torsdag 17 december 2015

Olika nivåer av moral i Israel.

Där har uppstått ett problem i Israel - de politiskt korrekta tycker att ett läkarteam först ska ta hand om terroristen som mer eller mindre lyckat försökte mörda judar, de som gör jobbet undrar var de har placerat hjärnan. Arabiska ambulansförare skiter helt i judiska offer, som jämförelse, länk.

Adamant ZAKA refuses to treat terrorists before Jews

ZAKA director Yehuda Meshi Zahav charges 'no one will teach use what morality is,' least of all Israeli Medical Association.

By Cynthia Blank
First Publish: 12/17/2015, 1:26 PM

Meshi Zahav

The outraged director of the ZAKA emergency response service slammed on Thursday the ethics office of the Israeli Medical Association (IMA), after the body called to first treat the most wounded person at the scene of a terror attack - even if that person is the Arab terrorist.

Yehuda Meshi Zahav specifically took to task ethics office chairman Prof. Avinoam Reches, after the latter asserted "Israel is not Iran," and insisting that Jewish moral values would not be taken into account when treating the injured at terror scenes.

"The Jews brought morality to the world and no one will teach us what morality is," Meshi-Zahav blasted.

"We will instruct our volunteers to first treat injured Jewish victims, without thinking twice," he continued. "And only after [will they treat] the terrorist murderer who carried out the attack."

"Despite the ethical code which mandates the most injured victim be treated first, you must know morality has a limit. If we will not keep our distinction, we will lose our direction. Even in Halacha, it is written: All who merciful to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful."

ZAKA also noted that Prof. Asa Kasher, an Israel Prize laureate and one of the country's leading researchers on questions of ethics, opposed the IMA's new guidelines.

"You can't say considerations should be only medical," Kasher stated, calling it "inconceivable" for a seriously wounded terrorist to be treated before his just less seriously injured victim.

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