fredag 18 december 2015

Ruhani och Obama har vunnit över världen, Världskrig III närmar sig om inte Israel och Putin gör något.

President Rouhani hails closure of PMD as victory for Iranian nation

Tehran, Dec 16, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday that IAEA's closure of the so-called possible military dimensions (PMD) of Iran's nuclear program was a moral, political and legal victory for the Iranian nation.

Speaking to the Iranian nation in a live TV address, the President underlined that Iran's nuclear program has never diverted from its peaceful path.

Rouhani's remarks comes a day after the IAEA Board of Governors unanimously voted in favor of a resolution to close Iran's file, putting an end to 13 years of dispute over Tehran's nuclear program.

Iran has repeatedly stressed its religious commitment to non-proliferation, Rouhani said.

Settlement of nuclear issue came after Iran's diplomatic engagement, the President said, adding that the grounds are almost paved for implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) reached between Iran and the six world powers on July 14.

Rouhani expressed hope that sanctions against Iran will be lifted as of next month.

The President also underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran will adhere to all its commitments under the terms of the JCPOA. 

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Sen Obama förbjöd IAEA att undersöka Iran på ort och ställe utan bara tro på vad Iranierna säger om sin kärnvapenutveckling, har de gett upp. Nu godkänner de allt Iran säger.

En annan artikel:

IAEA: Iran nuke deal may be implemented next month

Ryser det i din ryggrad också inför världskrig III som Obama desperat vill starta tillsammans med Iran? Medan han vill förändra solfläckarna för att ändra världens väder. Nog anser jag Putin mycket mer civiliserad.

Sverige har många lokala problem, dess massmedia rapporterar inte om såna här livsfarliga saker, men vad har nästa världskrig att erbjuda läsarna i vårt flyktingraseri.

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