Som Netanyahu har påpekat många gånger: 17 stater med fredliga kärnenergiprogram har inget behov av att anrika uran, vilket Iran desperat kräver.
Samtidigt kräver de sin rätt att utplåna Israel och samtidigt utvecklar de missiler som når EU och USA och samtidigt levererar de allt bättre vapen till Hizbollah och andra terrorister i Israels grannskap. Konstigt att ingen misstänker något.Netanyahu fördömer världens tystnad över att Iran säger att beslutet att förstöra Israel inte kan förhandlas bort.
Netanyahu reagerar på Basijs befälhavares utrop: "utplåna Israel från kartan", säger att P5 + 1 kan och måste insistera på ett bättre kärnkraftsaffär.
Premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu svarade under onsdagen på gårdagens uttalande av en högt uppsatt iransk militär tjänsteman att Israel bör "utplånas från kartan", återigen kritiserar det internationella samfundet för mjukgörande av deras inställning till Irans nukleära program medan Teheran samtidigt bedriver en allt mer aggressiv utrikespolitik.
"Igår förklarade fräckt en iransk general och jag citerar:" Israels förstörelse är inte förhandlingsbar ", men tydligen - att ge Irans mordregim en tydlig väg till bomben är förhandlingsbart", sade Netanyahu efter de kommentarer från Commander av Irans Basij (volontära) Force, brigadgeneral Mohammad Reza Naqdi.
"Detta är orimligt," förklarade Netanyahu.
"Jag håller med dem som har sagt att Irans påstående att dess kärnprogram är endast för fredliga ändamål inte matchar Irans insisterande på att hålla underjordiska kärnanläggningar, avancerade centrifuger och en tungvattenreaktor (för tillverkning av plutonium)", tillade han. "Inte heller matchar det med Irans insisterande på att utveckla ICBMs (interkontinentala ballistiska missiler) och dess vägran att komma ren med IAEA om dess tidigare beväpningsinsatser."
Att vända från Irans kärnprogram till den ökade användningen av terrorism och andra agenter för att utöka sin kontroll över den bredare Mellanöstern, berättade premiärministern hur "samtidigt Iran påskyndar dess terrorkampanj, underkuvande och erövring i hela regionen, senast i Jemen, "där Shia Houthirebeller, som stöds av Iran, har störtat den jemenitiska regeringen.
"De eftergifter som erbjuds till Iran i Lausanne skulle säkerställa en dålig affär som skulle äventyra Israel, Mellanöstern och freden i världen", fortsatte han, ekande uttalanden han gjorde tidigare i veckan där PM varnade för att affären som diskuteras är värre än han hade fruktat.
"Nu är det dags för det internationella samfundet att insistera på ett bättre avtal," insisterade Netanyahu.
"En bättre affär skulle avsevärt rulla tillbaka Irans nukleära infrastruktur. En bättre affär skulle koppla det slutliga upphävandet av begränsningarna av Irans nukleära program till en förändring i Irans beteende.
"Iran måste stoppa sin aggression i regionen, stoppa dess terrorism i hela världen och stoppa sina hot att utplåna Israel. Det bör vara icke-förhandlingsbara och det är affären som världsmakterna måste insistera på."
Netanyahus kommentarer kommer efter USA bekräftade att de skulle än en gång förlänga tidsfristen för en uppgörelse med Iran, efter den senaste tidens 31 mars deadline kom och gick igår.
Det är den tredje tidsfristen som förhandlarna har missat.
Amerikanska utrikesdepartementets taleskvinna Marie Harf sade att tillräckliga framsteg hade gjorts för att motivera en förlängning, även om det fortfarande fanns "flera svåra frågor" att överbrygga.
Irans förhandlare Hamid Baidinejad sade hans land har ingen brådska att nå en uppgörelse.
"Förhandlingarna kommer att avslutas när lösningar har funnits", sade han, i kommentarer som citeras av BBC. "Vi tittar inte på klockan."
Det har belastat att president Barack Obama är "desperat" att sluta ett avtal och uppvisa en utrikespolitik "prestation", även som Israel och andra källor varnar att affären hotar att lämna den islamiska regimen med förmågan att snabbt producera en kärnvapenarsenal när de känner för det.
Förstärkning v oron för att en dålig affär bildas, avslöjade en medhjälpare till Irans president Hassan Rouhani som hoppade förra veckan att den amerikanska förhandlingsgrupp bara talar "för Irans räkning med andra medlemmar av de P5 + 1-länderna och övertygar dem om en affär. "
PM Pans World Silence over Iran General's Call to Destroy Israel
Netanyahu reacts to Basij commander's 'wiping Israel off the map' comments, says P5+1 can and must insist on a better nuclear deal.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded Wednesday to yesterday's statement by a senior Iranian military official that Israel should be "wiped of the map", once again criticizing international powers for softening their stance on Iran's nuclear program while Tehran simultaneously pursues an ever more aggressive foreign policy.
"Yesterday an Iranian general brazenly declared and I quote: 'Israel'sdestruction is non-negotiable', but evidently giving Iran's murderous regime a clear path to the bomb is negotiable," Netanyahu said of the comments by theCommander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) Force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi.
"This is unconscionable," Netanyahu declared.
"I agree with those who have said that Iran's claim that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes doesn't square with Iran's insistence on keeping underground nuclear facilities, advanced centrifuges and a heavy water reactor," he added. "Nor does it square with Iran's insistence on developing ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) and its refusal to come clean with the IAEA on its past weaponization efforts."
Turning from Iran's nuclear program to its increased use of terrorist and other proxies to expand its control over the wider Middle East, the prime ministernoted how "at the same time, Iran is accelerating its campaign of terror, subjugation and conquest throughout the region, most recently in Yemen," where Shia Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, have ousted the Yemeni government.
"The concessions offered to Iran in Lausanne would ensure a bad deal that would endanger Israel, the Middle East and the peace of the world," he continued, echoing statements he made earlier this week in which the PM warned the deal under discussion is worse than he had feared.
"Now is the time for the international community to insist on a better deal," Netanyahu insisted.
"A better deal would significantly roll back Iran's nuclear infrastructure. A better deal would link the eventual lifting of the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program to a change in Iran's behavior.
"Iran must stop its aggression in the region, stop its terrorism throughout the world and stop its threats to annihilate Israel. That should be non-negotiable and that's the deal that the world powers must insist upon."
Netanyahu's comments come after the US confirmed it would be once again extending the deadline for a deal with Iran, after the recent March 31 deadlinecame and went yesterday.
It is the third deadline to have been missed by P5+1 negotiators.
U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said enough progress had been made to warrant an extension, although there still were "several difficult issues" to bridge.
Iranian negotiator Hamid Baidinejad meanwhile, said his country was in no rush to reach a deal.
"The negotiations will end when solutions have been found," he said, in comments cited by the BBC. "We are not watching the clock."
It has been charged that President Barack Obama is "desperate" to seal a deal and score a foreign policy "achievement," even as Israel and other sources warn the deal threatens to leave the Islamic regime with the ability to rapidly produce a nuclear arsenal at the time of its choosing.
Strengthening concerns that a bad deal is being formed, an aide to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani who defected last week revealed the American negotiating team is just speaking "speak on Iran’s behalf with other members of the P5+1 countries and convince them of a deal."
"Yesterday an Iranian general brazenly declared and I quote: 'Israel'sdestruction is non-negotiable', but evidently giving Iran's murderous regime a clear path to the bomb is negotiable," Netanyahu said of the comments by theCommander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) Force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi.
"This is unconscionable," Netanyahu declared.
"I agree with those who have said that Iran's claim that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes doesn't square with Iran's insistence on keeping underground nuclear facilities, advanced centrifuges and a heavy water reactor," he added. "Nor does it square with Iran's insistence on developing ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) and its refusal to come clean with the IAEA on its past weaponization efforts."
Turning from Iran's nuclear program to its increased use of terrorist and other proxies to expand its control over the wider Middle East, the prime ministernoted how "at the same time, Iran is accelerating its campaign of terror, subjugation and conquest throughout the region, most recently in Yemen," where Shia Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, have ousted the Yemeni government.
"The concessions offered to Iran in Lausanne would ensure a bad deal that would endanger Israel, the Middle East and the peace of the world," he continued, echoing statements he made earlier this week in which the PM warned the deal under discussion is worse than he had feared.
"Now is the time for the international community to insist on a better deal," Netanyahu insisted.
"A better deal would significantly roll back Iran's nuclear infrastructure. A better deal would link the eventual lifting of the restrictions on Iran's nuclear program to a change in Iran's behavior.
"Iran must stop its aggression in the region, stop its terrorism throughout the world and stop its threats to annihilate Israel. That should be non-negotiable and that's the deal that the world powers must insist upon."
Netanyahu's comments come after the US confirmed it would be once again extending the deadline for a deal with Iran, after the recent March 31 deadlinecame and went yesterday.
It is the third deadline to have been missed by P5+1 negotiators.
U.S. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said enough progress had been made to warrant an extension, although there still were "several difficult issues" to bridge.
Iranian negotiator Hamid Baidinejad meanwhile, said his country was in no rush to reach a deal.
"The negotiations will end when solutions have been found," he said, in comments cited by the BBC. "We are not watching the clock."
It has been charged that President Barack Obama is "desperate" to seal a deal and score a foreign policy "achievement," even as Israel and other sources warn the deal threatens to leave the Islamic regime with the ability to rapidly produce a nuclear arsenal at the time of its choosing.
Strengthening concerns that a bad deal is being formed, an aide to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani who defected last week revealed the American negotiating team is just speaking "speak on Iran’s behalf with other members of the P5+1 countries and convince them of a deal."
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