats who are headed out to be spokespeople at some of our embassies overseas, so welcome to the briefing, to all of you. I don’t have anything else, so I’ll turn it over to you.
Go ahead.
QUESTION: On Israel?
QUESTION: Which city does the U.S. Government recognize as the capital in the – Israel?
MR. VENTRELL: Well, as you know, longstanding Administration policy, both in this Administration and in previous administrations across both parties, is that the status of Jerusalem is an issue that should be resolved in final status negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. So that’s longstanding Administration policy and continues to be so.
QUESTION: I mean, no city is recognized as a capital by the U.S. Government?
MR. VENTRELL: Again, I just stated our position, and it’s one we’ve said here many times before.
QUESTION: That means Jerusalem is not a part of Israel?
MR. VENTRELL: What it means is that the status of Jerusalem must be resolved in final status negotiations.
QUESTION: But you do have an Embassy in a city which is not Jerusalem.
MR. VENTRELL: Our Embassy is in Tel Aviv, and we have a Consulate General in Jerusalem.
QUESTION: Right. But I mean, if you have an Embassy, usually it’s in the capital; so therefore, it would appear that you believe that Tel Aviv is the capital.
MR. VENTRELL: What we believe is that the status of Jerusalem should be determined in final status negotiations between the two parties. And currently, our Embassy is in Tel Aviv.
QUESTION: Are there any other countries in the world where the U.S. doesn’t know what the capital is or won’t say what the capital of a country is?
QUESTION: What does the U.S. think the capital of Israel is? What do you –
MR. VENTRELL: As I’ve just said, we believe that the status of Jerusalem is an issue that should be resolved in final status –
QUESTION: I’m not asking you that question. I’m asking you what you think the capital is.
MR. VENTRELL: And my response is that Jerusalem is an issue that should be resolved in final status negotiations.
QUESTION: She didn’t ask about Jerusalem, though.
MR. VENTRELL: Look, this is something we’ve been through at this podium. Toria has been through it before. We’ve repeated it many times. You know that the position is. It hasn’t changed for decades.
QUESTION: Wait, I know that. And I don’t want to play the verbal game, I’m just very curious if you actually have a position about a capital of that country. And if you don’t, if – I just would like to hear you say you don’t.
MR. VENTRELL: Well, right now, Nicole –
MR. VENTRELL: — the situation is that we have an Embassy in Tel Aviv that represents our interests with the Government of Israel but that the issue of Jerusalem is one that has to be resolved between the two parties. That’s all I can say on this.
Anything else? Thank you.

Man förstår varför samma departement inte kommer någonstans med förhandlingarna med Iran. Här några inte helt färska
 artiklar om vad Obama verkligen vill och tänker:

Report: Obama promised Abbas a Palestinian state within two years
Obama promises Abbas privately that he will throw Israel under the bus at the UN
Official: President said Palestinian state with holy city capital 'in American interest'
Obama Promises Arabs Jerusalem !
Report: Obama promises Abbas settlement freeze in J`lem (I en palestinsk tidning.)
Obama promises Abbas privately that he will throw Israel under the bus at the UN
Palestinian Leader Abbas: Obama Promised Us a State By September
Uppgift: Googla fram fler......
 Nu förstår du lite mer vad som ligger bakom Obamas vägran att kalla en enda del av Jerusalem Israels huvudstad, medan han gärna ger hela staden till Abbas.


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