lördag 16 januari 2016

EU bygger illegalt för araber i judarnas första huvudstad Hebron.

Hebron är judarnas första huvudstad innan kung David 7 år senare flyttade huvudstaden till Jerusalem. Patriarkerna köpte gravplats till sig där, läs på länken. 1929 gick araberna bärsärkagång på judarna som bodde där - långt innan Israel skapades så deras anledning kan du räkna ut. Anledningar du ser i våra massmedia kan du glömma,  araberna har alltid varit sådana och nu hjälper EU och Sverige dem.

När Israel försvarade sig själv 1967 efter att ha blivit anfallet av de samlade arabhärarna och vunnit, dröjde det inte länge förrän den lame Netanyahu gav nästan hela staden tillbaka utan att få något i gengäld. Där är fortfarande kamp om patriarkernas gravplats, Abraham är ju också anfader till araberna.  Men där finns noggranna avtal om vem som har vad. EU nonchalerar som alltid regler och avtal som inte passar dem. Wye-avtalet.

Och det senaste man har upptäckt är att EU betalar stora summor för att araberna illegalt ska bygga där.

'Ticking bomb' in Jewish section of Hevron

Stranglehold going up around Tomb of Patriarchs - Arab buildings illegally built with European money.

By Eliran Aharon
First Publish: 1/16/2016, 5:57 PM

Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron (file)
Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron (file)
Gershon Elinson/Flash 90
Arutz Sheva has received a groundbreaking video showing rampant illegal building in Hevron by Arabs, with funding from the European Union and the Arab League, which endangers the Jewish community.

An Arutz Sheva correspondent toured the region with Haim Bleicher, a resident of Hevron, in order to document the "stranglehold" going up around the Tomb of the Patriarchs, and the anarchistic actions that effectively harm Arabs as well. At one spot, Arabs were viewed with cameras from the organization B'Tselem.

People from the city's Jewish community say that "again and again it's proven that Arab terror is a difficult and deep disease that cannot be fixed in isolation, partially, or quickly. Terror must be taken out from the root - we must free the city of Hevron from the talons of the terror regime and we must free the Jewish people from this nightmare.

"Delivering Hevron to the enemy was a fatal mistake, and now Netanyahu can and must make up for it and release Hevron," they added. "Sadly, the government completely forbids Jews from building in Hevron, while allowing terrorists complete freedom. We demand an immediate and complete change in the security policy and the settlement in Hevron. The enemy will not be defeated by words but rather by actions."

Yishai Horowitz, the head of the department for tourism and events in Hevron's Jewish community, says, "We see the actions taken by those who hate Israel, both at home and abroad, and we are fighting to stop it, both on a political-policy level and by bringing Jews to Hevron and to the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

"We demand that the Israeli government stop the foreign funding that goes to riots and instead strengthen the Jewish hold on Hevron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs. We also demand that Jews be allowed to build in Hevron and the end to the building freeze that has affected the city for many years."

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