fredag 13 maj 2016

Vinner Trump vägrar Londons muslimska borgmästare besöka USA.

Och pesten sprider sej och de upphöjdas rädslan för muslimer i maktpositioner.

Op-Ed: Trump versus the Muslim mayor of London

The new London mayor seems to think he can interfere in the US elections.

Published: Friday, May 13, 2016 6:44 AM

First the good news about Sadiq Khan. In his first act as London’s newly elected Muslim mayor he attended a Holocaust memorial service.


Next we hear that he plans a trip to Israel. This is still good. But after that, and even before that, the news is not so good.

He says that if Trump is elected he won’t come to the United States. (Ain’t that a shame.)

Then he says that if Muslims will be prevented, or limited, from entering the United States there will be consequences. Expect Islamic violence.

If other words, we’re asking for it if we don’t elect someone entirely favorable to the Muslim world. This, of course, excludes Trump and favors Hillary.

But this…

We get Muslim violence regardless who is president, don’t we? We got 9/11 while George W. Bush was in office. Trump was nowhere in sight.

We got Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, San Bernardino and other acts of Muslim violence while Obama was in office and no one’s been more favorable to the Muslim cause than Obama – except maybe LBJ. Back in 1965, LBJ signed into law the (Hart-Celler) Immigration and Naturalization Act that opened America’s doors wide open for Muslims.

Trump was nowhere to be seen when a Muslim Palestinian Arab, Sirhan Sirhan murdered Robert Kennedy in 1968.

LBJ was president and we already know that LBJ’s heart was in the right place for Islam.

So why Trump, when it’s Mayor Khan who should be in the hot seat. The day after he was declared the winner, buses in London were driving along with signs declaring “Glory to Allah” and we imagine that Hamas were handing out candy in Gaza and likewise the PA in Ramallah.

Where – Trump might ask Mayor Khan – yes where is the Jewish mayor of Islamabad?

Or where is the Christian mayor anywhere in Pakistan, Mayor Khan’s ancestral home?

Let me answer – that’ll be the day.

So while the West celebrates itself for being so elaborately diverse, don’t even dream about diversity anywhere along the world’s 57 Islamic states.

Don’t plan on “Glory to Tolerance” buses running through the Maelbeek neighborhood of Brussels.

Only Western Democracies, like Britain, like the United States, like Israel, are expected to extend hospitality and equality – and we do.

In Israel, the Muslim population numbers more than one and a half million and these Palestinian Arab citizens enjoy full and equal rights.

The number for London alone is about 600,000 – “Glory to Allah.” Except that here’s another question from Trump to Khan.

What about the rape epidemic that’s been sweeping parts of London throughout the years?

Khan needs to answer for his Pakistani countrymen who are alleged to be the dominant assailants against thousands of British women and girls.

No wonder, then, that Trump keeps calling for a pause on migrating Syrian refugees.

Altogether, Trump says, we need to think twice about a Muslim influx. He’s appointing Mayor Rudy Giuliani to study the situation.

Mayor Khan may turn out to be an okay guy.

But he’s no Mayor Rudy, who can still smell the burning flesh from what they came and did to us on 9/11.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international classic “Indecent Proposal” now followed by the prophetic newsroom thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website:

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