fredag 30 september 2016

Plaut ochBedein om Peres.

Steven Plaut, ekonomiprofessor i Haifa, uttrycker sin åsikt om Shimon Peres på ungefär samma sätt som jag just skrev, en stor man med några svarta plumpar.
By concentrating on his role in the Oslo debacle, it is easy to forget the fact that for most of his career, Shimon Peres was a great man. While he was hardly a founding father of the country, as the media are proclaiming in mindless unison, being too young in 1948, Peres played a critical role in Israeli arms procurement, in the creation of the Dimona reactor, in relations with France, even in erection of early settlements in the West Bank. He was Ben Gurion's sidekick in the rightish breakaway Rafi Party, which split from MAPAI.Because it lasted so long, the majority of his career days were as a skilled diplomat and leader of the Labor Right, and as Ben Gurion's Robin. Had he retired 25 years ago, that would have been his legacy.But he did not. He spent his last 25 years committing Oslo, endangering the very existence of Israel with his delusions. Hectoring the country that if there was no peace it was because Israelis did not want it enough, insisting to the end that almost all Israelis support the "Two-State Solution," whereas in reality almost none do. Proclaiming that Palestinians seek peace, whereas they seek genocidal jihad.The obscene reaction to his death among Arabs serves better than anything else to prove how deluded he was.

Arafat wearing military fatigues while collecting his Nobel Peace Prize;

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