TT berättar om Irans underbara basarer, nämner knappt deras illegala terrorverksamhet och
ballistiska missiler med inriktning Israel. Se GP och SDS.
tisdag 31 maj 2016
Turkiets turism går åt skogen.
Det är ju inte särskilt konstigt med Erdogans lurendrejeri av alla, speciellt EU, nerskjutande av ryskt militärplan, folkmord av kurderna. Inte för att det senare hindrar Merkels fixa idé att leka med flyktingar.
En översikt över Erdogans EU-lek på
Vad vi hoppas på nu är BRexit, att England drar sej ur ledbandet från de ovalda EU-diktatorerna i Bryssel, och går samman med de mindre stater som inte vill tvingas att bli som Syrien och Irak. Sverige borde vara ett avskräckande exempel.
Jag kan inte nationalekonomi, kan inse att det finns fördelar med lägre ekonomiska gränser, men när vi också har fått Schengen som tillåter terrorister att resa fritt tackar jag nej - det var bra nog som i min barndom när man hade sitt pass i fickan att resa runt världen med.
Så bojkotta Turkiet - världen är full av länder utan terrorism, kolla kartan. Jag har vänner i Kambodja och Indonesien som skriver och undrar vad EU sysslar med, om EU har blivit helt vansinniga. Jag kan bara hålla med.
Jag rekommenderar förstås Israel som turistland eftersom jag varit där ett dussin gånger och fått fler vänner än någon annanstans - nä, jag är inte jude. Inte min syster heller, som bott där i 20 år. Med deras flygplats världens säkraste utom för terrorister har det alla fördelar, och har varit turistland i 2000 år. Speciellt de senaste hundra åren, då alltfler upptäcktsresande, ofta utskickade av Bibelkommitteer, har bekostat det för att arkeologiskt bekräfta Bibeln. En jag gillar är Ida Pfeiffer, läsbar och nerladdningsbar på
Hon vad en österrikisk dam i början av 1800-talet som också beskriver resan från Wien till Mellanöstern som ensam kvinna och utan tåg. Fascinerande och informativ.
Nog för idag.
Det är ju inte särskilt konstigt med Erdogans lurendrejeri av alla, speciellt EU, nerskjutande av ryskt militärplan, folkmord av kurderna. Inte för att det senare hindrar Merkels fixa idé att leka med flyktingar.
En översikt över Erdogans EU-lek på
Vad vi hoppas på nu är BRexit, att England drar sej ur ledbandet från de ovalda EU-diktatorerna i Bryssel, och går samman med de mindre stater som inte vill tvingas att bli som Syrien och Irak. Sverige borde vara ett avskräckande exempel.
Jag kan inte nationalekonomi, kan inse att det finns fördelar med lägre ekonomiska gränser, men när vi också har fått Schengen som tillåter terrorister att resa fritt tackar jag nej - det var bra nog som i min barndom när man hade sitt pass i fickan att resa runt världen med.
Så bojkotta Turkiet - världen är full av länder utan terrorism, kolla kartan. Jag har vänner i Kambodja och Indonesien som skriver och undrar vad EU sysslar med, om EU har blivit helt vansinniga. Jag kan bara hålla med.
Jag rekommenderar förstås Israel som turistland eftersom jag varit där ett dussin gånger och fått fler vänner än någon annanstans - nä, jag är inte jude. Inte min syster heller, som bott där i 20 år. Med deras flygplats världens säkraste utom för terrorister har det alla fördelar, och har varit turistland i 2000 år. Speciellt de senaste hundra åren, då alltfler upptäcktsresande, ofta utskickade av Bibelkommitteer, har bekostat det för att arkeologiskt bekräfta Bibeln. En jag gillar är Ida Pfeiffer, läsbar och nerladdningsbar på
Hon vad en österrikisk dam i början av 1800-talet som också beskriver resan från Wien till Mellanöstern som ensam kvinna och utan tåg. Fascinerande och informativ.
Nog för idag.
måndag 30 maj 2016
Araber odlar sin vanliga hobby i Samarien och Sverige - mordbrand.
När det blir torrt och varmt i Israel och stor risk för bränder, hjälper araber till och startar än fler - varje år. Vad tycker du Israel ska göra åt det?
Att det är traditionellt bland muslimer är enkelt att se: sök i svenska nyheter efter mordbrand.
Glömde TT att meddela?
Residents of Yitzhar report five arson attacks in the last two days, emphasizing 'there is no difference between this and other terror.'
By Ido Ben-Porat
First Publish: 5/29/2016, 4:37 PM
Arab assailants from the village of Urif in Samaria set two fires adjacent to the Jewish town of Yitzhar last Friday afternoon, report residents of the Jewish town.
The town's firefighter team, together with soldiers and residents, struggled against the large blazes just west and south of Yitzhar for over two hours, until they finally achieved control over most of the fire.
Then over Shabbat on Saturday, the Arab attackers lit three other fires at various points around the town. The blazes were controlled just before they had the chance to spread out and cause serious damage.
In the Shabbat assault the assailants came from the further towns of Huwara and Einabus as well as Urif, and they lit a fire just beneath the eastern neighborhoods of the town.
The arsonists were identified by the security coordinator and an army force who were conducting surveillance on the site, allowing a quick response to put out the fire.
Residents of Yitzhar note that Arab arson attacks take place every summer, mostly on Fridays and Saturdays so as to target their Shabbat observance. Due to the relatively remote location of the town it is impossible to wait for firefighting units to arrive.
"The residents drop everything and run, sometimes in their Shabbat clothes, in order to fight the fire," said Uriya Cohen, director of the local council.
"This is terror to all intents and purposes," he clarified. "There is no difference between an Arab who throws a firebomb at a car, and one who lights a fire whose goal is to reach homes in the town."
"It cannot be that residents and young guys are distanced from Yitzhar with no reason and no evidence on an arbitrary administrative order, even as the Arab terror is going wild," added Cohen.
Att det är traditionellt bland muslimer är enkelt att se: sök i svenska nyheter efter mordbrand.
Glömde TT att meddela?
Watch: Arab 'arson terror' strikes Samaria
Residents of Yitzhar report five arson attacks in the last two days, emphasizing 'there is no difference between this and other terror.'
By Ido Ben-Porat
First Publish: 5/29/2016, 4:37 PM
Arab assailants from the village of Urif in Samaria set two fires adjacent to the Jewish town of Yitzhar last Friday afternoon, report residents of the Jewish town.
The town's firefighter team, together with soldiers and residents, struggled against the large blazes just west and south of Yitzhar for over two hours, until they finally achieved control over most of the fire.
Then over Shabbat on Saturday, the Arab attackers lit three other fires at various points around the town. The blazes were controlled just before they had the chance to spread out and cause serious damage.
In the Shabbat assault the assailants came from the further towns of Huwara and Einabus as well as Urif, and they lit a fire just beneath the eastern neighborhoods of the town.
The arsonists were identified by the security coordinator and an army force who were conducting surveillance on the site, allowing a quick response to put out the fire.
Residents of Yitzhar note that Arab arson attacks take place every summer, mostly on Fridays and Saturdays so as to target their Shabbat observance. Due to the relatively remote location of the town it is impossible to wait for firefighting units to arrive.
"The residents drop everything and run, sometimes in their Shabbat clothes, in order to fight the fire," said Uriya Cohen, director of the local council.
"This is terror to all intents and purposes," he clarified. "There is no difference between an Arab who throws a firebomb at a car, and one who lights a fire whose goal is to reach homes in the town."
"It cannot be that residents and young guys are distanced from Yitzhar with no reason and no evidence on an arbitrary administrative order, even as the Arab terror is going wild," added Cohen.
Slovakiens president stämmer EU för att försöka göra Slovakien likt Syrien, Irak, Afghanistan.
Muhammed över sin brasa av kamelskit. |
Slovak PM says his country is no place for Muslims
Slovak prime minister Robert Fico told local press agency TASR that "islam has no place in Slovakia”. He feared a Muslim community would change the country's traditions. Last December, Slovakia sued the European Commission over its proposal to redistribute refugees in the European Union.
Indonesien: Pedofiler avlivas eller kastreras.
InVarför tar Indonesien hand om sina barn så mycket bättre än Sverige? Tidigare artikel skrev jag på länk.
PUBLISHED: 02:15 GMT, 27 May 2016 | UPDATED: 10:16 GMT, 27 May 2016
Paedophiles to be executed or castrated in Indonesia following the brutal gang rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl
Obama hade kunnat lägga veto mot de ryska S-300 till Iran men hade inte lust. Administrationen drar och drar på ett svar på förfrågan fron Kongressen. Han är en typisk diktator som anser att han har alla rättigheter i världen att riskera livet hos amerikanare och Israeler. Israel måste självklart ta konsekvenserna och förhoppningsvis riskerar inte Liberman något. Jag såg inte nyheten i TT. Congress warns: Obama can stop S-300 transfer to Iran but isn't
Obama isn't using sanctions or veto to stop game-changer weapons sale to Iran, Rep.'s inquiry on the matter gets 'dismissed.' By Ari Yashar First Publish: 5/27/2016, 11:53 AM US President Barack Obama's administration has not exercised its right under US law to sanction the Russian sale of an advanced weapon system to Iran, leading some in Congress to demand clarifications and accuse the administration of appeasing Tehran. Obama can declare Russia's sale of the S-300 missile defense system as illegal and enact sanctions against it. The deal, said to be completed by the end of the year, is highly controversial because the advanced missile system would leave Iran's nuclear system - and potentially its nuclear arsenal - nearly impervious to attack. Aside from declaring the sale illegal under US law, Obama can also veto the arms sale at the UN Security Council - he has so far refused to take either action, and his administration has not responded to repeated queries as to whether it intends to take action. In response to a query, a State Department official told the Washington Free Beacon that the administration has not yet decided whether or not to issue sanctions on the imminent S-300 sale. “We’re continuing to closely follow reports concerning the delivery of the S-300 defensive missile system from Russia to Iran,” the official said. “We have not made a determination as to whether this delivery, if and when complete, would trigger any actions under US authorities.” Representative's inquiry ignored Washington Free Beacon revealed on Thursday that Representative Steve Chabot (R-OH) sent a inquiry to the White House over a month ago on April 7 about the S-300 sale. The White House has not seen fit to reply. “Given the serious implications for the United States and our allies in the region, I respectfully request that you quickly determine that Russia’s transfer of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems advance Iran’s efforts to acquire ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons’ and impose the necessary US sanctions once the Russian delivery takes place," Chabot wrote. The Representative expressed his concern "that without such a determination the United States may be viewed as acquiescing to this transfer." Chabot told Washington Free Beacon on Thursday that "despite multiple inquires to the US Department of State, I still have not received a response on Russia’s S300 surface-to-air missile system transfer to Iran." "This apparent dismissal leaves me wondering what exactly the Administration is hiding. I am really asking a simple question – is the introduction of a sophisticated weapon system into Iran, that has not been there previously, going to elicit the appropriate US sanctions response? I am not sure why the Administration has found it so hard to come to a determination." He warned that "the S300 is one of the most advanced anti-aircraft missile system’s in the world and significantly bolsters Iran’s offensive capabilities and stands as a serious hurdle to our efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear armed state. This is absolutely a destabilizing conventional weapon system." "These systems would significantly bolster Iran’s offensive capabilities and introduce new obstacles to our efforts to eliminate the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon. I believe existing US sanctions should be used to deter Russia from transferring this or other dangerous weapons systems to Iran," Chabot said. "Obama just trying to preserve nuclear deal" Aside from a veto at the UN Security Council against the weapons deal, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act of 1992 allows the president to sanction the sale of "advanced conventional weapons" to Iran by any country. In his letter to the White House, Cabot noted this, saying, "US law provides your administration with the authority to apply US sanctions in response." "For example, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act and the Iran Sanctions Act provide authority for you to sanction individuals or countries that you determine are aiding Iran’s efforts to acquire or develop ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons.’” Noting the rationale for the sanctions, Chabot pointed to the destabilizing factor the advanced missile system would play in the hands of the leading state sponsor of terror in the world. "Iran’s acquisition of these systems would embolden Tehran to adopt a more threatening regional posture and to pursue offensive activities detrimental to regional stability in the belief that the systems would deter retaliation," he warned. A foreign policy adviser who works with Congress on Iran told Washington Free Beacon that Obama can no longer keep silent on the S-300 sale. "The administration tried to look the other way, but got called out for it by Congress. Then they spent a month and a half hoping that the whole thing would go away," said the adviser. "Now I don’t know what they’re going to do, since it’s obvious that they’re letting Iran import advanced weapons in violation of US law just to preserve the nuclear deal." Obama hade kunnat lägga veto mot de ryska S-300 till Iran men hade inte lust. Administrationen drar och drar på ett svar på förfrågan fron Kongressen. Han är en typisk diktator som anser att han har alla rättigheter i världen att riskera livet hos amerikanare och Israeler. Israel måste självklart ta konsekvenserna och förhoppningsvis riskerar inte Liberman något. Jag såg inte nyheten i TT. Congress warns: Obama can stop S-300 transfer to Iran but isn't
Obama isn't using sanctions or veto to stop game-changer weapons sale to Iran, Rep.'s inquiry on the matter gets 'dismissed.' By Ari Yashar First Publish: 5/27/2016, 11:53 AM US President Barack Obama's administration has not exercised its right under US law to sanction the Russian sale of an advanced weapon system to Iran, leading some in Congress to demand clarifications and accuse the administration of appeasing Tehran. Obama can declare Russia's sale of the S-300 missile defense system as illegal and enact sanctions against it. The deal, said to be completed by the end of the year, is highly controversial because the advanced missile system would leave Iran's nuclear system - and potentially its nuclear arsenal - nearly impervious to attack. Aside from declaring the sale illegal under US law, Obama can also veto the arms sale at the UN Security Council - he has so far refused to take either action, and his administration has not responded to repeated queries as to whether it intends to take action. In response to a query, a State Department official told the Washington Free Beacon that the administration has not yet decided whether or not to issue sanctions on the imminent S-300 sale. “We’re continuing to closely follow reports concerning the delivery of the S-300 defensive missile system from Russia to Iran,” the official said. “We have not made a determination as to whether this delivery, if and when complete, would trigger any actions under US authorities.” Representative's inquiry ignored Washington Free Beacon revealed on Thursday that Representative Steve Chabot (R-OH) sent a inquiry to the White House over a month ago on April 7 about the S-300 sale. The White House has not seen fit to reply. “Given the serious implications for the United States and our allies in the region, I respectfully request that you quickly determine that Russia’s transfer of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems advance Iran’s efforts to acquire ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons’ and impose the necessary US sanctions once the Russian delivery takes place," Chabot wrote. The Representative expressed his concern "that without such a determination the United States may be viewed as acquiescing to this transfer." Chabot told Washington Free Beacon on Thursday that "despite multiple inquires to the US Department of State, I still have not received a response on Russia’s S300 surface-to-air missile system transfer to Iran." "This apparent dismissal leaves me wondering what exactly the Administration is hiding. I am really asking a simple question – is the introduction of a sophisticated weapon system into Iran, that has not been there previously, going to elicit the appropriate US sanctions response? I am not sure why the Administration has found it so hard to come to a determination." He warned that "the S300 is one of the most advanced anti-aircraft missile system’s in the world and significantly bolsters Iran’s offensive capabilities and stands as a serious hurdle to our efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear armed state. This is absolutely a destabilizing conventional weapon system." "These systems would significantly bolster Iran’s offensive capabilities and introduce new obstacles to our efforts to eliminate the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon. I believe existing US sanctions should be used to deter Russia from transferring this or other dangerous weapons systems to Iran," Chabot said. "Obama just trying to preserve nuclear deal" Aside from a veto at the UN Security Council against the weapons deal, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act of 1992 allows the president to sanction the sale of "advanced conventional weapons" to Iran by any country. In his letter to the White House, Cabot noted this, saying, "US law provides your administration with the authority to apply US sanctions in response." "For example, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act and the Iran Sanctions Act provide authority for you to sanction individuals or countries that you determine are aiding Iran’s efforts to acquire or develop ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons.’” Noting the rationale for the sanctions, Chabot pointed to the destabilizing factor the advanced missile system would play in the hands of the leading state sponsor of terror in the world. "Iran’s acquisition of these systems would embolden Tehran to adopt a more threatening regional posture and to pursue offensive activities detrimental to regional stability in the belief that the systems would deter retaliation," he warned. A foreign policy adviser who works with Congress on Iran told Washington Free Beacon that Obama can no longer keep silent on the S-300 sale. "The administration tried to look the other way, but got called out for it by Congress. Then they spent a month and a half hoping that the whole thing would go away," said the adviser. "Now I don’t know what they’re going to do, since it’s obvious that they’re letting Iran import advanced weapons in violation of US law just to preserve the nuclear deal."
Obama hade kunnat lägga veto mot de ryska S-300 till Iran men hade inte lust. Administrationen drar och drar på ett svar på förfrågan fron Kongressen. Han är en typisk diktator som anser att han har alla rättigheter i världen att riskera livet hos amerikanare och Israeler. Israel måste självklart ta konsekvenserna och förhoppningsvis riskerar inte Liberman något.
Jag såg inte nyheten i TT.
Obama isn't using sanctions or veto to stop game-changer weapons sale to Iran, Rep.'s inquiry on the matter gets 'dismissed.'
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 5/27/2016, 11:53 AM
US President Barack Obama's administration has not exercised its right under US law to sanction the Russian sale of an advanced weapon system to Iran, leading some in Congress to demand clarifications and accuse the administration of appeasing Tehran.
Obama can declare Russia's sale of the S-300 missile defense system as illegal and enact sanctions against it. The deal, said to be completed by the end of the year, is highly controversial because the advanced missile system would leave Iran's nuclear system - and potentially its nuclear arsenal - nearly impervious to attack.
Aside from declaring the sale illegal under US law, Obama can also veto the arms sale at the UN Security Council - he has so far refused to take either action, and his administration has not responded to repeated queries as to whether it intends to take action.
In response to a query, a State Department official told the Washington Free Beacon that the administration has not yet decided whether or not to issue sanctions on the imminent S-300 sale.
“We’re continuing to closely follow reports concerning the delivery of the S-300 defensive missile system from Russia to Iran,” the official said.
“We have not made a determination as to whether this delivery, if and when complete, would trigger any actions under US authorities.”
Representative's inquiry ignored
Washington Free Beacon revealed on Thursday that Representative Steve Chabot (R-OH) sent a inquiry to the White House over a month ago on April 7 about the S-300 sale. The White House has not seen fit to reply.
“Given the serious implications for the United States and our allies in the region, I respectfully request that you quickly determine that Russia’s transfer of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems advance Iran’s efforts to acquire ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons’ and impose the necessary US sanctions once the Russian delivery takes place," Chabot wrote.
The Representative expressed his concern "that without such a determination the United States may be viewed as acquiescing to this transfer."
Chabot told Washington Free Beacon on Thursday that "despite multiple inquires to the US Department of State, I still have not received a response on Russia’s S300 surface-to-air missile system transfer to Iran."
"This apparent dismissal leaves me wondering what exactly the Administration is hiding. I am really asking a simple question – is the introduction of a sophisticated weapon system into Iran, that has not been there previously, going to elicit the appropriate US sanctions response? I am not sure why the Administration has found it so hard to come to a determination."
He warned that "the S300 is one of the most advanced anti-aircraft missile system’s in the world and significantly bolsters Iran’s offensive capabilities and stands as a serious hurdle to our efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear armed state. This is absolutely a destabilizing conventional weapon system."
"These systems would significantly bolster Iran’s offensive capabilities and introduce new obstacles to our efforts to eliminate the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon. I believe existing US sanctions should be used to deter Russia from transferring this or other dangerous weapons systems to Iran," Chabot said.
"Obama just trying to preserve nuclear deal"
Aside from a veto at the UN Security Council against the weapons deal, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act of 1992 allows the president to sanction the sale of "advanced conventional weapons" to Iran by any country.
In his letter to the White House, Cabot noted this, saying, "US law provides your administration with the authority to apply US sanctions in response."
"For example, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act and the Iran Sanctions Act provide authority for you to sanction individuals or countries that you determine are aiding Iran’s efforts to acquire or develop ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons.’”
Noting the rationale for the sanctions, Chabot pointed to the destabilizing factor the advanced missile system would play in the hands of the leading state sponsor of terror in the world.
"Iran’s acquisition of these systems would embolden Tehran to adopt a more threatening regional posture and to pursue offensive activities detrimental to regional stability in the belief that the systems would deter retaliation," he warned.
A foreign policy adviser who works with Congress on Iran told Washington Free Beacon that Obama can no longer keep silent on the S-300 sale.
"The administration tried to look the other way, but got called out for it by Congress. Then they spent a month and a half hoping that the whole thing would go away," said the adviser.
"Now I don’t know what they’re going to do, since it’s obvious that they’re letting Iran import advanced weapons in violation of US law just to preserve the nuclear deal."
Jag såg inte nyheten i TT.
Congress warns: Obama can stop S-300 transfer to Iran but isn't
Obama isn't using sanctions or veto to stop game-changer weapons sale to Iran, Rep.'s inquiry on the matter gets 'dismissed.'
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 5/27/2016, 11:53 AM
US President Barack Obama's administration has not exercised its right under US law to sanction the Russian sale of an advanced weapon system to Iran, leading some in Congress to demand clarifications and accuse the administration of appeasing Tehran.
Obama can declare Russia's sale of the S-300 missile defense system as illegal and enact sanctions against it. The deal, said to be completed by the end of the year, is highly controversial because the advanced missile system would leave Iran's nuclear system - and potentially its nuclear arsenal - nearly impervious to attack.
Aside from declaring the sale illegal under US law, Obama can also veto the arms sale at the UN Security Council - he has so far refused to take either action, and his administration has not responded to repeated queries as to whether it intends to take action.
In response to a query, a State Department official told the Washington Free Beacon that the administration has not yet decided whether or not to issue sanctions on the imminent S-300 sale.
“We’re continuing to closely follow reports concerning the delivery of the S-300 defensive missile system from Russia to Iran,” the official said.
“We have not made a determination as to whether this delivery, if and when complete, would trigger any actions under US authorities.”
Representative's inquiry ignored
Washington Free Beacon revealed on Thursday that Representative Steve Chabot (R-OH) sent a inquiry to the White House over a month ago on April 7 about the S-300 sale. The White House has not seen fit to reply.
“Given the serious implications for the United States and our allies in the region, I respectfully request that you quickly determine that Russia’s transfer of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems advance Iran’s efforts to acquire ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons’ and impose the necessary US sanctions once the Russian delivery takes place," Chabot wrote.
The Representative expressed his concern "that without such a determination the United States may be viewed as acquiescing to this transfer."
Chabot told Washington Free Beacon on Thursday that "despite multiple inquires to the US Department of State, I still have not received a response on Russia’s S300 surface-to-air missile system transfer to Iran."
"This apparent dismissal leaves me wondering what exactly the Administration is hiding. I am really asking a simple question – is the introduction of a sophisticated weapon system into Iran, that has not been there previously, going to elicit the appropriate US sanctions response? I am not sure why the Administration has found it so hard to come to a determination."
He warned that "the S300 is one of the most advanced anti-aircraft missile system’s in the world and significantly bolsters Iran’s offensive capabilities and stands as a serious hurdle to our efforts to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear armed state. This is absolutely a destabilizing conventional weapon system."
"These systems would significantly bolster Iran’s offensive capabilities and introduce new obstacles to our efforts to eliminate the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon. I believe existing US sanctions should be used to deter Russia from transferring this or other dangerous weapons systems to Iran," Chabot said.
"Obama just trying to preserve nuclear deal"
Aside from a veto at the UN Security Council against the weapons deal, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act of 1992 allows the president to sanction the sale of "advanced conventional weapons" to Iran by any country.
In his letter to the White House, Cabot noted this, saying, "US law provides your administration with the authority to apply US sanctions in response."
"For example, the Iran-Iraq Arms Nonproliferation Act and the Iran Sanctions Act provide authority for you to sanction individuals or countries that you determine are aiding Iran’s efforts to acquire or develop ‘destabilizing numbers and types of advanced conventional weapons.’”
Noting the rationale for the sanctions, Chabot pointed to the destabilizing factor the advanced missile system would play in the hands of the leading state sponsor of terror in the world.
"Iran’s acquisition of these systems would embolden Tehran to adopt a more threatening regional posture and to pursue offensive activities detrimental to regional stability in the belief that the systems would deter retaliation," he warned.
A foreign policy adviser who works with Congress on Iran told Washington Free Beacon that Obama can no longer keep silent on the S-300 sale.
"The administration tried to look the other way, but got called out for it by Congress. Then they spent a month and a half hoping that the whole thing would go away," said the adviser.
"Now I don’t know what they’re going to do, since it’s obvious that they’re letting Iran import advanced weapons in violation of US law just to preserve the nuclear deal."
söndag 29 maj 2016
Världens säkraste flygplats.
CNN: Ben Gurion Airport is the safest airport in the worldToday, CNN reported that experts from more than 40 countries will arrive at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport to learn just how it became the safest airport in the world. Preliminary examinations of every passenger, plane and/or staff member much before their arrival to Israel is just one example.Judith AbramsonTags:
Today, CNN reported that Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport is the safest airport in the world, thus flight security experts from 40 countries around the globe will be visiting next month in order to learn about Israel’s paramount security skills. “We can’t show you the security in Ben Gurion Airport, as part of Ben Gurion’s security provisions,” explained CNN journalist Oren Lieberman in the opening of his report. He also said that before he reached the international terminal, he passed through three security checks.
Lieberman went to the airport’s security services operation center, where they told him that every flight, passenger, pilot, and crew member is checked a great deal before they even enter Israel’s air space. It all happens in the operations room, manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
There is not a moment without pressure – a plane that is not on its airway, a flight without security authorization – every incident receives immediate attention. “There is no room for mistakes. Closing Ben Gurion Airport would close airspace access into Israel,” he said. Interest in Israeli security heightened following the Brussels terror attacks and the Egypt Air plane crash. Dvir Rubinshtein, manager of the operations center for Israel’s Ministry of Transportation, said that experts from around the world frequently come to Israel in order to learn about the Israeli security system.
In February, Israel released a new set of guidelines to airlines flying to Ben Gurion Airport, adding security measures for every flight. Currently, passengers are not the sole threats. “"The circles of threat are further expanding to insiders working at the airports. Insiders that are working at resorts and may have access to the luggage of passengers, insiders that may work at airports or even in cabin crew. And last but not least, the phenomenon we are facing since the early-90s of suicide pilots,” said Shalom Dolev, the aviation security expert for the airport that is helping export the Israeli advantage of security.
Israel och WHOs. antisemitiska hat.
Har du inte läst om WHOs senaste vansinnigheter läs. WHOs och FNs påtagligt Nazibaserade antisemitism utan någon rim och reson eller logik.
World Health Organization's UN resolution marks Israel as the world’s only violator of ‘mental, physical and environmental health.’
WHO anser att Israel behandlar sina medborgare värre än Syrien, Iran, Afghanistan och Irak. Nästan alla andra länder liksom Sverige håller med, de enda i hel värld som röstade emot var USA, Canada, Australien, Paraguay, Guatemala, Micronesien and Papua New Guinea. Sverige röstade med Syrien, Iran, Iran, Afghanistan och visar konstant att de har samma uppfattning om världen. Inget särdeles konstigt att de gör vad de kan för att få Sverige likt Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak.
WHO singles out Israel as world’s only ‘health rights violator’
World Health Organization's UN resolution marks Israel as the world’s only violator of ‘mental, physical and environmental health.’
Trump väljer ekonomiska rådgivare.
Trump väljer sina rådgivare väl, jag har innan skrivit (och läst) om hans rådgivare när de gäller Mellanöstern. Nu kommer ekonomi.
Trump Turns To Reagan-Era Economic Advisers To Bring American Economy Back To Life
Trump Turns To Reagan-Era Economic Advisers To Bring American Economy Back To Life
Israel sämst i världen vad gäller hälsovård enligt FN och Sverige - Syrien, och andra grannar utan anmärkning.
Minns du vad Löfven sa om förhållandet till Israel när han började överösa Abbas med terror-support. Har Sverige en gång röstat FÖR Israel och dess demokrati i FN sedan dess? Sverige följer helt de uppenbara lögnerna från arabvärlden. Se den senaste rapporten av lögner Sverige sväljer, jag kopierar in den här i slutet
Amid terror wave, UN adopts six resolutions - all anti-Israel
Minns när Europa var kristet?
Muslimerna lyckas rätt väl med att ta över kristendomens ursprungsplatser i Frankrike.
Op-Ed: The cradle of French Christianity is Islam’s Mecca
Vad betalar Sverige mest för - attack eller försvar av Jerusalem? -build-8million-presidential-palace |
Vi vet att mycket av Abbas fickpengar som inte har några krav på redovisning av Sverige eller EU går till terror. Han bygger mest på sitt slott. för att bli glad.
Hamas suicide bomb cell planned series of attacks in Jerusalem
lördag 28 maj 2016
Drottning Hillary ser ingen anledning att följa regler.
xxAllt mer och mer kommer fram i icke-Obamakontrollerad amerikansk press.
Rules Don't Apply to Queen Hillary
Sir Elton John spelade i går i Tel Aviv.
40.000 lyssnade.
Missade Wahlströmskan konserten?
Missade Wahlströmskan konserten?
UAE, Egypten, Jordan försöker bli av med Abbas.
Sveriges älskade, allt mer senila 80-åriga diktator över PA gör jobbet allt sämre och några arabstater försöker bli av med åldringen.
Report: Arab countries plotting to replace Abbas with archrival
Hillarys e-mailskandal exploderar.
Hillary och Obamaadministrationen har gjort sitt bästa för att gömma fakta för det amerikanska folket. Det kommer fram allt mer och mer som inte är lämpligt för en presidentkandidat.
Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Explodes: State Department Buried Secret Message
Papperstidningar lönar sej inte längre.
Här en artikel med ett antal detaljer, huvudsakligen från England. Annonsörer drar sej från papperet.
Här en artikel med ett antal detaljer, huvudsakligen från England. Annonsörer drar sej från papperet.
fredag 27 maj 2016
Dagens irrelevanta TT-skröna från Mellanöstern
Den enda nyhet TT kan hitta är om en sur Knessetledamot som hoppat av pga personliga känslor som inget har med Israel att göra. Dels gillar han inte att Netanyah försöker göra Israels gasfält lönande för Israels folk - men TT skiter ju i vad en miljöminister tycker. Att han har ett personligt agg mot Liberman för att han "tycker så" är TT:s världsnyhet bland dussintals de kunde hitta i israeliska tidningar. Nyhetstorka för TT, bland nyheter de kan förvränga?
Arab MK (Knessetmedlem) promises Hamas he will defy Netanyahu
är faktiskt oerhört mycket viktigare för att förklara vad som händer i Israel - men det är inte alls vad TT är ute efter utan bara svärta ner i klassisk nazi-stil. Många andra viktigare artiklar i andra engelskspråkiga israeliska, och även amerikanska, är material för en nyhetsförmedlare, inte bara en antisemitisk gnällspik.
Man förstår alltmer hur nazitidens propaganda växte fram.
Jag började skriva denna bloggen (och tidigare inkarnationer) som respons till TT:s oändliga lögner om Israel, som trotsade andra utländska nyhetsmedia och personliga observationer av personer på plats. Minns en sak: när Israel tvingades invadera Libanon, var det 1982 eller nåt, visade alla våra fina media ett söndrigt hus och sa: "se vad Israel gjort". Vänner, israeliska soldater på plats, tog närbilder av huset som visade det tjocka lager av mossa som uppstått efter förstörelsen. En annan var sagor om antalet som Israel dödat i södra Libanon - fler än totalantalet människor där.
Sen dess har jag följt vad som händer från min rullstol med taskiga ögon. Jag är en (1) person och kan bara ta stickprov som förhoppningsvis får dej att inse att vill du verkligen veta vad som händer, kolla ett antal av mina favoritlänkar. Sätt igång!
Sen dess har jag följt vad som händer från min rullstol med taskiga ögon. Jag är en (1) person och kan bara ta stickprov som förhoppningsvis får dej att inse att vill du verkligen veta vad som händer, kolla ett antal av mina favoritlänkar. Sätt igång!
Nedbringandet av det Egyptiska planet ett ISIS-jobb.
US mulls hitting ISIS for EgyptAir bombing
(Obs - DEBkA-artikel så försvinner snabbt)
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 22, 2016, 10:17 PM (IDT)
A special team set up by ISIS in its Syrian capital Raqqa planned the downing of EgyptAir Flight 804 from Paris to Cairo, which took the lives of 66 passengers and crew, DEBKAfile’s intelligence and counterterrorism sources say in an exclusive report.
The information that an ISIS team ploting terrorist attacks has been operating in Raqqa for several weeks was known to American intelligence and counterterrorism services even before the downing of the Egyptian airliner, and warnings containing the information were sent to several Western European capitals, including Paris.
The warnings said ISIS is prepare a series of large-scale attacks in main European cities and airports with the start of the summer travel season.
That is the main reason why both Paris and Cairo said the plane was downed by an act of terror on May 19 as soon as it became clear that the airliner had crashed into the Mediterranean 288 kilometers north of Alexandria, even before the debris was found.
Our sources report that the US has decided to maintain its original plan, prepared before the downing of Flight 804, to impose a siege on Raqqa in an attempt to prevent terror cells from leaving the city and carrying out attacks.
On Saturday, May 21, US Army Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of American forces in the Middle East, made a secret visit to Syria, the first of its kind by a senior US officer since the Syrian civil war began in 2011. Votel, who recently assumed command, visited Kurdish YPG militia forces and the US special forces troops at Rmelan airbase located 288 kilometers northeast of Raqqa. The American force is equipped with AH-64 Apache attack helicopters capable of attacking Raqqa within a relatively short period of time.
The purpose of Gen. Votel’s visit was to look into the viability of a US-Kurdish strike in retaliation for the downing of the Egyptian plane. It should be assumed that US President Barack Obama will need to make a decision on the operation in the coming hours.
Over the weekend, ISIS, which is aware of the American plans, enabled citizens to leave Raqqa if they wished to do so. ISIS does not want to have to worry about the civilian population if there is a US-Kurdish attack or siege.
In the meantime, Washington and Cairo are stalling for time while considering their options.
That is the reason why US and Egyptian officials, and even Egyptian PresidentAbdel Fattah al-Sisi, continued to claim on May 22 that more time is needed to determine the cause of the crash.
It was also the reason why, soon after the air disaster, it was claimed that there was no distress call or any other message regarding a problem with the plane.
But two days after the crash, on May 21, following the recovery of debris and parts of the bodies of the passengers, there were suddenly reports that they signals from the plane of smoke in two places in the aircraft.
Investigators say it is still not clear what caused the smoke, whether a fire or fires broke out on the plane, or whether the fire eventually caused the crash, but al the signs point to an internal explosion.
DEBKAfile sources report that both Paris and Cairo believe that the crash was caused by a new type of small time bomb, or several of them, that were smuggled into the plane and planted by Charles de Gaulle airport workers loyal to ISIS.
The sources point out that ISIS explosives experts specialize in building very small devices that can be smuggled onto planes. A device within a Coca-Cola can downed a Russian Airbus A321 over the Sinai Peninsula on October 31, killing all 224 passengers and crew.
Our sources also report that investigators of the latest crash believe that just as ISIS blew up the Russian plane in retaliation for Moscow’s intervention in Syria, the downing of the Egyptian plane is linked to the entry by Egyptian special forces into Libya during the last few weeks to take action against ISIS forces.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that an Egyptian special force is operating with a US elite units against ISIS targets in eastern Libya near the port city of Tobruk.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report May 22, 2016, 10:17 PM (IDT)
A special team set up by ISIS in its Syrian capital Raqqa planned the downing of EgyptAir Flight 804 from Paris to Cairo, which took the lives of 66 passengers and crew, DEBKAfile’s intelligence and counterterrorism sources say in an exclusive report.
The information that an ISIS team ploting terrorist attacks has been operating in Raqqa for several weeks was known to American intelligence and counterterrorism services even before the downing of the Egyptian airliner, and warnings containing the information were sent to several Western European capitals, including Paris.
The warnings said ISIS is prepare a series of large-scale attacks in main European cities and airports with the start of the summer travel season.
That is the main reason why both Paris and Cairo said the plane was downed by an act of terror on May 19 as soon as it became clear that the airliner had crashed into the Mediterranean 288 kilometers north of Alexandria, even before the debris was found.
Our sources report that the US has decided to maintain its original plan, prepared before the downing of Flight 804, to impose a siege on Raqqa in an attempt to prevent terror cells from leaving the city and carrying out attacks.
On Saturday, May 21, US Army Gen. Joseph Votel, the commander of American forces in the Middle East, made a secret visit to Syria, the first of its kind by a senior US officer since the Syrian civil war began in 2011. Votel, who recently assumed command, visited Kurdish YPG militia forces and the US special forces troops at Rmelan airbase located 288 kilometers northeast of Raqqa. The American force is equipped with AH-64 Apache attack helicopters capable of attacking Raqqa within a relatively short period of time.
The purpose of Gen. Votel’s visit was to look into the viability of a US-Kurdish strike in retaliation for the downing of the Egyptian plane. It should be assumed that US President Barack Obama will need to make a decision on the operation in the coming hours.
Over the weekend, ISIS, which is aware of the American plans, enabled citizens to leave Raqqa if they wished to do so. ISIS does not want to have to worry about the civilian population if there is a US-Kurdish attack or siege.
In the meantime, Washington and Cairo are stalling for time while considering their options.
That is the reason why US and Egyptian officials, and even Egyptian PresidentAbdel Fattah al-Sisi, continued to claim on May 22 that more time is needed to determine the cause of the crash.
It was also the reason why, soon after the air disaster, it was claimed that there was no distress call or any other message regarding a problem with the plane.
But two days after the crash, on May 21, following the recovery of debris and parts of the bodies of the passengers, there were suddenly reports that they signals from the plane of smoke in two places in the aircraft.
Investigators say it is still not clear what caused the smoke, whether a fire or fires broke out on the plane, or whether the fire eventually caused the crash, but al the signs point to an internal explosion.
DEBKAfile sources report that both Paris and Cairo believe that the crash was caused by a new type of small time bomb, or several of them, that were smuggled into the plane and planted by Charles de Gaulle airport workers loyal to ISIS.
The sources point out that ISIS explosives experts specialize in building very small devices that can be smuggled onto planes. A device within a Coca-Cola can downed a Russian Airbus A321 over the Sinai Peninsula on October 31, killing all 224 passengers and crew.
Our sources also report that investigators of the latest crash believe that just as ISIS blew up the Russian plane in retaliation for Moscow’s intervention in Syria, the downing of the Egyptian plane is linked to the entry by Egyptian special forces into Libya during the last few weeks to take action against ISIS forces.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that an Egyptian special force is operating with a US elite units against ISIS targets in eastern Libya near the port city of Tobruk.
USA stridande med kurderna, Erdogan rasande.
FP situation report, Se också länk.
We see you. In a slow-motion escalation of U.S. involvement in Syria, the number of U.S. Special Operations forces on the ground there has increased from the 50 that President Barack Obama authorized late last year, to about 300. And while the Pentagon has insisted they’ll stay buttoned up well behind the front lines advising local Kurdish and Arab rebels, we’ve seen that the line between advising and fighting can be erased pretty quickly.
On Thursday, a photographer caught a team of American commandos a few dozen miles north of the Islamic State’s HQ of Raqqa, bristling with weapons and wearing Kurdish YPG patches while out and about with the Kurds. FP’s Paul McLeary rounds up the pics, noting that the patches would anger the Turkish government since the Kurds, known as the YPG, have long been accused by the Turkish government of being terrorists. And in fact, on Friday Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu called the U.S. “two-faced” and said the practice of working with the Kurds was “unacceptable”
What’s the mission? Gen. Tony Thomas, who took over at the U.S. Special Operations Command in March, said earlier this week that the mission for the commandos he trains and equips has been complicated by the uncertain nature of the mission they’re undertaking in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They’re officially acting in an advise and assist role, and can take part in combat only in self-defense.
Since October, however, a Navy Seal, a Delta Force soldier, and a Green Beret have been killed in firefights with ISIS, something the Pentagon and White House have tied themselves in knots trying not to call combat. When Delta’s Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler was killed near Kirkuk in October in a firefight with ISIS, he was “riding the edge of advising and assisting,” Thomas said, since Wheeler’s job was to support Kurdish commandos, but he ended up joining the fight when the Kurds ran into trouble.
We know it when we see it. On Thursday, Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said the U.S. troops in Syria “are not on the forward line," acknowledging that there is actually no "specific measurement" or definition for what any forward line might be. Got it.
Iran vill köpa detonatorteknologi.
"Bara för att lära oss, absolut inte starta atomvapen med". Så Västvärlden fortsätter handla med Iran så de säkert ska ha råd med det. USA har placerat vissa begränsningar på handeln eftersom Iran fortfarande är världens största vad gäller terrorstöd och illegala ballistiska missiler, EU bara skrattar åt det och vill tjäna pengar.
Justin Holcomb
|Posted: Apr 07, 2016 12:15 PM
Iran is searching for technology to produce Octogen which can be employed as part of the detonator in an atomic bomb, according to Times of Israel.
But do not worry, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the Octogen would only be used in conventional weapons for "destructive and penetration power.”
During a ceremony to inaugurate a Octogen production plant, Dehqan stressed Iran’s goal of gaining the know-how to make the explosive material in order to avoid relying on external sources.
“Concurrently with its efforts to increase the precision-striking power of its weapons systems, the Defense Ministry has also paid attention to boosting the destructive and penetration power of different weapons’ warheads and has put on its agenda the acquisition of the technical know-how to produce Octogen explosive materials and Octogen-based weapons,” he said, according to a report from the semi-official FARS news agency.
Dehqan wants the U.S. to allow Iran more flexibility in their own research capabilities. “We should endeavor to reinvigorate our infrastructures in the defense industries, reduce dependence and use domestic industries,” he said.
"We should strengthen ourselves to the level that we can prevent failure and acquire victory over our enemies."
In the past week alone, the United States has received threats from Iranian generals, seized Iranian rockets and weapons headed to Yemen, been threatened repeatedly by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and ordered the withdrawal of military families out of Turkey.
So the question still remains, are we winning or losing in the Middle East?
Iranian Defense Minister Wants Nuclear Detonator Technology
Justin Holcomb
|Posted: Apr 07, 2016 12:15 PM
Iran is searching for technology to produce Octogen which can be employed as part of the detonator in an atomic bomb, according to Times of Israel.
But do not worry, Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the Octogen would only be used in conventional weapons for "destructive and penetration power.”
During a ceremony to inaugurate a Octogen production plant, Dehqan stressed Iran’s goal of gaining the know-how to make the explosive material in order to avoid relying on external sources.
“Concurrently with its efforts to increase the precision-striking power of its weapons systems, the Defense Ministry has also paid attention to boosting the destructive and penetration power of different weapons’ warheads and has put on its agenda the acquisition of the technical know-how to produce Octogen explosive materials and Octogen-based weapons,” he said, according to a report from the semi-official FARS news agency.
Dehqan wants the U.S. to allow Iran more flexibility in their own research capabilities. “We should endeavor to reinvigorate our infrastructures in the defense industries, reduce dependence and use domestic industries,” he said.
"We should strengthen ourselves to the level that we can prevent failure and acquire victory over our enemies."
In the past week alone, the United States has received threats from Iranian generals, seized Iranian rockets and weapons headed to Yemen, been threatened repeatedly by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and ordered the withdrawal of military families out of Turkey.
So the question still remains, are we winning or losing in the Middle East?
torsdag 26 maj 2016
ISIS- som inte EU bryr sej om att skydda sej mot.
ISIS fyller Libyen och EU har i stort sett inte gjort ett dugg för att skydda sej. Klicka på länken för att se video.
Kollar du tidningen ser du att allt rör sej om illegala infiltratörer i Grekland och Turkiet. EU klarar inte det eftersom de inte försöker totalstoppa eländet och från andra ställen rör det inte dem. De släpper in terroristerna i stället för att stoppa dom.
ISIS on Europe's doorstep
How terror is infiltrating the migrant route
By Nick Paton Walsh, CNN
Updated 1309 GMT (2109 HKT) May 26, 2016
(video, klicka länken ovan)
Tripoli, Libya (CNN)The call was simple, but it changed what an already dark business meant for one smuggler.
Abu Walid knew his caller to be a devout man, a member of ISIS. And his request was chilling. Could he ship 25 of his people from Libya to Europe on a small boat for $40,000?
Abu Walid -- not his real name -- declined. But it is a request that's becoming increasingly common, he told CNN, in the past two months.
ISIS is trying to infiltrate this trade to get their people to Europe from the chaotic and near-failed state of Libya as the route from Turkey to Greece becomes more heavily policed.
"Exploitation of migrant smuggling networks by ISIS in North Africa has only been a matter of time ... the U.S. and Europe need to act quickly, and together," a Western diplomat told CNN.
Libya migrants: Ship capsizes in Mediterranean
Abu Walid's experiences were backed up by two Libyan police officials, who said they had found ISIS militants trying to get to Europe.
He also heard of a recent case of 40 Tunisian ISIS members leaving from the militant stronghold of Sirte. Thwarted by bad weather, they tried again ten days later. He didn't know if they made it.
A senior Libyan military intelligence official in Misrata, Ismail Shukri, said that ISIS militants sought to disguise themselves by traveling with "their families, without weapons, as normal illegal immigrants."
"They will wear American dress and have English language papers so they cause no suspicion."
European officials insist they're trying to be better prepared. A senior EU counter-terrorism official told CNN there were more Europol officers working at potential "hotspots" of entry for migrants.
Still, the prospect of such an influx is a nightmare for Europe.
"If confirmed it is indeed very alarming. It is not one or two trying to move -- it seems more organized," the official told CNN.
MORE: America's quietest war on ISIS
ISIS on Europe's doorstep
How terror is infiltrating the migrant route
By Nick Paton Walsh, CNN
Updated 1309 GMT (2109 HKT) May 26, 2016
(video, klicka länken ovan)
Tripoli, Libya (CNN)The call was simple, but it changed what an already dark business meant for one smuggler.
Abu Walid knew his caller to be a devout man, a member of ISIS. And his request was chilling. Could he ship 25 of his people from Libya to Europe on a small boat for $40,000?
Abu Walid -- not his real name -- declined. But it is a request that's becoming increasingly common, he told CNN, in the past two months.
ISIS is trying to infiltrate this trade to get their people to Europe from the chaotic and near-failed state of Libya as the route from Turkey to Greece becomes more heavily policed.
"Exploitation of migrant smuggling networks by ISIS in North Africa has only been a matter of time ... the U.S. and Europe need to act quickly, and together," a Western diplomat told CNN.
Libya migrants: Ship capsizes in Mediterranean
Abu Walid's experiences were backed up by two Libyan police officials, who said they had found ISIS militants trying to get to Europe.
He also heard of a recent case of 40 Tunisian ISIS members leaving from the militant stronghold of Sirte. Thwarted by bad weather, they tried again ten days later. He didn't know if they made it.
A senior Libyan military intelligence official in Misrata, Ismail Shukri, said that ISIS militants sought to disguise themselves by traveling with "their families, without weapons, as normal illegal immigrants."
"They will wear American dress and have English language papers so they cause no suspicion."
European officials insist they're trying to be better prepared. A senior EU counter-terrorism official told CNN there were more Europol officers working at potential "hotspots" of entry for migrants.
Still, the prospect of such an influx is a nightmare for Europe.
"If confirmed it is indeed very alarming. It is not one or two trying to move -- it seems more organized," the official told CNN.
MORE: America's quietest war on ISIS
Frihandel Israel-Sydkorea.
Israel förhandlar om frihandel innan med Ryssland och Kina och Vietnam. Nu börjar de med Sydkorea.
Israel, South Korea announce free trade talks
Mr. Tae Hee Woo and Amit Lang. (photo credit:HADAS PARUSH/FLASH90)
Israel and South Korea on Tuesday announced the opening of free-trade talks, to commence in two months in Seoul.
In a meeting between Economy Ministry director-general Amit Lang and South Korean Deputy Trade Minister Woo Tae-hee, the two discussed ways to increase trade specifically in the fields of hi-tech, agriculture and industrial research and development, among others.
“A free-trade agreement between Israel and South Korea will be a significant milestone in trade relations between the two countries and carry significant economic potential for them, as well as economic relations between Israel and Asian countries in general,” Lang said.
In 2015, Israel and South Korean trade stood at $1.7 billion, including $578 million in Israeli exports to Korea.
The announcement comes just two months after Israel and China free trade talks, and three months after Israel and Vietnam kicked off their own free trade negotiations. Japan has also recently featured prominently in Israel’s trade strategy, as the two signed an industrial R&D cooperation agreement in 2014.
In their meetings, the sides said an agreement should strive to remove most tariff and other non-tariff barriers to trade, covering goods, services, investment and other forms of economic cooperation.
On a regional level, Asia now rivals the United States as Israel’s second-largest trade partner, though both regions still trail Europe.
Israel, South Korea announce free trade talks
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- IAI, Korean company to develop vertical take-off UAV for South Korea
Mr. Tae Hee Woo and Amit Lang. (photo credit:HADAS PARUSH/FLASH90)
Israel and South Korea on Tuesday announced the opening of free-trade talks, to commence in two months in Seoul.
In a meeting between Economy Ministry director-general Amit Lang and South Korean Deputy Trade Minister Woo Tae-hee, the two discussed ways to increase trade specifically in the fields of hi-tech, agriculture and industrial research and development, among others.
“A free-trade agreement between Israel and South Korea will be a significant milestone in trade relations between the two countries and carry significant economic potential for them, as well as economic relations between Israel and Asian countries in general,” Lang said.
In 2015, Israel and South Korean trade stood at $1.7 billion, including $578 million in Israeli exports to Korea.
The announcement comes just two months after Israel and China free trade talks, and three months after Israel and Vietnam kicked off their own free trade negotiations. Japan has also recently featured prominently in Israel’s trade strategy, as the two signed an industrial R&D cooperation agreement in 2014.
In their meetings, the sides said an agreement should strive to remove most tariff and other non-tariff barriers to trade, covering goods, services, investment and other forms of economic cooperation.
On a regional level, Asia now rivals the United States as Israel’s second-largest trade partner, though both regions still trail Europe.
Löfven hedrar självmordsbombare.
Sveriges regerings systerfolk firar den ena judemördaren efter den andra. Löfven och Wallström borde åka till Ramallah och fira.
| ||||
Vapensmuggling till Gaza från Judeen.
TTs förnumstiga kommentar till Gaza är roande. Inget om vapensmugglingen men om deras "desperata situation" som till 100% beror på deras terror mot Israel. TT kan inte förmå sej till att nämna en sådan trivialitet. Gazanerna kunde ha normal handel med både Egypten och Israel om de hade stoppat all terror - tyvärr är det deras livsnerv att döda judar, läs deras stadgar - Hamas är ointresserad av att höja levnadsstandarden för vanliga gazabor, bara höjdarna inom Hamas som har allt som önskas. Googla på
Gaza millionaires
så får du upp en lång rad artiklar.
Israel intercepts weapons transfer from Judea to Gaza Strip
Shipment carrying materials for mortars from Judea to Gaza Strip via Israel discovered.
By Kobi Finkler
First Publish: 5/26/2016, 11:51 AM
Israel intercepts weapons transfer from Judea to Gaza Strip
Shipment carrying materials for mortars from Judea to Gaza Strip via Israel discovered.
By Kobi Finkler
First Publish: 5/26/2016, 11:51 AM
Tarkumia Crossing
Ofer Ohana
Border control agents, working in conjunction with the Shin Bet internal security agency, confiscated a large shipment at the Tarkumia Crossing in the Hevron region.
The shipment, bound for Gaza via Israel, carried a large quantity of building materials for rockets and mortars, along with heavy-duty electric motors, used to construct and fortify underground facilities.
Security officials believe the shipment was destined for the Hamas terror organization.
The smuggled materials were concealed in what appeared to be a shipment of textiles and jewelry.
Officials say the shipment included hundreds of special pipes used to manufacture rockets and mortars, in addition to motors Hamas likely intended to use to expand its vast underground network.
The shipment was destined for the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza via Israel. Authorities are searching for those responsible for the smuggling attempt.
The shipment, bound for Gaza via Israel, carried a large quantity of building materials for rockets and mortars, along with heavy-duty electric motors, used to construct and fortify underground facilities.
Security officials believe the shipment was destined for the Hamas terror organization.
The smuggled materials were concealed in what appeared to be a shipment of textiles and jewelry.
Officials say the shipment included hundreds of special pipes used to manufacture rockets and mortars, in addition to motors Hamas likely intended to use to expand its vast underground network.
The shipment was destined for the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza via Israel. Authorities are searching for those responsible for the smuggling attempt.
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