As the general stood before him Obama almost couldn’t believe the word’s he had just heard and had to ask him to repeat it. “We found OBL sir do you want us to take him out” the general repeated. Obama thought long and hard about the question he was just asked. “This is too important of a job to leave to the military. That is what one of those pansy republicans like Mitt Romney would do” he thought to himself. He carefully considered all of the options and ultimately decided he would have to take care of this himself.
As the stealth chopper flew silently into Pakistan just a hundred feet over the ground Obama prepared himself. He was dressed completely in tactical black with two katanas strapped to his back and a bundle of c4 with a remote detonator on a pack at his side. As the helicopters arrived at the compound and hovered above the yard Obama ordered the door opened and took a running leap. He did a flip mid-air and landed perfectly behind two guards. While still in a crouching position on one knee from the landing he quickly drew the two katanas from their sheaths, and jabbed one into each of the two guards that stood before him. Obama had both katanas sheathed and was halfway to the door before he heard the distinctive double thump of two bodies hitting the ground.
A dog barked in in the distance and Obama forced himself to refocus on the mission. Now was not the time to be thinking about food. As he got closer to the entrance, Obama could see the door knob turning and realized someone was about to walk through the door. He leaped into the air and grabbed the top of the door frame as a surprised guard opened the door inward. Obama grabbed the doorframe, swung his legs up and wrapped his ankles around the guards neck. He released the doorframe and with a twisting motion snapped the guards neck as he threw him to the ground. Obama found himself at the bottom of a set of stairs with a landing on top. He heard a door open and the sound of footsteps walking toward the landing. Without even batting an eye he quickly grabbed a bootknife and three it towards the landing. The knife hit the guard right between the eyes as soon as he turned the corner. Obama smiled to himself and quietly ran up the stairs.
As he ran down a hall he recognized the voice of Osama bin Laden from behind one of the doors. He recognized the voice from the millions of CIA briefs, and recordings he had poured over late into his many sleepless nights as president. He threw his satchel of c4 on the ground and quickly leaped up into the air, wedging himself perfectly above the door using his arms and legs to brace himself against the hallway walls. He released an arm and knocked silently on the door, using the same arm to quickly pull a syringe from a cargo pocket. Using his teeth he pulled the needle cover off the syringe. Osama would need to be taken alive so he could face justice for his crimes against humanity.
As the door opened Osama stepped out and looked both directions down the hall to see who had knocked. Obama released his arms and legs and landed directly in front of Osama Bin Laden. He wanted him to see who it was that caught him. As a shocked OBL began to realize that the president of the United States was standing before him, Obama said “surprise” and jabbed the needle into Osama’s neck. The effect was immediate and Osama slumped forward. He grabbed Osama Bin laden and threw him over his shoulder. It was at that time that the wives of Osama realized what was happening and began to scream. Obama could hear the distinctive thud thud of the a hovering chopper through the window at the end of the hall. He raced down the hall with Osama slung over his shoulder as bullets began to wizz by him.
Fortunately the bullets shattered the window glass at the end of the hall. Obama leaped through the window and was just able to grab the skid of the hovering helicopter with his free arm. With his other arm he flung Osama into the helicopter and then flipped himself inside. “GO” he screamed to the pilot as the helicopter began to turn and fly away. A few guards stood at the window and began opening fire. As the tail end of the hellicopter turned towards the guards Obama could hear a few bullets hitting the metal hull of the aircraft. He just smiled and pulled the wireless detonator from his pocket. As he pressed the button he could hear the explosion followed by a blast of heat.
An hour later as the helicopter flew over the North Arabian Sea towards the aircraft carrier, Obama stood at the open door pondering all that had just occurred. He would need to get back to Washington quickly, there would be press conferences and, Obama needed to get back to the business of running the country.
- 2 days ago
Additional Details
Osama began to stir and realized where he was. Osama whispered “so you caught me, and I will be tried, and executed. All you will do is make me a martyr, I will be ushered into Paradise and be given seventy six virgins as a reward.” Obama realized he was right, not about the 76 virgins, but about being a martyr. He could not allow that to happen. “They are not virgins” he growled back, “I made sure of that the other night”. Obama grabbed Osama and lifted him off the floor of the helicopter by his scraggly beard. Osama screamed in pain, desperately trying to grab for anything that would support his weight. “Besides”, Obama growled, “I’m sending you straight to hell”. With that Obama flung Osama out the open door by his beard. He couldn’t help but wonder how the screams of a falling Osama sounded exactly like the Wilhelm scream in the movies as he watched Osama disappear into the waves below. Obama was only vaguely aware of the cheers, and pats on his back from the helicopter crew as he realized… He had just done something that no other president would, or could do.2 days ago
Obama dithered for months while Panetta, Gates and Hillary worked around the clock to force Obama to finally make the damn decision.
Tänk om det är sant?..... Men nä, då hade Obama haft med storyn i sin valpropaganda. Att det var Bush som startade jakten, eller redan Bill Clinton, och att Obama var högst motvillig att avsluta den (lika ovillig som att göra något seriöst åt problemen Iran och Syrien) har jag läst innan. Kommentaren om Panetta ovan kan mycket väl vara sann, åtminstone det faktum att Obama var helt ovillig att döda Osama, väl medveten om att det inte skulle få fler muslimer att älska honom. Söker man efter det såg jag att nån trodde det var en groda, vad vet jag.
Yahoo har "svar", där folk diskuterar såna frågeställningar.
Is it true that Bush started the hunt for Osama bin Laden "dead or alive"?
Was it not Bush's plan that allowed Obama to get Osama?
Was it not Bush's plan that allowed Obama to get Osama?
Med ett svar:
Yes, particularly the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Muhammed. That's what yielded the names of the couriers which ultimately lead us to Osama. Even Obama has given Bush credit, but his followers will never admit it.
Vi vet från många källor att det var CIA:s hårda metoder som Obama förbjudit, man får inte vara så stygg mot potentiella terrorister vilken information de än sitter inne med, information av vikt för USA:s säkerhet - det var dessa metoder som fick fram de bekännelser som ledde till Osama.
Och den vill bli omvald?
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